The library is split between two rooms in St. John's College. We'll probably be basing meetings in Mike Froggat's room, using Dave Sheldon's room for overspill and access to that half of the books. Both rooms are in Tommy White Quad, which is the large one with sixties architecture and the bar. To reach it, go left in the front quad by the lodge, straight across the next quad, and down the covered passage in the corner. Mike's room is staircase 8, room 29, right at the very top. Dave's room is staircase 6, room 4.
Video meetings are in Magdalen JCR. Go in through the porter's lodge on High St and head for the second quad on the left (the first is easy to miss; you have to turn immediately left after leaving the lodge to notice it. But if I didn't point out that there are two someone would inevitably go wrong :-) . You should then pass the chapel on your right. Bear right through cloisters, then left at the big stone steps (which will be on your right. It leads up to Hall, if you're interested). If you don't turn here, you'll walk into the bar (which you may prefer, who knows?). Anyway, you then want the first staircase on the right (normal-sized, this time). Up one flight, then the JCR will be right in front of you. You want the room on the right (with the pool table).
Discussion meetings are in Ruth's room, Balliol staircase 17, room 10. If you don't know the door code, please contact Ruth.