1st week: Videos - Blade Runner and Metropolis 2nd week: Discussion - Ruth on terraforming in SF 3rd week: Videos - Anime night 4th week: Discussion - Tom and Niall on nanotech and stuff, I think. 5th week: Dave Langford, in Oriel JCR annexe 6th week: Michael Marshall Smith, in Oriel JCR annexe 7th week: Videos - Something (can't remember) and Cube 8th week: Phillip Pullman, in Oriel JCR annexe
Sunday 7th week: AGM - if you want to stand for a committee post, you need to nominate yourself, and get someone to second you. You also need a second if you want to modify the constitution.
Saturday 7th week: Banquet - probably in St Johns, probably costing somewhere in the region of twenty quid, black tie or something cool is the dress code, I think.
Bonus videos:
Monday 5th week: Mysterious Cities of Gold Monday 8th week: Wizard of Oz (with Pink Floyd), Reboot
Note - traditionally, the AGM has been the day after the banquet. This is changing this year, as else not all the committee can make it.