Zool II: Conquerors of Zool
You can download Conquerors of Zool as
a single file (435k), or view each chapter individually. All files are in
PDF ("Adobe
Acrobat") format.
- The Blurb
- Dramatis Personæ
- Introduction
Cop Out
by Maxwell's Dæmon
- Episode One
by V. Hammer and The Plignoid
- Episode Two
The Plot Thickens... and then Congeals
by Molin Cax and
Dubiatrius Xam Norocon Objecticus Aristootle Liberloonicus XXIII
- Episode Three
Reality is a Substratum of the Imagination
by The Stainless Steel
- Episode Four
The Holy Cactus
by Citrus the Werewolf
- Episode Five
by Thur of Orlust
- Episode Six
Prophet and Messiah
by Korb the Omniscient
- Episode Seven
Of Lentils and a Screwdriver
by The Reverend Graham Stiles
- Episode Eight
Purple Prose and Red Herrings, But Denitely No
Blue Jokes
by Prinz Gestetner von Herpes
- Episode Nine
Episode XXIII
by Molin (or is it Cax)
- Episode Ten
Violence is a Perfectly Acceptable Alternative
by Cutlass, the
innitely aged
- Episode Eleven
A Spider, a Ghost, the Income-Tax, Gout, and an
Umbrella for Three
by The Midnite Skulker
- Episode Twelve
Truth Justice and the Joy of Overacting
by Maxwell's Dæmon
and The Midnite Skulker
Episode Twelve was performed as the punt party play (Summer 1987? -
actually in Ivan Towlson's room, because it was raining).
http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ousfg/zool/zool2/ last
modified 23rd May 2000 by Tim Adye, <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>