Zool II: Conquerors of Zool

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The Blurb
Dramatis Personæ
Cop Out
by Maxwell's Dæmon
Episode One
by V. Hammer and The Plignoid
Episode Two
The Plot Thickens... and then Congeals
by Molin Cax and Dubiatrius Xam Norocon Objecticus Aristootle Liberloonicus XXIII
Episode Three
Reality is a Substratum of the Imagination
by The Stainless Steel Hamster
Episode Four
The Holy Cactus
by Citrus the Werewolf
Episode Five
by Thur of Orlust
Episode Six
Prophet and Messiah
by Korb the Omniscient
Episode Seven
Of Lentils and a Screwdriver
by The Reverend Graham Stiles
Episode Eight
Purple Prose and Red Herrings, But Denitely No Blue Jokes
by Prinz Gestetner von Herpes
Episode Nine
Episode XXIII
by Molin (or is it Cax)
Episode Ten
Violence is a Perfectly Acceptable Alternative
by Cutlass, the innitely aged
Episode Eleven
A Spider, a Ghost, the Income-Tax, Gout, and an Umbrella for Three
by The Midnite Skulker
Episode Twelve
Truth Justice and the Joy of Overacting
by Maxwell's Dæmon and The Midnite Skulker
Episode Twelve was performed as the punt party play (Summer 1987? - actually in Ivan Towlson's room, because it was raining).
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Tim Adye, <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>