IBF TT20 week 7

Week 7. Revolution and beyond


Doyle, William. The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: OUP, 2001.

Kates, Gary (ed.). The French Revolution. Recent Debates and New Controversies. London: Routledge, 1998.

Lewis, G. The French Revolution: Rethinking the Debate. London: Routledge, 1993.

Pilbeam, Pamela, "Upheaval and continuity, 1814-1880," Ch. 2 in Revolutionary France, M. Crook ed. (Oxford: OUP, 2001), pp. 36-62.


Asselain, Jean-Charles, "Continuités, traumatismes, mutations," Revue économique, vol. 40 no. 6 (Nov. 1989), pp. 1137-88.

Crouzet, François, "Les conséquences économiques de la Révolution française: Réflexions sur un débat," Revue économique, vol. 40 no. 6 (Nov. 1989), pp. 1189-1203.

Juhász, Réka, "Temporary Protection and Technology Adoption: Evidence from the Napoleonic Blockade," American Economic Review, vol. 108, no. 11 (2018), pp. 3339-76.

Lacroix, Jean, "Steam democracy up! Industrialization-led opposition in Napoleonic plebiscites," EREH, vol. 22 (2017), pp. 135-60. Argues that industrialisation undermined support for Napoleon III.

Markoff, John, "Violence, Emancipation, and Democracy: The Countryside and the French Revolution," American Historical Review, vol. 100, No. 2 (April 1995), pp. 360-386.

Postel-Vinay, Gilles, "A la recherche de la révolution économique dans les campagnes (1789-1815)," Revue économique, vol. 40, no. 6 (Nov. 1989), pp. 1189-1203.

Sutherland, D.M.G., "Peasants, Lords, and Leviathan: Winners and Losers from the Abolition of French Feudalism, 1780-1820," JEH, vol. 62, no. 1 (March 2002), pp. 1-24.