Essays in lieu of exam written for Italy since 1800
10,000 words
The Institutions of the Family in Italian Economic History: Regional Patterns and Global Consequences
Social Capital and Multiculturalism: The Case of Italy
To what extent was the persistence of the North-South divide in Liberal Italy from 1861-1922 the result of what Gramsci termed a 'passive revolution'?
Business Cycles, Credit Cycles, and Early Warning Indicators of Debt Crises since Unification (1861-2023)
Just a Coinage Union? Did Italy's sovereign bonds benefit from its membership in the Latin Monetary Union?
United against Bolshevism: A comparative analysis of fascism's rise to power in Italy and Spain
Parliamentary Resistance and Central Bank Expansion: A Comparative Study of Italy and Germany During Unification
5,000 words
The way to a modern central bank: The Bank of Italy, 1893-1936
Bank-Firm Relationships in Interwar Italy
The Napoleonic Reforms in Italy and Germany: A Harbinger of Economic Change?
An Economic History of Winemaking in Italy
The Early Sicilian Mafia: Brokers in the Concrete or the Subjective?
The Early Italian Car Industry in Context
Fighting Malaria in Italy
The Capital of the Italians: Growth and Transformation in 19th-century Rome
Warfare and State Capacity in the Mediterranean: Muhammad Ali's Egypt and Lessons from Pre-Unification Italy
The Italian Colonisation of Libya and Its Economic Implications
The crisis of feudalism in the Italian south
The critique of Economic theory in the Italian interwar period
Those Who Stayed and Those Who Left: Self- Selection of Italian Migrants in the Age of Mass Migration
"Popolo Italiano! Corri alle Armi": Military Expenditure in the 1930s, an International Comparison