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Rohan Watt

Department of Politics and International Relations | University of Oxford

I'm a DPhil in International Relations candidate at the University of Oxford, where I pursue my policy interests in security governance and individual rights. Right now, I'm working on extending my masters research on the expanded use of the UN Security Council's Chapter VII authority in addressing contemporary security challenges.

My doctorate research is supported by a Ramsay Scholarship, generously funded by the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation in Sydney, Australia. Previously, my work at Oxford has been supported by the Governor Phillip Scholarship, whose purpose is to further bilateral relations between the UK and Australia by seeking to create an inspirational generation of leaders, academics and global citizens for the benefit of both nations.

I am also an Australian lawyer with experience in managing governance issues, political strategy, and change management.

If you're interested my work, I'd be glad to hear from you. Send me a message at rohan.watt@politics.ox.ac.uk.

If you're getting in touch, you should also consider messaging me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

My departmental profile is here.

Most recent publication

Watt, R. C. (2021). "AUKUS is a victory for freedom, democracy, and the rule of law." CapX. 17 September 2021.