The Thalamus Club
University of Oxford
Founded in 2016
Overview of the Thalamus Club
The Thalamus Club consists of a network of scientists interested in the interactions between the body and environment and the brain.
It is complementary to the Cortex Club
Whether you are an established professor or just starting out as an undergraduate, everyone is welcome. We especially encourage discussions between senior and junior colleagues.
Our two main activities are:
- Informal gatherings at the Lamb & Flag to discuss a selected topic of interest and highlight areas of ignorance
-A book club, involving monthly meetings covering each chapter of a selected book
The current organiser of the club is Dr Tim Viney (Department of Pharmacology)
To join our mailing list, please send a blank email to
To be added to our Teams channel, please contact
The Thalamus Club was founded in 2016 by Professor Ray Guillery
It started out as small informal gathering of scientists meeting at the Lamb & Flag pub to discuss areas of ignorance surrounding research relating to neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.
Dr Kouichi Nakamura ran the club from 2017 to 2021. The Club was subsequently jointly run by Kouichi and Tim until Trinity Term 2023.
The Club has attracted a wide range of students and staff.
During the national lockdowns the book club moved online, but has since returned to in-person meetings.
The Lamb & Flag also closed down in 2020 but reopened in 2022
Upcoming events
Lamb & Flag - 20 November 2023 - 5.30pm - Intelligence (Biological versus Artificial)
Past events
Lamb & Flag:
16th October 2023 - Consciousness
Relevant information
Acsády L (2022) Organization of Thalamic Inputs. In: The Thalamus, pp. 27-44.
Seth AK, Bayne T (2022) Theories of consciousness. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 23: 439-452
Blakemore SJ, Wolpert DM, Frith CD (1998) Central cancellation of self-produced tickle sensation. Nat Neurosci 1: 635-640
Thalamus Book Club: The Evolutionary Road to Human Memory
2022 - 2023
Thalamus Book Club: The Brain from Inside Out
2019 - 2021
Thalamus Book Club: The Brain as a Tool
2018 - 2019
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