Lane Posn 2000 1500 1000 500 ITA ITALIEN 4 1 06:16.14 04:43.69 03:09.91 01:34.61 PETTINARI LEONARDO CRISPI MICHELANGELO GER DEUTSCHLAND I 3 2 06:17.40 04:44.88 03:10.14 01:34.04 EULER INGO RUEHLING BERNHARD POL POLEN 1 3 06:18.20 04:41.07 03:06.18 01:32.59 KUCHARSKI TOMASZ SYCZ ROBERT AUS AUSTRALIA I 5 4 06:20.83 04:44.60 03:10.50 01:34.90 LYNAGH GARY EDWARDS ANTHONY SUI SCHWEIZ 2 5 06:22.23 04:45.86 03:10.88 01:35.35 GIER MARKUS GIER MICHAEL ESP SPANIEN 6 6 06:23.68 04:47.77 03:12.19 01:36.12 SAEZ JUAN-CARLOS DE MARCO JOSE MARIA
This was anyone's race initially, with the Poles moving out a touch and consolidating with a push at 900. At 1400 they were still ahead, with Italy pushing to try and shake the Germans off, and the Swiss double of the Gier brothers in trouble and unable to stay with the pack. At 1800 Italy and Poland were neck and neck, where Poland went again, matched by both Italy and a snapping Germany at 1900 metres. A very close finish gave it to Italy by a short head from Germany.
Lane Posn 2000 1500 1000 500 FRA FRANCE 3 1 06:29.03 04:52.71 03:13.15 01:35.26 TOURON PASCAL DUFOUR FREDERIC SWE SCHWEDEN I 4 2 06:30.35 04:55.32 03:16.48 01:35.97 BATEMYR ANDERS CHRISTENSSON ANDERS GRE GRIECHENLAND 1 3 06:31.58 04:56.52 03:16.84 01:37.49 DIMITRIOY GEORGIOS POLYMEROS VASILIS USA USA I 2 4 06:33.82 04:55.03 03:15.07 01:35.56 KLEIN BARRY WEAVER RANSOM FIN FINLAND 6 5 06:35.83 04:57.73 01:36.98 HALTSONEN TOMAS JAERVINEN TEEMU RUS RUSSLAND 5 6 06:41.82 04:58.95 03:17.54 01:38.23 SOUVORKOV GUEORGUI MITIOUCHEV VLADIMIRE
A quick clean start, with Sweden and Finland showing in front at the 250 mark. Just after that the French pushed through from fourth place to the front, taking the US double with them. The French continued their burst for at least 30 strokes before the 500 metres, trying to shake the US, but to no avail. This continued until the end of the boating area, where the Swedes started a serious blast from third place, breaking the USA, who were pipped to third by a late jump in rate from the Greeks. The Swedish effort was brave, but first place was denied by a French crew still well in control of the race.
Lane Posn 2000 1500 1000 500 ITA ITALIEN 3 1 06:16.81 04:42.99 03:08.912 01:33.52 PETTINARI LEONARDO CRISPI MICHELANGELO AUS AUSTRALIA I 1 2 06:18.47 04:42.44 03:08.26 01:32.55 LYNAGH GARY EDWARDS ANTHONY ESP SPANIEN 4 3 06:18.64 04:43.96 03:09.14 01:33.88 SAEZ JUAN-CARLOS DE MARCO JOSE MARIA FRA FRANCE 2 4 06:19.30 04:46.27 03:10.18 01:34.48 TOURON PASCAL DUFOUR FREDERIC USA USA I 6 5 06:34.88 04:49.89 03:12.04 01:35.72 KLEIN BARRY WEAVER RANSOM FIN FINLAND 5 6 06:43.92 04:52.56 03:11.81 01:34.94 HALTSONEN TOMAS JAERVINEN TEEMU
Where they go next:
1-3 to FA, rest to FB.
Lane Posn 2000 1500 1000 500 GER DEUTSCHLAND I 3 1 06:17.04 04:43.64 03:07.08 EULER INGO RUEHLING BERNHARD SUI SCHWEIZ 2 2 06:20.14 04:44.03 03:08.75 GIER MARKUS GIER MICHAEL POL POLEN 4 3 06:21.47 04:43.82 03:06.06 KUCHARSKI TOMASZ SYCZ ROBERT SWE SCHWEDEN I 5 4 06:24.90 04:49.81 03:11.19 BATEMYR ANDERS CHRISTENSSON ANDERS RUS RUSSLAND 6 5 06:25.36 04:49.01 03:10.22 SOUVORKOV GUEORGUI MITIOUCHEV VLADIMIRE GRE GRIECHENLAND 1 6 06:26.12 04:50.52 03:12.16 DIMITRIOY GEORGIOS POLYMEROS VASILIS
Where they go next:
1-3 to FA, rest to FB.
Lane Posn 2000 1500 1000 500 SUI SCHWEIZ 3 1 06:36.33 04:55.53 03:15.35 01:36.37 GIER MARKUS GIER MICHAEL AUS AUSTRALIA I 1206:37.08 04:56.56 03:16.73 01:37.55 LYNAGH GARY EDWARDS ANTHONY USA USA I 4 3 06:40.93 04:59.36 03:17.22 01:37.26 KLEIN BARRY WEAVER RANSOM GBR GREAT-BRITAIN 2 4 06:47.79 05:06.92 03:22.79 01:39.95 BEECHEY MATTHEW BEDINGFIELD TIM NOR NORWEGEN 5 5 06:52.35 05:07.71 03:23.22 01:39.54 RONNE KJETIL JONASSEN JONE
Where they go next:
1-2 to SF.
Lane Posn 2000 1500 1000 500 WE SCHWEDEN I 2 1 06:38.45 04:57.56 03:14.97 01:35.85 BATEMYR ANDERS CHRISTENSSON ANDERS FIN FINLAND 3 2 06:39.68 04:58.07 03:16.48 01:37.01 HALTSONEN TOMAS JAERVINEN TEEMU USA USA II 4 3 06:42.04 05:00.60 03:17.38 01:36.72 MARTINEZ JAMES WESSELLS COOPER RSA SOUTH AFRICA 1 4 06:42.20 05:00.97 03:18.72 01:37.85 TOBLER ROGER COSTA GARETH
Where they go next:
1-2 to SF.
Lane Posn 2000 1500 1000 500 AUT OESTERREICH 1 1 06:37.36 04:55.86 03:14.20 01:35.84 JURTSCHITSCH HELFRIED KOBAU MARTIN GRE GRIECHENLAND 3 2 06:39.07 04:58.20 03:18.10 01:38.07 DIMITRIOY GEORGIOS POLYMEROS VASILIS AUS AUSTRALIA II 2 3 06:43.12 05:03.66 03:20.71 01:39.40 PARKER KARL LOFTUS GLEN NED NEDERLAND 4 4 06:47.48 05:04.77 03:19.88 01:38.40 VAN DER LINDEN MAARTEN BAKKER DIRKS RONALD
Where they go next:
1-2 to SF.
Lane Posn 2000 1500 1000 500 FRA FRANCE 1 1 06:38.25 04:57.95 03:17.72 01:37.58 TOURON PASCAL DUFOUR FREDERIC RUS RUSSLAND 4 2 06:41.69 05:00.21 03:16.86 01:36.43 SOUVORKOV GUEORGUI MITIOUCHEV VLADIMIRE DEN DENMARK 2 3 06:42.59 05:04.33 03:22.33 01:40.52 BREMS ANDERS BECH TORBEN GER DEUTSCHLAND II 3 4 06:47.13 05:04.92 03:21.14 01:38.72 ACHTRUTH LARS SCHENCK HENDRICK
Where they go next:
1-2 to SF.
Lane Country 500 1000 1500 2000 place 1 FIN 1:35.88 3:17.10 5:00.58 6:48.50 4th 2 NED 1:39.40 3:22.93 5:08.67 6:55.79 5th 3 FRA 1:36.53 3:15.63 4:55.01 6:33.84 1st 4 ESP 1:37.92 3:17.96 4:55.95 6:33.66 2nd 5 USA1 1:38.13 3:18.15 4:58.95 6:44.12 3rd
Where they go next:
1st to SF, rest to rep.
Lane Country 500 1000 1500 2000 place 1 RSA 1:38.41 3:22.53 5:15.56 7:21.21 5th 2 ITA 1:36.64 3:15.31 4:54.68 6:39.79 1st 3 AUT 1:35.05 3:14.65 4:57.06 6:47.82 2nd 4 RUS 1:38.22 3:19.55 5.01.44 6:49.56 3rd 5 NOR 1:39.72 3:22.26 5:06.72 6:52.16 4th
Where they go next:
1st to SF, rest to rep.
Lane Country 500 1000 1500 2000 place 1 GBR 1:39.53 3:22.19 5:03.57 6:45.71 5th 2 SWE1 1:35.74 3:16.80 4:57.70 6:39.91 2nd 3 GER1 1:36.07 3:15.89 4:55.28 6:37.55 1st 4 DEN 1:38.81 3:21.38 5:05.82 6:44.20 4th 5 AUS2 1:39.38 3:20.90 5:00.82 6:41.58 3rd
Where they go next:
1st to SF, rest to rep.
No results here yet.
Where they go next:
1st to SF, rest to rep.