FISA World Cup 1997

Press Release for Lucerne round

FISA World Cup 1997 Index

The finals of the 1997 Rowing World Cup take place in Lucerne this weekend (11-13 July) with 26 Atlanta Olympic gold medalists and 71 Atlanta medalists competing for a record 41 nations entered.

Boats to Watch:

The Rowing World Cup features Championship-style racing with an exciting Finals timetable. The Rowing World Cup concentrates on the fourteen Olympic boat classes. Nations may only enter two boats per event. Germany is the overall leader after two events with 139 points, followed by Great Britain (73), France (55), Romania (54), Denmark (46), and Belarus (45).

The Lucerne regatta starts on Friday, 11 July at 10:00 hrs with the Rowing World Cup final races on Sunday, 13 July from 13:30 to 17:15 hrs at the Rotsee International Regatta Course in Lucerne.

1997 Rowing World Cup / Coupe du monde d^Òaviron 1997 Lucerne - Rotsee International Regatta Course / Champ de courses international - Lucerne/Rotsee 11-13 July 1997 / 11-13 juillet 1997.

Final Entries - Engagements définitifs

* indicates Rowing World Cup leaders following the regattas in Munich and Paris - * indique les rameurs (euses) en tête de la Coupe du monde d^Òaviron après les régates à Munich et Paris.

The Rowing Service