Boat Race 1998 TV

TV coverage for the Boat Race 1998

The Rowing Service

This information is provided by the official media organisers, Scope Ketchum.The geographical categories are theirs.

For other press information please contact them on telephone +44-171-379-3234 or fax +44-171-240-7729

To chase up a programme, first contact the relevant TV station where mentioned.Then if they do not have answers, contact Scope Ketchum. If I get further information about screenings in April and May I will update this page.

Please do the newsgroupa favour and publicise this information to others you know may be interested.

Territory	B'caster	Type			Probable date	NotesEUROPEBelgium		VRT		News coverage and feature	28th March	Germany		ZDF		Feature in "sportstudio"	28th MarchGreece		ERT		nothing confirmed, was live in 1997	Portugal	RTP		Delayed				6th AprilItaly		RAi		Live				28th MarchPan Europe	NBC Super.	Documentary probable		?UK		BBC		Live				28th MarchMalta		PBS		Documentary			?Spain		TVE		Live + deferred Telesports	28th MarchSCANDINAVIADenmark		DR		News coverage		28th March	*Norway		NRK		News coverage		28th March	*Finland		Channel 4	Documentary		29th March 	?Sweden		SVT		Feature from BBC cov¹ge			?EASTERN EUROPEBulgaria	BNT		Delayed				28th MarchCroatia		Croat.TV	Live				28th MarchCzech Rep.	Prime TV	Feature "Sports Cocktail"	29th MarchEstonia		TV3		Documentary				?Georgia		Geo State	nothing yet confirmedLithuania	Lith State	Documentary				?Macedonia	Mac State	Documentary				?Romania		Antena1	Live and documentary		28th March	SOS ch.Slovakia	Slovak TV	Documentary			6th AprilRussia		Kuitura Ch	Documentary			late April	Yugoslavia		YugoslavTV	Live					28th MarchSOUTH AMERICAArgentina	Torneos N.	Delayed and documentary	28th March	@Uruguay		Sodre TV	Documentary (Channel 5)	late AprilBrazil		Globo Sat	Delayed and documentary	?		@eurochampions	ARA		(no country given)		?	@Dominican Rep	Local stns	Allied Domecq distributor	?	Cent/Sth Amer	Fox Sport	Documentary			?AFRICA and MIDDLE EASTSouth Africa	MNET		Live				28th March		Afr. Ntwk	Live				28th MarchPan Mid. East	ART		Live				28th MarchIsrael		JCS Sports	Documentary			?ASIAPan Asia	NBC Super.	Documentary probable		?Hong Kong	Star TV	Documentary			?Asian Pacific	Star TV	Documentary			?Singapore	TV12		Documentary			?Japan airline		inflight possible doc.Japan		NHK DBS	interest in documentaryAustralia	Fox Sport	Documentary			?New Zealand	SKY TV	Documentary			?USA and CANADAUSA		Fox Sports	Documentary			?USA		NBC		possible feature interestCanada		TSN		Documentary			?

Notes and abbreviations:

Other information on the official Boat Race site and the Regatta Magazine pages.