Something which has been mentioned often to meis the lack of rowing clip-art as opposed to general pictures.Eg simple images which would be useful for decoration ofnewsletters, event posters, etc.
I have now decided to go into partnership with a graphic artistwho was in my crew last summer to fill this gap. We have produced a collection of .gif clip-art images, on a rowing/sculling theme. This is smallenough to fit comfortably onto a 3.25 inch floppy disk,although we can also make the file available as an email attachment.
The aims are twofold - to fill a gap which is clearly there, and in asmall way to fund the octopus of the Rowing Service, which is extendingits tentacles further into every corner of my life.... The profits areshared 50:50 with Alistair, the artist, to pay for his time and expertise.
The first issue of this collection costs £10 and was made available on 10th April 1997.
The collection is copyright to Rachel Quarrell and Alistair Ross and although they may be used for newsletters, web pages etc. the disk may not becopied without consent. Credit on web pages will be appreciated.
Collection two is likely to be forthcoming in 1998.