Henley Royal Regatta Friday Results
Return to Henley IndexReturn to RQ's Web pageFRIDAY RESULTS, HRR.Crews are listed as winner beats loser, with * indicating the losing crew in front at a time-point, ! indicating a broken record, and $ indicating an equalled record. Records are kept separately for each event. For the uninitiated, the Barrier lies between the 1/4 mile and the 1/2 mile markers, Fawley is just under half way up the course, and the total distance is 1 mile 550 yards. Other points include Remenham, which is about 1500 m up the course, and the Enclosures, which mark between 40-50 strokes to go depending on your rate. Crews are listed here in order of racing within each event. Please consult the appropriate draw to discover more information.Events: B (Britannia Cup) D (Diamonds) DS (Double Sculls) F (Fawley Challenge Cup). G (Grand) L (Ladies' Plate) PE (Princess Elizabeth Cup) PP (Prince Philip) QM (Queen Mother) SC (Stewards' Cup) SN (Silver Goblets and Nickalls) T (Temple) Th (Thames Cup) V (Visitors)W (Wyfold) WS (Women's Sculls) E denotes a verdict of Easily (over 5 lengths). DSQ speaks for itself.1 ft denotes 1 foot and cvs a canvas.***************************************************************************Event Winner bt Loser by (lengths) Barr. Faw. Finish.***************************************************************************B Henley Staines 1.75 2:02 3:25 7:12B UCD Syracuse 1.75 2:03* 3:29 7:21B UL London 3.5 1:59 3:20 7:06B Wallingford Neptune 2.5 2:01 3:25 7:07D Aly Free 1.25 2:15 3:52 7:59D Antonie Sweeney 3.25 2:17 3:49 8:05D Beasley Rowe 3.25 2:17 3:49 7:58D Chalupa Goodbrand E 2:12 3:46 7:54D Hall-Craggs Davis 4.75 2:14 3:50 8:06D Jaanson Hase 4 2:16 3:49 7:54D McLachlan Holmes 1 2:16 3:52 8:07D Muller Wake E 2:14 3:48 8:12DS Augusta TSS 2 2:04 3:28 7:19DS Leander TRC/LRC E 2.03 3:31 7:23DS Tweed Heads/Melb. NCRA 1.75 2:05 3:33 7:25DS UL Ross/Zapata 2 2:06 3:32 7:20F Borlase's Emanuel E 2:01 3:27 7:07F Haverford King's Roch E 1:59 3:22 7:13F Marlow Tiffin Sch 3.5 2:02 3:26 7:11F Trafford/Star Windsor B's 5 2:01 3:25 7:13L LRC/NCRA NCRA "B" 2.25 1:47$ 2:59$ 6:16L NCRA "A" Ox. Brookes E 1:47$ 3:00 6:20L Princeton Leander/Ox. 1.5 1:48 3:03 6:20L Washington Free Press 3 1:48 3:06 6:34PE Eton King's Ch A 1.25 1:51 3:09 6:40PE Hampton "A" Radley "A" 2.25 1:50 3:07 6:40PE St. Joseph's Radley "B " 2.25 1:52 3:11 6:47PE St. Paul's "A" Abingdon 2.75 1:52 3:10 6:46PP Belfast Ox. Brookes 4.75 2:02 3:25 7:12QM Augusta Castle S. 4 1:51 3:09 6:39QM Dinamo Walton E 1:59 3:19 6:45QM Kingston/MBC Henley cvs 2:00* 3:22* 6:55QM TSS "B" Leander 1 1:55 3:13 6:38SN CUBC Mitsubishi 2 2:13 3:45 7:49SN Leander Hammonia 1.5 2:05 3:35 7:46SN Queen's Tower Aberdeen 4.5 2:12 3:31 7:45SN Stourport LRC/NCRA 3.25 2:10 3:42 7:56T Cincinnati Brasenose 1/2 1:53 3:11 6:35T KGS RMA Sandh. 1/2 1:53* 3:12* 6:41T Ox. Brookes Nihon 2.25 1:49 3:03 6:43T TCD Newcastle U 3/4 1:52 3:08 6:33Th Goldie MIT 4 2:16 3:03 6:26Th Harvard Syracuse 1.75 1:51 3:07 6.31Th Imperial Stanford E 1:50 3:07 6:35Th London "A" St. Andrew 1 1:50 3:05 6:24 :)Th Nereus Galway 2/3 1:50 3:05 6:22Th Nottingham Thames "A" 4 1:52 3:10 6:42Th U Washington Heidelberg 1/2 1:48 3:02 6:18Th UL Kingston 2 1:51 3:07 6:36V Isis Argo 1.5 2:00 3:22 7:04V Ox. Brookes Liverpool 2 2:02 3:25 7:06V U. Toronto CULRC 1.25 1:59 3:20 7:02V UL Nephthys 3.25 1:59 3:21 7:06W Lea "A" Nott. "B" 3/4 2:02 3:22 6:56W LRC "A" LRC "B" 4.5 1:56 3:18 7:04W UL Tyrian Notts & Un. 1.75 1:58 3:18 7:05W UTRC "A" Lea "C" 1 2:00 3:22 6:54WS Batten Carroll E 2:28 4:10 8:43WS Brandin Freckleton E 2:24 4:04 8:29$WS Harkins Grose 3.75 2:32 4:15 9:05WS Laumann Jowitt E 2:22$ 4:07 8:42WS Reid Rudkin E 2:31 4:16 8:51WS Springman rowed over (Davidon withdrawn)usculled58icKYMX%eNcK`MZTZO`PUd`B(nB(o[eNerx75Hic\MYOXphu&hQ(VfDYOX P"hN-@HxQPHxV/.N'&@hTgBUVpVRPhOUVZO`L>OvBW/ T P"hXNOjZO`PrmsN^Nuc@;pvw.BUi FG?eEo N s t EoO~!FGmAk3!!!^3X Imn3\!@*%!!!!! 3!2XnV P22;;HPX(D-^&'=/RP-:LaserWriter.ChicagoNew YorkGenevaMonacoVeniceFutureCairoLos AngelesBookmanPalatinoYerkesZapf ChanceryTimes HelveticaCourierSymbol!Avant Garde2RavennaXCalligraphynMelroseSeattleUncialTechCamelotSnyderSpeedBerlinParisFoxTrotMediumGoudyHundredCanaithBrassfieldVOxNard MarydaleP ArchitectComicsCarToonOctavian2AnimalMarkerFinePointMarkerFeltWideKennonZacharyMyriad HeadlineMyriad Sketch2Swis721 BlkEx BT Black;Brush738 BT Regular;BernhardMod BT RomandddEEdU3ʀ