Henley Royal Regatta Thursday Results
Return to Henley IndexReturn to RQ's Web pageTHURSDAY RESULTS, HRR (in full)Conditions: started out high tailwind, probably faster than Wednesday, then flattened and swung round slowly through the afternoon to a tail-cross, almost head-cross at times. Almost no wind for the first half of the course for some later races, very calm in the evening. Stream low but noticeable (the course is raced upstream, although in dry conditions as now there is little to worry about). Crews are listed as winner beats loser, with * indicating the losing crew in front at a time-point, ! indicating a broken record, and $ indicating an equalled record. Records are kept separately for each event. For the uninitiated, the Barrier lies between the 1/4 mile and the 1/2 mile markers, Fawley is just under half way up the course, and the total distance is 1 mile 550 yards. Other points include Remenham, which is about 1500 m up the course, and the Enclosures, which mark between 40-50 strokes to go depending on your rate. Crews are listed here in order of racing within each event. Please consult the appropriate draw to discover more information.Events: B (Britannia Cup) D (Diamonds) DS (Double Sculls) F (Fawley Challenge Cup). G (Grand) L (Ladies' Plate) PE (Princess Elizabeth Cup) PP (Prince Philip) QM (Queen Mother) SC (Stewards' Cup) SN (Silver Goblets and Nickalls) T (Temple) Th (Thames Cup) V (Visitors)W (Wyfold) WS (Women's Sculls) E denotes a verdict of Easily (over 5 lengths). DSQ speaks for itself.1 ft denotes 1 foot and cvs a canvas.***************************************************************************Event Winner bt Loser by (lengths) Barr. Faw. Finish.***************************************************************************B Henley Episcopal 1.25 2:05 3:27 7:14B London Queen's Tr. 1.5 2:03 3:30 7:23B Neptune "A" Auriol K cvs 2:02 3:26 7:01B Staines Lea 1 2:09 3:35 7:23B Syracuse Florida I 3/4 2:04 3:31 7:17B UCD Vesta 2/3 2:09 3:37 7:24B UL Sons otT 2 2:02* 3:24 7:09B Wallingford Kolner 1.75 2:00 3:24 7:05D Davis Hobbs 3 2:20* 3:56 8:21D Free Brenden E 2:18 3:54 8:29D Goodbrand Paice 4.25 2:17 3:48 7:56D Halford Holmes 2.25 2:23 3:58 8:09D Hase Hughes E 2:16 3:48 7:53D Rowe Webber 4.75 2:16 3:50 8:10D Sweeney Hammond 1.5 2:19 3:56 8:09D Wake Harris 3 2:19 3:54 8:24DS Augusta TSS/Agecroft E 2:07 3:38 7:42DS Kingston Huntingd/RR E 2:08 3:34 7:25DS Leander Peterborough E 2:01 3:26 7:11DS NCRA UTRC/LRC 1 2:08 3:39 7:36DS Thames/LRC Hollingworth 3.5 2:10 3:37 7:46DS Tideway Scullers Neumunster 1 ft 2:06 3:33 7:19DS Tweed Heads/Melb. Montreal E 2:06 3:31 7:23DS UL Igor-Offenb. 1 2:04 3:28 7:17PE Abingdon King's Coll 1.75 1:51 3:11 6:39PE Eton Shiplake "A" 2 1:53 3:10 6:40PE Hampton "A" King's Cant. 1.3 1:54 3:13 6:48PE King's Chester Pangbourne A 1/4 1:55* 3:13* 6:37PE Radley "A" Winchester E 1:57 3:18 6:47PE Radley "B" Latymer 3.5 2:01 3:24 7:08PE St. Joseph's Cheltenham 2 1:53 3:10 6:40PE St. Paul's "A" Shrewsbury B 1 1:53 3:13 6:43QM Augusta NCRA/UTRC E 1:52 3:10 6:34QM Castle Semple Hammonia 0.75 1:53* 3:13* 6:38QM Dinamo LRC/UTRC E 1:53 3:12 6:52QM Henley TSS "A" 1.25 2:00 3:25 7:10QM Kingston/MBC Lea E 2:01 3:22 6:59QM Leander Rob Roy 1.25 2:02* 3:23 6:49QM Tideway Scullers B NCRA 2 1:52 3:08 6:26QM UTRC/Leander Walton 4.25 2:02 3:25 7:07SN Aberdeen York City 2.25 2:16 3:45 7:51SN Cambridge U Marlow 2.25 2:15 3:50 8:10SN Hammonia Wallingford 5 2:09 3:40 7:45SN Leander Newcastle G 2.75 2:09 3:33 8:10SN LRC/NCRA Kungalvs 1.5 2:08 3:37 7:36SN Mitsubishi Notts & Un. E 2:10 3:41 7:45SN Queen's Tower Cambridge 99 3.75 2:09 3:37 7:32SN Stourport Royal Ches. 1 ft 2:13 3:42 7:37T Brasenose Reading U 1.75 1:51 3:09 6:36T Cincinnati Exeter/ChCh 1 1:52 3:11 6:35T Kingston GS Imperial 1.25 1:57 3:18 6:50T Newcastle U St. Edward's 1.25 1:53* 3:10* 6:33T Nihon River/Saras. 1/4 1:53* 3:10* 6:29T Ox. Brookes Williams 1.25 1:52* 3:08 6:36T RMA Sandhurst Tufts 1.75 1:55 3:15 6:44T TCD UWC Cardiff 1 1:54 3:12 6:43Th Galway Vesta 2.25 1:51 3:07 6:30Th Goldie Quintin 5 1:51 3:06 6:25Th Harvard Tideway Sc. 1 1:52 3:09 6:32Th Heidelberg TTRC 2 1:52 3:10 6:39Th Imperial London "B" 4 1:51 3:06 6:29Th Kingston Cambridge 99 3 ft 1:53 3:00 6:27Th London "A" C. Services 2.75 1:54 3:13 6:42 :)Th MIT Wallingf. B 2.75 1:53 3:12 6:34Th Nereus Durham U. E 1:50 3:05 6:22Th Nottingham Thames "D" 1.5 1:54 3:09 6:24Th St. Andrew Staines 1.75 1:49* 3:06* 6:27Th Stanford UTRC 1/2 1:54 3:14 6:43Th Syracuse Durham Am. 2.75 1:50 3:04 6:28Th Thames "A" Nephthys "B" 1/3 1:55 3:14* 6:39Th UL Melbourne 1.3 1:51 3:07 6:30Th Washington Brown 3/4 1:50* 3:06* 6:26V Argo Florida I. E 2:01 3:23 7:04V CULRC Southampton 1.25 1:58 3:20 6:57V Isis Abingdon 3 2:03 3:28 7:19V Liverpool Durham NRO 8:52V Nephthys Downing/Q's 1.75 2:04 3:21 7:18V Ox. Brookes Goldie 2 2:02* 3:25* 7:05V U. Toronto Imperial 2.25 2:01 3:21 6:56V UL Fordham 2.75 2:00 3:22 7:04W Lea "C" Molesey 3/4 2:01 3:23 6:55W Lea Leander 2.5 1:59 3:19 6:57W London "A" Sons otT E 2:02 3:24 7:18W London "B" Bedford 2 1:58 3:19 6:54W Nottingham "A" Isis 2.5 2:06 3:28 7:16W Notts & Union Lea "B" 3.75 2:03 3:25 7:10W UL Tyrian Henley 1 2:00 3:15 7:14W UTRC "A" Nottingh. B 3/4 2:01 3:24 6:57Sorry about the delay: while Hugh has Internet access, I am doing the typing, so at present it takes some time for us to meet up, exchange discs and get a connection to the Net. Please be patient: I am posting what I can when I can.RachelOxford.xxuTRC E 1:53 3:12 6:52DS UL@5djk#$./BPd#4AMbcX ! B k Gm%Oy.TU9c=d9d!!!\Aop$P}AgAnBmn+T;e7!P!@%P !"2Xn)IHPX(D-^&'=/JPMonacoTimesEKE