Press release 1998:
The newly formed Oxford & District Sculling Centre based at Culham Island near Abingdon started operations on 1st November 1998. The stretch of river available is between Culham Lock and Clifton Lock which are 4.2 kms apart. The useable stretch is about 3.5 kms of mostly straight river with a few gentle bends. There are no other riverside facilities for boating in theis part of the river and it is considred ideal (within the limitations of the river traffic and other users) for sculling.
The objective of ODSC is the development of high performance sculling both in singles and crew sculling. ODSC has already a fleet of quality boats: two quads; three doubles and a few singles.
The membership shall be small (places will be limited) and will be available to those scullers who can prove potential and motivation. Sweep oarsmen or women with a proven rowing record should not feel discouraged to apply. Sculling is not that difficult with proper application and coaching.
The Sculling Centre director is Francisco Mascaro (ARA Silver and Diploma 1st FISA Academy) who will direct the coaching, assisted by others.
Anyone interested should contact Francisco Mascaro: tel. 01235 536-995; fax 01235 554-345, or e-mail: