Rachel Quarrell's Rowing Service Queries
Answering your questions

The Rowing Service is run by Dr. Rachel Quarrell, of Oxford, UK. It is the premier source of rowing information on the Internet, with over 900 files, hundreds of results, and links to every scrap of rowing so far found on the World-Wide-Web. This site is updated at least once daily. See about this site for more details.
Need to promote your company? Advertise on this site
You can advertise on the New Information page on a monthly basis, your logo standing alone or acting as a link to your own website, webpage or email address. The page is visited by thousands of rowers around the world each week, and revisited regularly, since it is a fantastic source of the most recent and uptodate rowing information online. Location on the New Info page for your advert is on a first-come, first-served basis. Grab the best positions now, at competitive rates, before the hits and prices rise...... For more information about advertising rates and specifications, please email the Rowing Service or ring RQ on +44-1865-275686 (work).Latest news, views and information
While the New Information page you have just come from is the most useful starting point for this, we also have the press articles index, the Club News Page and several reports by individuals. Also try the global rowing newsgroup, a good place for informal advice, help and discussion.Looking for a contact?
First use the World Page of Rowing Contacts, arranged by country, city and club. You can also add your name to this list - club rowers and coaches accepted as well as club officers. Then try the List of Rowing Sites and links springing from that page.After a result?
The first port of call is the New Info page - use Find/Search on your browser to get quickly to the right place. For older results, try the Regatta Results service Online in the UK, or the Row2k site in the USA. For more widespread results, use the results list as a starting point, or see if the regatta you want is on the Events page. Remember that for results to go online, someone has to put them there.....Selling and buying
Rowing companies are listed briefly on this site and private sellers and buyers have a world noticeboard and the UK version. You can post your own short advert using an online form.And on the weird side...
The Rowing Service Miscellaneous page may be of interest, collecting together a bunch of rowing-related links which don't really fit into any category.