Results, Results, 1998 
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Major results listings
Results listed in alphabetical order
Note that the words Head, Regatta, Championships etc are not used in sorting.
If what you see isn't here, try the Regatta Online results page or Rowing Service's New Information. Use "find" on your browser to search for a name in this page. Sites which have more information than just the results are also listed here, but there is also an events page.
UK results are listed on their own page.
- Australian results of theAnglican Church Grammar School regatta.
- Atlanta Festival, USA.
- Australian National Champs
- Baltimore Burn results (USA).
- Results of Beat theBeast at Saints event, USA.
- Berg Cup results, from Row2k, USA.
- Bergen Cup results, USA.
- Results of theBrisbaneGrammar School Regatta, Australia.
- CRASH-B's results.
- Results from the ChampionInternational Regatta in the US.
- Results of the CityHS Champs in Philadelphia, USA.
- Columbia vs. CoastGuard results, USA.
- The Dad Vails Regatta site has full details of results.
- EARC information anddirect link to results onRow2k (USA).
- US EARC lightweight men'srankings now up.
- On Row2k (USA), EAWRCrankings
- Ergomania results, USA.
- US results - Ergotica fromJanuary.
- Server is very slow, but the KRSG website in Belgium has results from the Gent International Regatta.
- Results for the George Washington Invitational, USA.
- US results for the Golden State Indoor Champs on the Rower's Resource.
- Full results for the1998 GPSHead of the River (Brisbane) (AUS).
- News, results and press links for the101st GPS SchoolsHead of the River & Schoolgirls - Sydney now up (AUS).
- Results for Green Lake Spring Regatta (US).
- Heart of Texasresults (US), Adobe pdf/Acrobat Reader format.
- Results from the Heineken regatta, Amsterdam, on line.
- Results from the
- IRN rankings.
- Full results from the Regatta Kuessnacht am Rigi in regatta in Lauerz, Switzerland.
- Results from the Lugano regatta (Switzerland).
- First Manny Flick results, USA, on the Boathouse Row site.
- Third Manny Flickresults (US), courtesy of Clete Graham.
- Mid-Atlantic Erg Sprints results now up.
- Results from the Munich Junior International regatta.
- Murphy Cup results, (USA).
- New SouthWales State Champs, Australia.
- ECNZ National Championships Regatta in New Zealand.
- ECNZ North Island Championships Regatta.
- Otago Championships (New Zealand), on the South Island Regatta Programme page.
- Pacific Coast Champs results (US) on theRower's Resource.
- Queensland University results, Australia.
- Queensland State Champs regatta, Australia.
- Riviera Vaal results
- San Diego Crew Classic results are onthe Rower's Resource (both days).
- SIRA results, USA.
- Results of the South African Schools Championships are now up at theSARU website.
- Stotesbury results (US) up on the Boathouse Row site.
- Swiss results of the 1998 long-distance races.
- Results for the Tribesmen Head of the River, Galway, Ireland.
- US Results from Varsity, JV and Freshman races are listed byMichael Porat, (v. slow server at times).
- US testing results are listed at Row2k.
- Vorlaufen results from Switzerland, thanks to Ruedi Ulli.
- Vesper Rodeo results on the Boathouse Row site (US).
- Wedau regatta in Duisberg 1998here (ftp file) courtesy of the Dutch Rowing Index.
- US West coast speedorders on Row2k.
- Results of the Western AustralianSchoolboys Head now up.
- The Windermere Cup in the USA.
- A link to theYorktown (Virginia) HS Crew Boosters results (USA).
- Canadian Masters results.