Scottish National Championships 1005
Posted by Rod LawsonReturn to RQ's Web pageResults are for championship events (2000m, 1500m, or 1000m asappropriate) and concurrently held non-championship (intermediate)events. Results are given in race order.<----- STRATHCLYDE COUNTRY PARK -----> RACE MANAGEMENT COMPUTER SYSTEM# Scottish & Scottish Schools Rowing Championship Regatta 1995 #SAT 10 JUN 95 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6thMInt 4+SFA EUBC STAU RGAB SUBC A AUBC A DUBC B3 to F 05:11.56 05:14.74 05:19.86 05:28.12 "N" "S"MInt 4+ SFB AUBC c SUBC B AUBC B LL ABC DUBC A3 to F 05:16.36 05:20.98 05:30.87 05:31.68 05:59.77 "S"MInt 1x SFA STA b STA a AUBC INV A NARC3 to F 05:51.30 06:07.40 06:11.22 06:19.70 06:31.13MInt 1x SFB LL STAU A SUBC INV b STAU B3 to F 06:07.66 06:08.37 06:09.76 06:10.53 "S"WOp 4+ SFA NARC CDL ABC A STA A INV3 to F 07:52.06 07:52.88 08:01.0 08:04.50 08:19.42WOp 4+ SFB EUBC ABC B STA B RGU3 to F 07:59.89 08:08.40 08:09.56 08:15.30MOpen 1xSFA CSRC C SABS SUBC STA GLA CSRC D3 to F 07:33.30 07:36.15 07:38.98 07:40.35 07:49.70 07:49.98MOpen 1xSFB CDL B CSRC LMBC CDL GARC TRC3 to F 07:33.86 07:35.22 07:36.38 07:37.62 07:48.93 "S"MJu18 8 F NARC HER 06:18.40 06:24.49MInt 2- SFA ABC AUBC SABS STA2 to F 05:55.70 06:13.13 07:59.61 "S"MInt 2- SFB GLCS LL ASRA STAU3 to F 05:48.40 05:57.01 06:02.76 06:07.62MVetB 4+ F CDST ABDS INV 03:20.35 03:25.26 03:39.88SBU16 1x F HUT SABS 03:57.18 04:00.99WJu16 4+ F NARC ASRA 03:50.45 04:01.75SGU18 1x F SABS WAT ASRA GLHS 04:15.89 04:26.93 04:27.63 04:35.02MInt 1x F STA b AUBC STA a LL STAU A SUBC 05:46.05 05:51.08 05:55.82 05:57.69 06:28.88 "S"MInt 8 F AUBC SUBC 04:45.13 04:49.48SGU18 4+ F WAT HER 05:42.53 05:50.31MJu16 4+ F NARC GRC HER 05:31.13 06:07.86 06:24.01WInt 4+ F AUBC RGU EUBC EUBC ABRG DUBC 05:56.15 06:00.29 06:07.87 06:16.93 07:26.19 "M"MOp 2-SFA CLY ASRA INV EUBC A2 to F 07:42.36 07:47.48 07:50.21 "M"MOp 2-SFB ABAU EUBC B ABC GRC3 to F 07:02.23 07:33.39 07:42.37 07:55.69MJu18 1xF SUBC BWK GRC HER INV AUBC 07:46.73 07:56.30 08:19.76 08:28.87 08:30.96 "S"WJu18 2- F WAT ASRA 08:38.30 08:53.34WOp 4+ F CDL NARC STA B EUBC ABC B ABC A 07:29.74 07:31.98 07:41.69 07:47.88 07:53.39 07:54.73MJu15 1x F HUT SABS NARC 04:00.45 04:01.25 04:01.95MVetC 2- F SADS CDL 03:44.66 03:47.86MVetA 2- F CLY ABC 03:32.26 03:35.25MVetA 1X F SABS LMBC GRC STA CDL INV 03:14.39 03:16.17 03:29.44 03:33.13 03:37.73 03:38.53WJu16 1X F SABS GLHS WAT 04:04.03 04:12.85 "S"WVetA 1x F INV STA 04:13.32 04:21.95SBU15 4+ F HER B HER A 03:46.68 03:47.19SBBC 4+ F HER A HER B 04:30.42 04:43.77SBWC 4+ F HUT HER DA 03:47.42 03:53.21 04:30.10MVetB 2x F CDL A CDL B STA 03:27.28 03:33.75 03:40.13MInt 2- F ABC GLCS LL AUBC ASRA 05:42.24 05:56.11 05:56.83 06:10.35 06:12.00WInt 8 F ABAU EUBC 05:28.58 05:47.92MJu16 2x F GRC B HUT GRC A ASRA A ASRA B 06:08.37 06:11.95 06:54.53 08:00.25 "N"SBU18 4+ F DA HER A HER B 05:02.73 05:13.05 05:24.89MInt 4+ F SUBC B AUBC c STAU EUBC AUBC B RGAB 05:08.33 05:10.17 05:14.76 05:18.44 05:25.79 05:39.81WJu18 8 F WAT NARC 07:00.06 07:12.55WOp 1x F CDL A SABS CDL B 08:36.90 08:45.37 "S"MOp 2- F ABAU CLY EUBC B ABC ASRA 06:59.97 07:13.93 07:15.39 07:37.72 07:39.65MOp 4+ F ASTA STA ABC SUBC 06:32.85 06:51.65 07:00.05 07:18.16MOpen 1x F SABS CSRC C CDL B CSRC LMBC SUBC 07:18.42 07:24.11 07:26.24 07:36.58 07:40.15 07:56.36<----- STRATHCLYDE COUNTRY PARK -----> RACE MANAGEMENT COMPUTER SYSTEM# Scottish & Scottish Schools Rowing Championship Regatta 1995 #SUN 11 JUN 95 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6thMVetB 2- F SOT SADS INV CDL CLCD 03:45.49 03:49.54 03:50.01 03:55.78 "S"MVetB 1x F SABS STA GRC INV CDL 03:45.81 03:49.35 03:57.81 04:04.60 04:11.98SBU15 1x F DA SABS HUT 04:00.32 04:00.72 04:06.66MJu15 4+ F ASRA HER 03:38.63 03:41.95WJu16 8 F WAT HESA 03:41.93 04:05.07MVetA 4+ F CCLS ABDS 03:29.81 03:36.82MVetC 1X F INV STA 04:10.62 04:12.05WInt 8 F EUBC SAEU 05:43.53 05:57.55MInt 4+ SFA SUBC B LMBC AUBC B ABC AUBC A3 to F 05:36.42 05:49.31 05:49.68 06:09.51 "M"MInt 4+ SFB AUBC C EUBC SUBC A RGAB3 to F 05:32.65 05:37.17 05:44.12 05:47.14SBU18 1x F DA HUT IRA 06:00.53 06:13.45 06:28.07SBU18 8 F HER A HER B 05:15.07 05:20.28WInt 4+ SFA AUBC B STA SAEU EUBC B ABRG3 to F 06:24.71 06:32.60 06:35.19 06:37.72 06:48.58WInt 4+ SFB RGU GULB EUBC A AUBC A3 to F 06:31.19 06:39.48 06:40.07 06:43.67MLwt 1x SFA CDL B CDL A STA LL GARC AUBC3 to F 07:59.46 08:01.80 08:03.97 08:12.94 08:13.88 "S"MLwt 1x SFB SABS GUBC GRC C RWS GRC B SUBC3 to F 08:02.49 08:04.80 08:06.18 08:07.80 08:49.42 "S"MOp 4- F ASTA CLGU STA NARC 06:42.71 06:46.08 06:56.98 06:57.61WJu18 4+ F NARC A NARC B HER WAT 07:52.11 08:10.86 08:16.56 "S"WOp 2x F CDL A CDL B STA 07:51.36 07:56.90 08:00.85WOp 2- F WAT EGLU CGUL ABC CDL INV 08:10.15 08:20.25 08:28.59 08:47.93 08:53.19 09:23.63MJu18 2x F SUAU STAI HUT ASRA HER 07:22.21 07:27.08 08:24.16 08:44.63 "S"MOp 2x F CSRC A CSRC B GUBW 06:55.03 07:02.44 "S"SGGC 4+ F WAT HER DA 04:11.34 04:28.79 05:29.31SGU16 4+ F WAT HER 01:01.01 02:02.02MVetC 4+ F CDST INV SADS CSRC 03:34.08 03:42.23 03:49.02 03:55.76WJu16 2X F ASRA A ASRA B 02:01.0 02:02.02SGU15 4+ F WAT HER STJO 03:08.96 03:23.57 03:25.65MInt 8 F EUBC SUBC 04:48.26 04:59.49MInt 1x F AUBC STA B STA A INV SUBC 05:50.84 05:51.03 06:03.11 06:30.41 "S" WInt 4+ F AUBC B STA RGU SAEU GULB EUBC A 06:12.22 06:24.00 06:30.07 06:39.75 06:42.02 08:53.02SBU17 4+ F HER A HER B 05:30.94 06:04.55MJu16 1x F HUT SABS NARC 06:25.07 06:26.16 06:26.45SBU16 4+ F HER B HER A 05:52.98 05:53.18MInt 2- F ABC ASRA EUBC STA SABS 05:56.60 05:59.07 05:59.43 06:00.72 06:31.84MInt 4+ F AUBC C SUBC B EUBC SUBC A LMBC AUBC B 05:09.68 05:13.43 05:14.02 05:31.18 05:34.54 05:44.23WInt 1x F GRC STA 07:12.83 07:39.30MLwt 2- F EUBC CLY SOT GLCS GRC 07:46.58 07:56.06 07:58.79 08:15.78 08:27.24WOp 8 F CDL ABC 07:33.98 07:44.58MJu18 4+ F NARC A NARC B HER 07:37.70 07:57.02 08:00.39WJu18 1x F SABS WAT A WAT B GLHS ASRA GRC 09:57.04 10:03.99 10:09.66 10:21.82 10:22.86 10:56.44MLwt 1x F SABS CDL B GUBC CDL A STA GRC C 08:12.51 08:20.73 08:26.04 08:32.16 08:41.17 08:47.37MOp 8 F SAAC ABC EUBC SGCS SUBC DS 06:41.16 06:55.82 07:00.66 07:03.29 > CLUB ABBREVIATIONS> (Composites first)> > AARC" "Aberdeen BC/Aberdeen Uni. BC/RGU BC/Clydesdale> AARG" "Aberdeen BC/Aberdeen Uni. BC/Robert Gordon Uni. BC> AARS" "Aberdeen/Aber. Uni/Robert Gordon Uni/St Andrew BC> ABAS" "Aberdeen Boat Club/Aberdeen Schools Rowing Assoc> ABAU" "Aberdeen Boat Club/Aberdeen University Boat Club> ABDS" "Aberdeen BC/Deeside Scullers> ABRG" "Aberdeen Boat Club/Robert Gordon Univ. Boat Club> ABTY" "Aberdeen Boat Club/Tyne Rowing Club> AGCG" "Aberdeen BC/Glasgow RC/C.Semple/Glasgow Univ> ASAB" "Aberdeen Schools Rowing Assoc./Aberdeen Boat Club> ASTA" "Aberdeen Boat Club/St Andrew BC> BWCD" "Berwick/Clydesdale> BWK" "Berwick Rowing Club> CARC" "Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club> CCCS" "Clyde/Clydesdale/Castle Semple> CCLS" "Clyde/C/dale/SABSC> CDBE" "Clydesdale/Berwick> CDCE" "Clydesdale/Clyde/EUBC> CGEC" "Clydesdale/Griffin/EUBC/Clyde> CGST" "Clyde/GUBC/St Andrew> CGUL" "Clyde/GULBC> CLCA" "Clyde/Cambois> CLCD" "Clyde/Clydesdale ARC> CLCG" "Clyde/Cambois/Griffin> CLES" "Chester le Street ARC> CLEU" "Clyde/Edinburgh University BC> CLGU" "Clyde/Glasgow University Boat Club> CLMA" "Clyde Masters Rowing Club> CLS" "Chester-le-Street> CLSA" "Clydesdale/St Andrew BC> CLSG" "Clyde/SUBC/GUBC> CLYB" "Clydesdale/York City/Berwick RC> CSB" "Castle Semple/Berwick Rowing Club> CSGU" "Castle Semple/Glasgow University Boat Club> CSSG" "Clyde/St Andrew/Strathclyde Uni/Glasgow Uni BC> DHAM" "Durham Amateur Rowing Club> DUR" "Durham ARC> EALC" "EUBC/Alexandria/Clydesdale> EGLU" "Edinburgh Uni/Glasgow Uni. Ladies' BC> EUAL" "Edinburgh Univ/ Alexandria> EUCL" "Edinburgh University/Clydesdale> EUGL" "Edinburgh University/Glasgow Rowing Club> GCS" "Glasgow Rowing Club/Castle Semple> GGCA" "Glasgow/GUBC/Castle Semple/AberdeenBC> GHGW" "George Heriot's School/George Watson's College> GHS" "George Heriot's School Rowing Club> GLBK" "Glasgow/Berwick> GLCS" "Glasgow / Castle Semple> GLHS" "Glasgow High School> GLO" "Gloucester Rowing Club> GLST" "Glasgow/Stirling ABSC> GRK" "Glasgow/Kingston Grammar> GUAU" "Glasgow University / Aberdeen University> GUBW" "Glasgow Uni/Berwick ARC> GUSU" "Glasgow University/Strathclyde University BC> GWC" "George Watsons College Boat Club> HASB" "Hutchesons GS/Aberdeen Uni/Strathclyde Uni/Berwick> HEME" "George Heriot's/Mary Erskine> HERM" "Hermitage Academy> HESA" "George Heriots School/St Andrew BC> HUT" "Hutcheson Grammar School> HWU" "Heriot Watt University BC> INKI" "Inverness RC/ RAF Kinloss> INLO" "Inverness / RAF Lossiemouth> LEE" "Lee RC> LVBC" "Lady Victoria BC> NSGU" "Nithsdale/Strathclyde Uni/Glasgow Uni Boat Clubs" "Nithsdale/SUBC/GUBC" "" > QEHS" "Queen Elizabeth High School> RGAB" "Robert Gordons / Aberdeen Boat Club> RGAU" "Robert Gordon / Aberdeen University> SAAC" "St Andrew/Aberdeen/ Clydesdale> SADS" "St Andrew/Deeside Scullers> SAEU" "St Andrew/Edinburgh Uni BC> SCCA" "Stirling/Castle Semple/Clydesdale/Aberdeen BC> SCOM" "Stirling Composite> SCOT" "Scottish Rowing> SGCS" "SUBC/GUBC/Clyde/Sons of Thames> SLEO" "St Leonard's School> STCS" "Stirling/Castle Semple Rowing Club > STGL" "Staines/GLASGOW> SUAB" "Strathclyde Uni/Aberdeen BC> SUAU" "Strathclyde Uni/Aberdeen Uni BC> SUST" "Strathclyde University / St Andrew Boat Club> TYNE" "Tyne Rowing Club> ABC" "Aberdeen Boat Club> ASRA" "Aberdeen Schools Rowing Association> AUBC" "Aberdeen University Boat Club> CDCS" "Clydesdale/Castle Semple> CDL" "Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club> CDST" "Clydesdale/Stirling AB&SC> CLY" "Clyde Amateur Rowing Club> CSRC" "Castle Semple Rowing Club> DA" "Dumfries Academy> DIT" "Dundee Institute of Technology Boat Club> DS" "Deeside Scullers> DUBC" "Dundee University Boat Club> EUBC" "Edinburgh University Boat CLub> GARC" "Glasgow Argonauts Rowing Club> GLA" "Glasgow Rowing Club> GRC" "Glasgow Rowing Club> GSRC" "Glasgow Schools Rowing Club> GUBC" "Glasgow University Boat Club> GULB" "Glasgow University Ladies Boat Club> HAZ" "Hazlehead Academy> HER" "George Heriots School> HOL" "Holyrood School> HUT" "Hutchesons Grammar School> INV" "Inverness Rowing Club> LL" "Loch Lomond Amateur Rowing Club> LMBC" "Lake of Menteith Boat Club> LS" "London Scottish Rowing Club> NARC" "Nithsdale Amateur Rowing Club> NIT" "Nithsdale Amateur Rowing Club> NOM" "Nomads> RGU" "The Robert Gordon University Boat Club> RWS" "Royal West of Scotland Amateur Boat Club> SA" "Scottish Argonauts> SABS" "Stirling Amateur Boating & Swimming Club> SCO" "Scottish Rowing> SRC" "Stirling Amateur Boating and Swimming Club> STA" "St Andrew Boat Club> STAU" "St Andrews University Boat Club> STUB" "Stirling University Boat Club> SUBC" "Strathclyde University Boat Club> WAT" "George Watsons College> .> >