Results posted by Peter King.
Results are also available for Division 1.
TIFFIN SMALL BOATS DIVISION TWO - TIME ORDER 1 421 Kingston RC - A O4- 18:01.82 419 Walton O4x 18:13.03 424 Kingston RC - B O4- 18:18.34 418 Norwich RC O4x 18:26.25 434 Tiffin School - A J4x 18:28.06 474 St Edward's School BC J4+ 18:32.97 432 TSS/Leander Webb/Pooley O2x 18:38.38 427 Vesta O4+ 18:43.59 437 Tiffin School - B J4x 18:52.310 473 Abingdon School J4+ 18:52.411 431 Molesey Burbanks/Graham O2x 18:56.912 488 Walton Scrivener/Hassan VB2x 19:08.013 465 University of London BC S34+ 19:11.814 428 TTRC O4+ 19:12.815 462 Kingston RC - A S34+ 19:14.916 442 M A & A/Vesta - Goodchild/Mackworth-Price S12x 19:17.817 475 Tideway SS VC4+ 19:27.618 486 Vesta - Moisley/Harkin VB2x 19:30.519 471 Radley College J4+ 19:30.720 443 Walton - Monk/Browning S12x 19:31.121 420 Abingdon School - A O4- 19:37.622 435 Dulwich College - A J4x 19:38.723 436 Oratory School BC J4x 19:41.424 469 Oratory School BC S34+- 19:41.525 423 Wallingford O4- 19:43.326 426 Downing College BC O4+ 19:45.827 498 Kingston Univ - Smelt/Genazzini S32x 19:46.728 401 Kingston RC Nitsch/Hall WO2x LWT 19:50.029 429 Downing College BC O4+ 19:54.030 425 Abingdon School - B O4- 19:56.431 495 Broxbourne Rourke/Baker S32x 19:57.332 504 Kingston Fox/Bergenroth J2x 19:57.633 496 Tiffin Sch Mulhall/Vosp S32x 19:58.034 491 Vesta Wlosinski/Powell S32x 19:58.435 463 Magdalen Coll - A S34+ 20:01.336 464 Radley College S34+ 20:03.237 502 Tiffin Sch Jones/Duffy J2x 20:03.438 430 Wallingford O4+ 20:10.339 478 TTRC - Burgess/Kelly O2- 20:13.440 402 KRC/Tyrian Fangen/Myers WO2x LWT 20:13.641 467 Auriol Kensington RC B S34+ 20:16.542 477 TTRC - Harrison/Kenyon O2- 20:20.043 505 Sir Wm Borlases - Friend/Friend J2x 20:21.044 403 ThamesRC Hill/MacKenzie WO2x 20:21.545 525 Derby RC WS12x 20:22.746 492 Vesta Waddington/Cranna S32x 20:24.847 438 Dulwich College - B J4x 20:24.948 417 TTRC WO4+ 20:28.149 482 Clyde RC Bates/O'Malley S12- 20:30.550 480 Univ London BC - Kingsley/Crocket S12- 20:34.551 461 Auriol Kensington RC A S34+ 20:34.852 405 Kingston RC - Holton/Stevens WO2x LWT 20:36.653 517 TTRC WO4+ 20:38.754 460 Wallingford S34+ 20:39.055 514 Kingston RC WO4- 20:42.956 408 Thames RC Mowbrey/Giles WO2x 20:48.857 503 Dulwich College - Burghus/Boot J2x 20:49.558 494 Kingston Univ - Downton/Savage S32x 20:53.159 508 Radley College - Cantwell/Messum J2- 20:54.360 510 Latymer Thompson/HartillJ2x 21:01.061 404 Thames RC Dale/Ashcroft WO2x 21:01.362 511 TTRC WO4- 21:06.363 407 KGS/ ULWBC - Hastings/RedKnap WO2x 21:07.064 466 Kingston RC - B S34+ 21:08.565 472 Latymer J4+ 21:10.866 497 Norwich RC - Burdett/Greaves S32x 21:13.467 458 Vesta S34+ 21:14.168 530 Thames RC Hurley /Woolf WS32x 21:17.869 457 Walbrook S34+ 21:19.170 509 Latymer - Allen/ Hughes J2- 21:20.271 412 Kingston RC - Dring/Fox WO2- 21:26.772 527 Hereford - Davey/Fenton WS12x 21:27.173 526 Molesey BC Parry/Rachel WS12x 21:27.774 516 Wallingford WO4+ 21:28.875 414 Thames RC - Dowman/Templeton WO2- 21:30.176 409 Marlow RC - Stallwood/Ingledew WO2x LWT 21:30.477 528 Furnivall/God/Lat - Barnes/Neathercote WS32x 21:30.478 413 Kingston RC Jowitt/Scott WO2- 21:35.779 406 Kingston RC Jones/Dulling WO2x LWT 21:41.380 518 Wallingford WO4+ 21:41.881 515 Kingston RC WO4+ 21:44.182 415 Worcester RC/Bristol UBC - Welch/Vincent WO2- 21:46.883 513 Staines BC WO4- 21:50.884 529 Twickenham RC - Diggle/Smitheman WS32x 21:53.485 441 Auriol Kensington RC - Scott/Taylor S12x 21:53.986 541 Norwich RC WS34+ 21:55.087 439 Dulwich College - C J4x 21:56.388 538 Wallingford WS34+ 22:00.189 555 Rob Roy - Springham WO1x 22:09.190 484 Auriol Kensington RC - Hubbard/Bone S12- 22:11.091 560 Univ London BC - Wooton N1x 22:13.592 410 Broxbourne Young/Baker WO2x 22:16.293 543 Staines BC WS34+ 22:23.994 544 University of London WS34+ 22:26.695 416 IC/Thames - Hisch/Schmiegelow WO2- 22:28.496 532 Star/BSRA Finch/Hillard WS32x 22:43.797 561 Agecroft ARC - Calvert WS21x 22:45.698 570 - Raine WS21x 22:49.299 536 KingstonGS Vets V4+ 22:51.2100 551 Kingston Uni Veasey/Veasey WS32- 22:55.5101 522 Vesta - Welch/Cowling VC2- 23:19.0102 520 Vesta Reynold/Thompson V2- 23:20.0103 531 Barn Elms - Mattey/Christison WS32x 23:35.9104 470 Dulwich College J4+ 23:39.0105 539 Putney Town RC - A WS34+ 23:42.5106 507 Latymer - Hereward/Rattenbury J2- 23:43.2107 537 Auriol Kensington RC WS34+ 23:55.5108 540 Putney Town RC - B WS34+ 24:04.8109 455 Dulwich College S34+ 24:06.6