Windsor Boys crash again

The Rowing Service

The Windsor Boys' School quad, a tad susceptible to bad luck with their shells, had another problem outing at the National Championships in Strathclyde this year.

Out in their Stampfli for a morning practice early in the regatta, they paddled right out to the 2000 metre start, turned and did a long piece back up the course in racing direction. Meanwhile the stake boat organisers were pulling their craft into the lanes at the 1500 metre start point, ready for the junior racing.

C R A S H !!

In the words of one of their coaches,
"Result one broken wing, mercifully no damage to boys other than new underpants"
This gave them a problem since their wing riggers as used on their 2x shell are slightly different breadth, but luckily the Stampfli stand at the RowShow had an exhibit boat with the right equipment, and they were able to scull successfully and take the gold.

Adding the J14 and J15 quads to the open title, and a J2x win as an encore, they're a little bit happier this month than they were in November...