Yilun GONG |
List of Publications
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Contact information
- Current affiliation: Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
- Email: first-name at last-name dot com / first-name at last-name dot com
Research Bio
Yilun is currently working at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Germany.
He is also an Academic Visitor at Department of Materials in Oxford and co-founder of OxMet Technologies (now as Alloyed Ltd).
His master's degree focused on numerical simulations and experimental quantifications of microsegregation during solidification & homogenisation of single crystal superalloys.
His doctoral project concerned the modelling of diffusional phenomena in structural alloys for high temperature applications.
Research Interests
- Computational materials science.
- Validation of numerical models via targetted experimentation using novel techniques.
- Structural alloys, particularly those for high temperature applications, e.g. high temperature steels and the nickel-based superalloys.
- Corrosion and physical metallurgy, across various length/time scales, emphasising the couplings among them.