Dr Alis Oancea

Please note that I am no longer updating these pages - up-to-date information can be found under my name on either the Oxford University Department of Educational Studies or the Oxford Institute of Ageing  websites (look in the academic staff/ faculty menus).


University of Oxford Department of Educational Studies (Research Fellow)

University of Oxford, Oxford Institute of Ageing (Research Fellow)

St. Hilda's College , University of Oxford (JR Fellow)

Research interests:

-research evaluation and research policy
-criticism of educational research
-research methodology
-textual analysis

-post-communist transition

-research quality
-philosophy of education
-philosophy of science

Research projects:

(2006 -current) Research quality and research evaluation in education and gerontology. Research Fellow. Oxford Department of Educational Studies and Oxford Institute of Ageing.

(2004-2005) Developing quality criteria for applied and practice-based research. Main investigator (with John Furlong). Funding: Economic and Social Research Council

(2005) 15 Years On: Transition of educational systems in post-communist EU accession and candidate countries. Directions for research and Policy. Funding: European Science Foundation

(2003-2004) The Distribution of Educational Research Expertise in the UK. Commissioned by the British Educational Research Association. Main Investigator. Completed February 2004.

(2004-2006) Nuffield Review of 14-19 Education and Training. Funding: Nuffield Foundation. Research Officer

(2004-2006) Ageing Horizons. Policies for Ageing Societies. Funding: Help the Aged. Organised by: Oxford Institute of Ageing, University of Oxford. Research Officer

(2000-2002) Developing More Inclusive School Environments Within Communities. Funding: UNICEF. Organised by UNICEF, University of Manchester, University of Bucharest, Ministry of Education and Research, ACSC. Local co-ordinator. Research Assistant. Completed 2002.

(2001) Rural Education Development Programme. Funding: World Bank. Organised by: Romanian Ministry of Education and Research. Consultant

(2002-2006) Criticisms of Educational Research over the 1990s. PhD research, University of Oxford

(1999-2005) The epistemological status of educational research. PhD thesis, University of Bucharest

(1998-1999) School Development Projects - between managerial tool and bureaucratic procedures MSc dissertation, University of Bucharest


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Please note that I no longer update this section. Please read the information stored under my profile on the websites of either Oxford University Department of Educational Studies or Oxford Institute of Ageing (links are provided at the top of this page).


Scatchered European Scholar (University of Oxford), 2001-2005

UK Overseas Research Student Award, 2002-2005

Harrison Scholar (St. Hilda's College, Oxford), 2002-2006

Chevening Scholar (FCO/OSI/University of Oxford), 2001-2002

Vice-Chancellor's Award (2002) (University of Oxford)

Highly commended in the British Council competition, 2003: the Oxford Blueprint comments


European Educational Research Association

British Educational Research Association

Society of Educational Studies, UK

Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain

Education Policy Research Group, University of Oxford

Community Supporting Children Association, Bucharest, Romania