- Errata: errors in the first printing
Relevant if your book says:
First published 2001
on the page with the copyright notice.
pages xi and xii (Contents pages): for all pages from
141 onwards subtract one from the number given
page 13, the last two lines of the equation in the marginal
note should read:
page 21, equation (2.14), insert V next to 6me
on the right hand part of the equation
page 25, equation 2.25: change sign of numerator
page 25, just above equation 2.28 an extra factor of
B needs to be added to both sides of the
expression following "In small applied fields"
page 26, equation 2.30 should have a minus sign
page 30, insert µB before <0| in equation 2.48
and µ0 after 2 in the first term in equation 2.49
page 34, Table 2.2, the term symbol for Sm3+
should be 6H5/2 (not 6I5/2)
page 35, penultimate paragraph delete
"angular" (appears twice)
page 36, remove minus sign in Boltzmann factor on the line before
equation (2.58)
page 50, Fig. 3.6: the levels dz2
and dx2-y2 should be swapped
page 58, equation (3.28) and (3.29), T1 should be T2
page 72, problem (3.5) line 3, change eqn. 2.9 to eqn. 2.38
page 82, equation (4.14) change S to Si
page 83, equation 4.23: change N to n
page 84, problem 4.8, last bit shoud be
-6J, 0, 4J, 6J and not 0, 2J and 6J.
page 87, penultimate paragraph Ms
should be M throughout.
page 89, RHS of equation 5.11 needs a factor of 1/T
page 109, equation 5.56 should be:
page 117, last paragraph: At T=0 the system is perfectly
ordered apart from quantum fluctuations
page 120, in the list of exactly solvable models, (1) should read
Most cases and (3) should read Many cases. (There
are some pathological exceptions!)
page 121, 9 lines after equation, "applicable to isotropic
page 127, Fig. 6.18: note that although
plotted as if from a triple-axis spectrometer, the
data were obtained on a time-of-flight instrument
page 143, in the line before equation (7.14), the deficit
of electrons with spin-down should be prepended with a minus
sign, i.e.
page 144, equation 7.23 is missing a factor of µB
on the RHS
page 146, end of last term of equation (7.26) change 2) to
page 151, equations 7.47 and 7.48 should be:
page 156, equation 7.85, change 1+4kF2/q2
to 1+q2/4kF2
page 169: Figure 8.3: the reference should be 1979, not 1997.
The left axis should be
, not C.
page 176, the formula for the phone number compound should end O41
page 196: Table A.1: the cgs unit of flux is G cm2, not
G cm-2
page 210: Eqn. C.56, me
should be squared; Eqn. C.59, a 1/(me2c2)
term is missing.
page 220: Before Equation E.13, change entropy to magnetization
page 223: Answer to 2.3, add: if you assume Cu2+ is
spin 1/2, g=2, and use density and RMM. The answer is
3.35x10-5 J/T if you use the measured susceptibility
from table 2.1
page 223: cos4, not cos2 in Equation F.21
page 225: Equation F.46, change the denominator
1+e2y to 1+e-2y
page 225: After Equation F.54, the equation should read:
page 228: End of equation F.88, the final term
should be
Thanks to: Christian Bahl, Michael Berndt, Michael Brooks,
Jon Coe, Ted Davis,
Alessandro di Bona,
Jonathan Fitt, Manfred Helm,
Lucy Helme, Agnieszka Iwasiewicz, Tom Lancaster,
Des McMorrow, Gavin Morley, Oscar Moze, myself, Shoichi Nagata,
Thomas Pedersen, Toby Perring,
Oleg Petrenko, Alessandro Ponti, Chris Steer,
David Thoulesss, Mark Tuominen.
(Last update 10/05/07)
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