The Alfred Jewel (which you can see in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford)
Calvin B.Kendall and Peter S. Wells, eds., Voyage to the Other World: The Legacy of Sutton Hoo (Wisconsin 1992), especially Roberta Frank, "Beowulf and Sutton Hoo: The Odd Couple," pp. 47-64 .
R. Farrell and C Neuman de Vegvar, eds. Sutton Hoo
Fifty Years After American Early Medieval Studies 2
M.O.H.Carver (ed) The Age of Sutton Hoo (Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge and Rochester NY) 343-371.
R. C. Cramp, 'Beowulf and Archaeology', Medieval Archaeology 1, (1957), 57-77.
C. R. Dodwell, Anglo-Saxon Art: A New Perspective, Manchester 1982.
some links to:
on Labyrinth
Hoo project
and artifacts (Cathy Ball)