These simulations were created by Uri Lev as a final project for a course on Computational Physics. Any questions can be addressed to Joan Adler:

Paper reference: J. Adler and U. Lev. Bootstrap percolation: visualizations and applications, Braz. J. Phys. 33 (2003), 641–644.

Below are some figures of the initial lattice after occupation and the same lattice after culling.
The occupation probability was chosen so that p > pc. Different m parameters were chosen to reflect the possibilities. The two figures for each case are the initial (on the left) and last (on the right) frames of a short animation of the culling process, which appears below.

2D Square Lattice

This is a simulation with m=2 and p=0.55:


2D Triangular Lattice

This is a simulation with m=2 and p=0.51:

This is a simulation with m=3 and p=0.66:

3D Simple Cubic Lattice

This is a simulation with m=2 and p=0.36:

This is a simulation with m=3 and p=0.66: