Welcome to Data Analysis for Neuroscientists II

Today we will be looking in more detail at some common Matlab tasks that will come up repeatedly in the data analysis course

Using this tutorial

The command prompt

indicates stuff you should type in to MATLAB.

Where there is a ? you can click to reveal the answer.

Writing following a % sign, usually green text, is a comment.

Download the data files

Download the text files:

...and put them into your default Matlab directory

Each of these files contains a table with historical weather data.

First, find out which directory you are working in by opening matlab and typing

>> pwd

This command tells you where your default Matlab directory is (pwd stands for 'present working directory', which is where you will be when you first open Matlab).

Look at the data

Let's start with the Oxford data

What is the earliest year from which we have records?


Get Matlab to display the first 24 lines of the table (the first 2 years of data)


You may notice that in the 7th column (sunlight hours) there is no number, but a NaN

Indexing data

One of the most basic things I might like to do is to find data points that match some criterion.

For example, I might like to know in which years and months the maximum daily temperature was below freezing

To do this I can use the find function to generate a set of indices. I will store the indices in a vector I call ix

>> ix = find(oxweather(:,3) < 0)

That gave me the line numbers in the table for the cold months when maximum daily temperature was below freezing. How can I use this to find out which years and months this happened in?


Use the technique above to identify the years/months with an average max temperature over 25°C.

As you can see it is pretty rare that we have sustained periods of really hot or cold weather. Depending where you are from, you may not consider 0°/25°C really cold or hot at all.

We do though.

How many of the years you identified can you spot in this list of official natural disasters?

I particularly like the fact that 'heatwave' summers where the average max temperature was over 25 degrees are considered so extreme that they are displayed in the same table as the Black Death and the Potato Famine...!

More on indexing matrices can be found in the Stormy Attaway book, Chapter 2, especially p33-44.


A script is a text file (with a filename ending in .m) containing a list of commands you would like MATLAB to execute.

Running commands from a script is essentially The Same as running them directly from the command line.

For example, say you wanted to make separate matrices for rainfall data and sunlight data.
You could type on the command line:

>> rainfall = oxweather(:,[1 2 6])
>> sunlight = oxweather(:,[1 2 7])

Equally, you could have typed the commands above into a script and saved it as getRainSun.m.

>> GetRainSun.m
>> oxweather = load('oxfordWeather.txt')
>> rainfall = oxweather(:,[1 2 6])
>> sunlight = oxweather(:,[1 2 7])

Then you could run the script, either by clicking the "run" button, or typing

>> clear; % clear the workspace first so you know the variables are not the same ones you created before!
>> getRainSun % note you don't type .m when running the script

In your workspace you should have three matrices - oxweather, rainfall and sunlight.

So why use scripts?

Since running commands from a script is the same as typing them on the command line, why do I keep getting you to write scripts? The reasons for using a script are mainly to do with convenience and record-keeping:

>>> More on scripts in the Getting Started Guide, section on 'flow control'

>>> More on scripts in the Stormy Attaway book chapter 3

The for loop

Say I want to find out the mean hours of sunlight in each month (January-December). This is probably going to involve doing some calculation 12 times (once for each month). This can be done efficiently using a loop, as we shall now see.

First of all, how would you find out the mean number of sunlight hours in October?


Now, if I want to repeat the process for each of months 1-12 (ie, January to October) I can do it using a for loop:


You can have a look at the results by printing the matrix meanSunlight to the command line


What is the mean number of sunlight hours in June? What about in January?


You can spot patterns in the data more easily if you plot them


Did the hours of sunlight vary with month in the way you expected?

More exercises

Load the Cambridge and London weather data into matrices called camweather and uclweather

Given the above plots, should you really have come to study here?!

The for loop again

Let's look at the for loop in more detail.

You made a for loop that went through the months 1-12 (January-December) and found the mean sunlight hours for each month, and stored them in elements 1-12 of a matrix meanSunlight

This was a special case of a for loop, in which the variable month played three roles:

To understand the distinction between these roles, first imagine we are only interested in sunlight hours during the punting season (optimistically advertised as March-October by the Cherwell Boathouse)

What would the for loop look like?


In general, we probably want our output matrix to contain only the data we are interested in, so we might want to dissociate the counter variable, the input variable, and the output variable.


To test whether you understood this, let's try another case. Can you get the total rainfall in each of the years 1981-2015?


>>> More for loops in the Getting Started Guide, sections 5-2 to 5-8

>>> More for loops in the Stormy Attaway book chapter 5 (p148-162)

The while loop

In Matlab (and most programming languages) there are two types of loops, for and while.

We will be using mainly the for loop in this course, but for the sake of completeness we will have a quick look at the while loop here.

To illustrate the difference between for and while loops, we will make a script that rolls a 'virtual dice'.

To simulate one dice roll, we can use the random number generator randi to generate a random integer between 1 and 6.


Can you make a for loop that rolls the random dice 10,000 times and saves the outcomes into a vector called dicerolls?


Can you modify this script to roll two dice on each trial instead of one?


Plot three histograms for the outcomes for each dice individually, and the sum of the outcomes on the two dice, using the function hist


Now let's try something different. Say I'd like to simulate rolling the dice until we get a six, and record how many rolls were required. How am I going to do that?

One option is to use a while loop.


Let's think in more detail about the differences between the for and while loops.

The difference between for and while loops is how we determine when to stop going round and round the loop.

In the case of the for loop, we have a predefined number of passes through the loop - one for each listed value of the counter variable. So a loop that rolls a virtual "dice" 4 times might look like this:

>> for i=1:4
>>      x(i) = randi(6);% roll a virtual dice by picking a random integer from 1 to 6
>> end

I know that I will have to pass through the for loop 4 times:

... and then stop.

You can think of the for loop as a kind of list, where everything it needs to do is laid out in advance.

In contrast, a while loop doesn't have a predefined list of iterations. It loops round and round indefinitely until some criterion is met.

>>> More while loops in the Getting Started Guide, section 5

>>> More while loops in the Stormy Attaway book chapter 5


Say I would like to find out the distribution of the number of dicerolls needed to score a 1 for dice with 4,6,8,12 and 20 sides (these are the only dice shapes that are Platonic Solids - see Wikipedia if intrigued!)

Can you modify your while to simulate rolling the 4 sided dice until I get a 1?


Why am I using the number 1 not the number 6 here by the way?


Now, I would like to find out the distribution of the number of rolls needed to score a 1 on each dice.

To do this I will need to roll each dice until I get a 1 lots of times. Think of this as an experiment with 10000 trials. On each 'trial' I roll the dice until I get a 1, and the outcome of the trial is the number of rolls requires.

My while loop runs one trial.

Can you figure out how to make 10000 trials by embedding the while loop in a for loop?


Run the whole experiment for each of the Platonic dice and in each case plot a histogram of the number of rolls needed to get a 1.

What is the most common number of rolls needed for each dice?

What do you notice about the distributions for the different dice?