Thoughts on memoing: activity 3.2
The activity in the grounded theory textbook suggests writing a memo about memoing. I’m mostly quite happy to see that memoing is a key part of GTM, because I write a lot anyway in terms of blogging, note taking etc. I guess my main concern is when to do it, but actually if it’s a part of my research then my memos can cover whatever I’m currently thinking about and can form the basis of my documentation for my supervisor meetings.
In the short term, I have a lot of other documentation to produce (term papers, literature review, research plan) so it’d be helpful for my memos to work towards that. Maybe I should memo my notes on papers then attach them to Zotero rather than writing directly into the notes field there, to keep the stream-of-consciousness style and the chronological ordering.
I really like the freewrite for writing, but it doesn’t support any form of diagramming. I think I should ignore that for the moment, because I don’t tend to want to draw diagrams that much anyway. It’d be better to get on with the business of writing memos than to get into analysis paralysis over choice of tools.
There’s another question: do I publish the memos? It’d be simple to export them to a static site or a wordpress. I like the idea, I don’t think there’s any real likelihood of research gazzumping, and I think it’d increase conversation and collaboration. And I’m willing to post draft thoughts. OK, let’s do it! And start with this one!