- ‘Ludwig Wittgenstein
Investigates’ (parodic review of LW’s Philosophical
probably written in 1970 or 1971)
- Perorations to
undergraduate essays on social psychology
- ‘Subjective Experiences’, Oxford B.Phil. thesis, 1974
- ‘Subjective Experience’, Oxford D.Phil. thesis, 1976;
copy in Bodleian Library, Oxford, shelfmark MS. D.Phil. c.1994; list of contents, introduction and abstract also posted separately on this site
- ‘More than Meets the Eye’, lectures on the psychology of
perception given to the sixth form at Shrewsbury School, 1971–2
(typescript, pp. 170); list of contents
and introduction posted on
this site
- (editor) Saul Kripke, ‘Reference and Existence’, The John
Locke Lectures, Oxford University, 1973 (typescript, pp. 180; a copy is
available in the library of the Sub-Faculty of Philosophy in Oxford,
shelfmark I.f.241)