PERSONAL: Born 15 March (the
Ides of March) 1949, in London, England; son of Richard Henry (a doctor) and
Elizabeth (Harris) Hardy; married Anne Wilkinson (a research historian), 23
June 1979; children: Ellen Elizabeth (1983), Michael Henry Dugdale (1985).
Education: Corpus Christi College,
Oxford, BA 1971, MA 1974; Wolfson College,
Oxford, BPhil 1974, DPhil 1976. Politics: None. Religion: None.
ADDRESSES: Office—Wolfson College, OXFORD
OX2 6UD, England. Agent—Camilla Hornby,
Curtis Brown Ltd,
Fourth Floor, Haymarket House, 28/29 Haymarket, LONDON SWIY 4SP,
CAREER: Robert Dugdale
(publisher), Oxford, England, proprietor, under pseudonym Robert Dugdale,
since 1974. Editorial Manager, Open Books Publishing Ltd, 1975–6. Editor,
Roxby Press, 1976–7. Oxford University Press,
Oxford: Editor, Paperbacks, 1977–80, Senior Editor, General Books, 1980–83,
Joint Acting Chief Editor (with Will Sulkin, who now runs Pimlico), General
Books, 1983–85, Senior Editor, Political and Social Studies, 1985–90; Wolfson
College, Oxford University, Oxford, Research Fellow 1990–7, Supernumerary
Fellow since 1997. Member of Common Room, Wolfson College, 1976–90, Member
of Senior Common Room, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, since 1980.
- Arnold Mallinson,
Quinquagesimo Anno, Robert Dugdale (Oxford, England), 1974,
revised edition published as Under the Blue Hood: A Hotchpotch 1923–1985,
- Isaiah Berlin,
Selected Writings:
- (edited with Aileen Kelly), Russian Thinkers, Hogarth
Press (London) 1978, Viking (New York) 1978
- Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays, Hogarth
Press (London) 1978, Viking 1979
- Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas,
Hogarth Press 1979, Viking 1980
- Personal Impressions, Hogarth Press, 1980, Viking,
1981; 2nd (enlarged) edition, Pimlico (London) 1998, Princeton University
Press 2001.
- Other books by Isaiah Berlin:
- The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History
of Ideas, Murray (London) 1990, Knopf (New York) 1991
- The
Magus of the North: J. G. Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism,
Murray 1993, Farrar, Straus and Giroux (New York) 1994
- The Sense of Reality: Studies in Ideas and their History,
Chatto and Windus (London) 1996, Farrar, Straus and Giroux 1997
- (edited with Roger Hausheer) The Proper Study of Mankind:
An Anthology of Essays, Chatto and Windus 1997, Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- The Roots of Romanticism, Chatto and Windus 1999,
Princeton University Press 1999
- The Power of Ideas, Chatto and Windus 2000, Princeton
Unversity Press 2000
- Three Critics of the Enlightenment: Vico, Hamann, Herder,
Pimlico 2000, Princeton University Press 2000
- Freedom and its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty
(1952), Chatto and Windus 2002, Princeton University Press 2002
- Liberty, Oxford University Press (Oxford and New
York) 2002.
- Founding editor of ‘Past Masters’ series (mostly now transferred
to the Very Short Introductions
series), Oxford University Press, 1980–5.