is my personal page at Oxford University.
I have been employed at the University of Oxford since 1995. Since February 2013 I am the Director of Infrastructure Services within IT Services (formerly Oxford University Computing Services (OUCS)). I am also a Supernumerary Fellow at Lady Margaret Hall (since Oct 2017).
After a major restructuring in September 2017 (and again in 2023), Infrastructure Services comprises:
- Networks and Data Centres
- Network and Data Centre Operations
- Network Support and Development
- Managed Network Services
- Platform Services
- Unix Platform Services
- Microsoft Platform Services
- Cloud and Storage Services
- Communication & Collaboration Services
- Endpoint Device Management Services
- Identity and Access Management
- Research Computing and Support Services
- Advanced Research Computing
- Research Support Services
All about IT Infrastructure Services: Everything from eduroam and Single Sign-On to research computing, data backup and much more (March 2023)
Until December 2012 I was also the Technical Coordinator for the Student Systems Programme (40%) and a member of the ICT Coordination Programme core project team.
I have played a leading role in a number of projects relating to the management of research data. From 2009-2010 I directed the JISC-funded Embedding Institutional Data Curation Services in research (EIDCSR) project. Eidcsr was succeeded by the Supporting Data Management Infrastructure for the Humanities (Sudamih) project, for which I was co-Director (2010-11), and the successor to Sudamih was the Virtual Infrastructure with Database-as-a-Service (VIDaaS), for which I was also co-Director (2011-12).
In 2010/11 Stuart Lee and I led a small-scale, JISC-funded project to develop a toolkit for the costing of IT Services.
From 2007-2009 I directed the e-Infrastructure Use Cases and Service Usage Models (eIUS) Project, including the production of a set of e-Infrastructure case study videos.
I was also Co-Director of the Scoping Digital Repository Services for Research Data Management project until it completed in March 2009.
I have participated in a number of virtual research environment (VRE) projects, most recently as Co-investigator for the VRE for the Study of Documents and Manuscripts Project.
Until August 2007 I was the Head of the Research Technologies Service at OUCS and
Director of Intute
Arts and Humanities, a service of Intute, the national resource discovery
service. Until August 2008 I was also Director of OSS Watch, the JISC-funded open source software advisory service. For a short period of time I was Associate Director of the Oxford
e-Research Centre (OeRC).
From Sept 2005-March 2007 I contributed to Oxford University's ICT
Strategy Programme as Technical Secretary and a leader of the work
task charged with developing scenarios sketching out the near-future
benefits of ICT for day to day working in the University.
I have a BA (Hons) and PhD in theology from the University of Durham.
My current IT interests include: models for the delivery of IT services within research-intensive universities; institutional ICT structures for supporting research, including the development
of virtual research environments and development of services to support research data management; full economic costing of ICT services and ensuring sustainable ICT services within institutions. I still maintain a passing interest in digital humanities (formerly known as humanities computing). Outside IT my research interests include nineteenth century Oxford and the Isle of Man.
Previous publications include:
- Fraser, Michael A. "Identifying digital objects" in Dutton, W. H., and Jeffreys, P. W. (eds), World Wide Research: Reshaping the Sciences and Humanities. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press (2010).
- "Towards
a Research Repository for Oxford University". Produced for
the Digital Archiving Group, Oxford University (Jan 2006).
- "Virtual
Research Environments: Overview and Activity". Ariadne
44 (July 2005),
- Review of Understanding Open Source
and Free Software Licensing by Andrew M. St. Laurent. Ariadne
42 (Jan 2005).
- [With J. Anderson and A. Dunning] (eds). Selected Papers from Digital Resources for the Humanities 2001-2002 (London: OHC,2003).
- [With F. Pinto] "Access Management, the Key to a Portal: the experience
of the Subject Portals Project". Ariadne 35 (2003),
- [With N. Williamson and M. Deegan] (eds). Digital Evidence: Selected Proceedings from Digital Resources for the Humanities 2000. (London: OHC, September 2001).
- [With F. Condron and S. Sutherland] CTI Textual Studies Guide to Digital Resources for the Humanities (Oxford: Humanities Computing Unit, 2000 & West Virginia University Press, 2001). The essay entitled, "Religion
and Theology" is available online.
- "From concordances to subject portals:supporting the text-centred humanities community". Computers and the Humanities 34 (Aug 2000): 265-78.
- [Editor] Computers & Texts. Oxford: CTI Textual Studies, 1995-2000.
- "Visit to the William T. Young Library, University of Kentucky". London:
MALIBU, 1999.
- [With S. Porter] "Text,
Performance, Film: putting on the digital show?" Literary and
Linguistic Computing 12:4 (1997). Introductory essay to special
section also edited by Fraser & Porter.
- "Constantine
and the Encaenia" in Studia Patristica 39. Ed. Elizabeth
A. Livingstone. Leuven: Peeters, 1997: 25-28.
- "Computer-Assisted Theology" in Christine Mullings, Marilyn Deegan, Seamus Ross, Stephanie Kenna (eds), New Technologies for the Humanities. British Library Research and Innovation report 2. (London: Bowker-Saur, 1996), 338-354.
Some presentations include:
- [With Stuart Lee] "Costing IT Services". What price your service? UCISA, Birmingham, 9 December 2011.
- "The Place of the Digital Library within
Virtual Research Environments". Digital Libraries à la Carte.
International Ticer School (Tilburg), 24 August 2006. [PDF
- "Sustaining Virtual Research Environments
(VRE) : Some Strategic Considerations". JISC VRE Programme
meeting, Oxford, 17 Jan 2006.
- [with J. Wilson] "Humbul
Humanities Hub". University College London. P008: Digital Resources
in the Humanities, 21 October 2005.
- "Not
Robots but Humans: Stories from the Humbul Humanities Hub". Colloque
du centre «Cultures Anglophones et Technologies de l’Information»
(CATI) Université Paris-Sorbonne, 12 March 2005.
- "Supporting Virtual
Research Environments : how can we help?". Oxford University Computing
Services Open Day, 22 April 2004.
- [with S. Holdom] "The
development of online resource discovery services for the humanities".
The Future of the Humanities, St Hugh's College, Oxford, 19-20 March
- "Open source software for teaching and learning". Open Source Software
for Learning, Teaching, Assessment and Administration, ALT Workshop,
Oxford Brookes University, 13 Nov 2003.
- "Learning about Institutional Portals: the OUCS Pilot Portal Project".
Digital Projects in Oxford seminar series, 12 Nov 2003.
- "Portal-to-portal: joining up content to decrease the time spent clicking
as distinguished from the time spent working". EINIRAS Conference, London,
September 2003. [Powerpoint]
- (With F. Pinto) "Humbul
Humanities Portal: Managing Access and Integration". Digital Resources
in the Humanities 2003, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, September
2003. [Powerpoint]
- "Building bridges and intercept points: putting national and institutional
portals in touch with one another". UCISA-JISC
Portals Forum, June 2003.
- "Delivering national portal services for the humanities". Gateways
to Research and Lifelong Learning: Portals in Perspective. University
of London Library, 25 April 2003.
- (With F. Pinto) "Authenticating remote users to remote resources:
the experience of the Subject Portals Project". Internet Librarian International,
Birmingham, March 2003 [Powerpoint].
- (with F. Boyle) "Oxford's
institutional repository: what eprints can do for you". Digital
Projects in Oxford seminar series, 19 Feb 2003.
- "Simple access to
archival descriptions using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol".
DRH2002, University of Edinburgh, September 2002.
- "Humbul Humanities Hub". Dibner Institute, MIT, March 2002.
- "User
views of the Humbul Humanities Hub". DRH2001, School of Oriental
and African Studies, London, July 2001.
- "Web
resources for teaching". School of Humanities, University of Nottingham,
March 2001.
- "Greek text on
the Web: finding, using, delivering." Oxford ICT in Classics Conference,
July 1999.
- "Selecting Resources for a Subject
Gateway: Who Decides?". ACH-ALLC International Humanities Computing
Conference, University of Virginia, 9-13 June 1999.
- "Online desktop
commentary: the case of the Starr Report." Text and Commentary in
the Electronic Age, Oxford, October 1998.
- "CTI Textual Studies 1984-1999: What
Have We Learnt?" Digital Resources for the Humanities, Glasgow,
Sept 1998.
- "I was wandering in cyberspace
for 40 hours and 40 minutes, when lightning struck": The Problems
of Finding Religion in Cyberspace Paper presented to the British Middle
Eastern Studies Conference, Birmingham, 7 July 1998.
- "The history of the electronic
text". Part of a history of the book seminar session on the electronic
text and the future of the codex, Oxford, 1998.
- "Teaching the Humanities with Digital
Resources." Paper Delivered at the Digital Resources for the Humanities
Conference, Somerville College, Oxford, July 1-3 1996.
- "Tools and Techniques
for Computer-Assisted Biblical Studies." New Testament Graduate
Research Seminar, Oxford, June 1996.
Professional service
I was external examiner for the MA/Diploma/Certificate
in Electronic Communication and Publishing, University College London,
2003-2006. From 2002-2004 I was also external examiner for the Certificate
in Humanities Computing for Languages, University of Cambridge.
I am, or was, a member of the following committees:
- 2020- , Oxford University Business Continuity Operations Group & Network
- 2019- , Reuben College Project Building IT & AV Group (Convenor)
- 2017- , Lady Margaret Hall Governing Body
- 2011- , Lady Margaret Hall (LMH) ICT Committee
- 2005-2021, Humanities Division IT Forum
- 2004- , Classics Faculty IT Committee
- 2010-2013, Ucisa Infrastructure Group Committee
- 2009-2012, Student Systems Management Group
- 2009, Humanities Division IT Review
- 2008-2013, X5 Project Steering Group and Oxford Project Board (was Resolve Replacement Project)
- 2009-2011, Enhanced Computing Environment Programme Board
- 2007-2011, Core User Directory Project Working Party (Chair)
- 2007-2009, Oxford Digital Repositories Steering Group (Technical Secretary)
- 2007-2009, Steering Group for the Oxford University Research Archive
- 2008, University Groupware Project Shortlisting and Procurement panels (OUCS Sponsor)
- 2006, OST e-Infrastructure Virtual Research Communities Working Group
- 2005-2007, Oxford University ICT
Strategy Steering Group (Technical Secretary)
- 2005-2006, Research Portals in
Arts and Humanities Project Group
- 2003-2005, Resource
Discovery Network Management Board (elected representative)
- 2003-2009 , TAPoR: Text-Analysis
POrtal for Research External Board
- 2003-2007, OSS Watch Advisory
- 2003-2006, AHDS Literature,
Languages and Linguistics Advisory Committee
- 2003-2005, HEA Philosophical
and Religious Studies Subject Centre Steering Group
- 2001-2005 , AHDS History
Advisory Committee
- 2003-2006, Association for Computers
and the Humanities Executive Council (elected)
- 2003-2005, Accessing
our archival and manuscript heritage Steering Group
- 1999-2005, Digital Resources for
the Humanities Standing Committee (Chair, 2001-2004)
- 2002-2003, MedHist [History of
Medicine Gateway] Advisory Group
- 2000-2004, Resource
Guide for the Arts and Humanities Advisory Group
Past Activities
- Durham: My PhD thesis was entitled, "The Feast of the Encaenia
in the Fourth Century and in the Early Liturgical Sources of Jerusalem"
(1995). I was one of the first theologians to make use of the Web and
of course my first web documents were a (draft) abstract
and material relating to my thesis. The full text of my thesis is
now available online. During
my time in Durham I ensured that Durham was amongst the first to have
a web site for its Department
of Theology and I also created a guide
to internet resources for theology (not working since the migration of Humbul to Intute). I also made available online a section of the wandering pilgrim
Egeria's journal
dealing with the Jerusalem liturgy together with a translation.
- Oxford: From 1995-1999 I was Research Officer, Manager, and
finally Deputy Director of the CTI
Centre for Textual Studies. During this time I edited, and contributed
to, numerous issues of Computers
& Texts, maintained most of the Web site, travelled the UK and
beyond organising presentations and workshops, and undertook various
other online/offline activities for the Computers in Teaching Initiative.
I was also Oxford site manager for the ASTER
Project (Assisting Small-group Teaching with Electronic Resources).
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