- Errata
Errors (still, alas) in the reprinted edition (2008)
- page 2: the US budget deficit should be closer to 1013$
- page 56: 1st line of eqn 6.14 dν and dθ written twice
- page 62: eqn 7.1, exchange 235 and 238. This expression is of course the ratio of effusion rates.
- page 75: 3 lines after eqn 9.2, dv rather than dc
- page 79: line 10 "per unit time per unit area"
- page 97: 5 lines after eqn 10.56, ν=η/ρ
- page 111: second last bullet, Cv should be Cp
- page 171: P should be p in eqn 16.49
- page 177: line 2 of eqn 16.84, replace Maxwell's relations by reciprocal theorem
- page 214: eqn 20.27, after the second =, -Δ/2T
rather than -Δ/T
- page 241: eqn 22.67, K=pB/pA;
the line under eqn 22.67, K<<1 and the line below this line K>>1.
- page 241, eqn 22.70, dG=(μB-μA)dNB.
- page 241: eqn 22.71, K=pA/pB should be K=pB/pA.
- page 243: eqn 22.82 and 22.84, no subscript j for the p in the denominator
- page 249: line after eqn 23.11, replace K-1 by K-4
- page 255: eqn 23.44 should be negative.
- page 260: eqn 23.60, on the right side g2/
g1, not g1/g2;
eqn 23.61 the sign on the exponential should be plus
- page 290: eqn 26.41: No V on the left, just p, minus sign in front of a/V2
- page 337: There should not be (2S+1) in the last line of eqn 30.3.
- page 338: Eq. 30.8, missing ln before Z.
- page 340: eqn 30.22, argument of Θ should be
- page 345: there should be a 1/(z-1eβE-1) inside the integral of the first part of 30.48.
- page 346: Sentence before (30.51) should say "Equation 30.43 ..."
- page 347: eqn 30.55, first expression should be 1/(z-1-1)
- page 444: between eqn C.41 and C.42, dy rather than dz
Errors in the reprinted edition (2007)
These include those in the latest reprinted edition, and the following:
- page 64: dM/dt should be |dM/dt| in 7.12 and in the line before
- page 80: In the first bullet point, it is λ which is proportional to n-1 and not κ
- page 90: remove the "/2" in 10.21
- page 221: eqn 21.1 and following line: normalization should be 23/2/V1/2, not
1/V1/2 [though this doesn't affect following argument]
- page 256: On this page, U should be the energy density u
- page 288: Fig. 26.6. Interchange "gas" and "liquid" labels (obviously!)
- page 445: delete 2 in the numerator in eqn C.55
Errors in the first printing (2006)
These include those in the reprinted editions, and the following:
- page 48: lower limit of integrals in eqns 5.13 and 5.14 should be 0.
- page 94: eqn 10.37 change x to r
- page 95: eqn 10.48 delete r on the denominator
- page 155: marginal note 4 should be James Bernoulli (1654-1705)
- page 169: the first two constraints (in the bulleted list) should read
"System with fixed entropy..." and not "System thermally isolated...".
See also here.
- page 200: eqn 19.3, last term (1/2)kx2
- page 210: Fig 20.1 caption, Z=1/(2 sinh(β
- page 213: Right-hand column of Table 20.1, the entry for p
should be
- page 216: minus sign in exponential in
ω) terms in eqns 20.31, 20.32
- page 217: insert βΔ after (2J+1) on RHS of eqn 20.34
- page 220: coth should be cosh in eqn 20.44
- page 235, (22.16) should be:
- page 342: upper limits in integrals (30.31) should be EF
- page 405, line after (35.37), change "total energy" to "total power".
- page 409, second line of Example 35.4 should read "(a) p(r)" not
"(a) ρ(r)"
- page 418, line before (36.23) GMm/R
- page 434, formula 4 of section 2: cosh 2x=
cosh2x + sinh2x
- page 448: eqn C.81 insert minus sign before D; eqn C.83 dx
should be dk
Some spotted by the authors, but also
thanks to Ryan Buckingham, Merlin Cooper, Peter Coulon,
Peter Duffy, Ted Einstein, Joe Fallon, Amy Fok,
Felix Flicker, William Frass, Ben Jones, Gabriel McManus,
Adam Micolich,
Robin Moss, Alan O'Neill, Caity Rice, Nicola van Leeuwen,
Yan Mei Wang, Helena Wilding,
and Michael Williams.
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