OUQS Motto - 'Pecca Fortiter'
Oxford University Quiz Society

Joining the Society

If you are a student at Oxford, then we would love for you to join OUQS. There is no membership fee. According to the Society constitution, all subscribers to the Society mailing list are automatically members of the Society. To subscribe to the mailing list, simply send a blank e-mail to quiz-freshers-subscribe@maillist.ox.ac.uk or e-mail us at quiz.society@studentclubs.ox.ac.uk and ask to be added. Alternatively, stop by the Quiz Society stall at the Freshers' Fair in Michaelmas and sign up for the list. E-mails to the Society list are infrequent, but they will tell you about practices, inter-university tournaments, tournaments within Oxford (such as the Intercollegiate Quiz and the Freshers' ICQ), and the Annual General Meeting.

OUQS makes a distinction between the "Quiz Society" (which is open to all members of the university who wish to join) and the "Quiz Squad" (which is the group of members who play in inter-university competitions, such as BSQC or the annual Varsity match). There is no formal selection process for this group; in recent years it has generally been possible for anyone in the Society who expresses an interest in attending quiz tournaments to do so on one of the Squad teams. Information about upcoming tournaments is sent out to the mailing list by the President or Squad Captain. Members of the Squad are expected to make some effort to attend our weekly practices on Monday and Wednesday nights during term time and to help write for and staff at important tournaments in Oxford, like the Oxford Open Tournament.