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In Autumn 2004, English Heritage (in partnership with Atkins Heritage, University of Bristol and University College London) published the Change and Creation Discussion Document (Andrea Bradley, Victor Buchli, Graham Fairclough, Dan Hicks, Janet Miller and John Schofield 2004. London: English Heritage). The discussion document brings together professionals from the public, commercial and higher education spheres of archaeology, aiming to point to the importance and challenges of engaging with the heritage of the very recent past, and to invite comments and discussion.

The discussion document is available online in digital format, or as a hard copy from English Heritage: Download the document as a pdf file

You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this document. It is freely downloadable from http://www.adobe.co.uk. Viewers with visual difficulties may find it useful to investigate services provided to improve Acrobat accessibility: http://access.adobe.com.

Alternatively, you may write to request a free hard copy of the document from Change and Creation, English Heritage, Fortress House, 23 Saville Row, London. W1X 2HE. Email: john.schofield@english-heritage.org.uk

See also Images of Change

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