--{- Genetic Analysis System -}--
GAS is an integrated computer program designed to automate and accelerate
the acquisition and analysis of genomic data. It was primarily developed by
Dr. Alan Young
working at
Oxford University.
Y2K - GAS is believed to be fully Y2K compliant provided that the
system clock works correctly on the host machine. On machines which are
not themselves Y2K, the only problem will be an incorrect date stamp in
the output files.
Linux - there is currently no free version of GAS available for Linux.
To retrieve the latest version of GAS (2.0) click on the appropriate
icons below. The unpacking instructions given here may also be down-loaded
as a README file.
This server is mirrored at
If you have problems with WWW servers, GAS can also be obtained by
anonymous ftp from:
- ftp.ox.ac.uk pub/users/ayoung
- linkage.cpmc.columbia.edu software/gas
GAS2.0 comes with 2 manuals. These are in Postscript format
(retrieve and save them as Ascii files) and
should be printed on a Postscript compatible laserprinter:
Whichever computer system you are using, you will need to download both
of these manuals.
Full instructions for installing and using the program and example files
are given at the back of the General User Guide.
If you are unable to view/print Postscript files then an
HTML version is available - however
please read the caveats on the download page before atempting to use
For PC based systems, you require the file:
Once you have retrieved this file (as a binary image),
typing `gas20dos' will automatically unpack both the GAS program and
the example files. The package includes two auxillary files, 32RTM.EXE
and DPMI32VM.OVL which you must install in the DOS path (the Windows
directory must also be in the DOS path).
Unix Systems
You should load (as a binary image) the appropriate version of
GAS for your system from the list below:
You will also require the example file package:
Once you have retrieved the appropriate files you can unpack them using the
zcat bundle.tar.Z | tar -xvf -
where bundle is the first part of the file name.
VMS Systems
You should load (as a binary image) the appropriate version
of GAS for your system from the list below:
The VMS backup format may become corrupted
during remote transfers and as a result there
is not a specific example file package for VMS. Instead please load either
the Unix or DOS example packages, the contents of which are identical.
There are 2 known problems with version 2.0
- The sibmwu() routine may return negative p-values in cases
where the 0-sharers are more similar than the 1-sharers.
Since these cases are of no interest to gene identification, the spurious
results may be ignored.
- The pscontrol parameter smoothfactor
may fail unless it has a value equal to (or greater than) the
number of points from which the interpolation is made.
GAS uses Jeff O'Connell's Vitesse routines to perform the likelihood
calculations in the lik*() routines. The
Vitesse package
is also available as a stand-alone program.
GAS is no longer actively supported by the author. If you wish to obtain
help on using it then please try relevant news/usergroups.
Bugs may still be reported however, and if sufficiently serious (i.e.
affecting numerical results rather than aesthetic presentation) will
be posted in the Problems section above.
A version of GAS for Linux is frequently requested. However as the author
has moved to working in
clinical trials/epidemiology
this would have to be developed outside the academic framework and
require external funding. Feel free to get in touch if you have such