CTI Textual Studies
Q & A

T e x t A n a l y s i s
T o o l s

Q Could you help me with Tact? I have the manual and software installed, and I have text marked up in Cocoa, but I don't know what to do next - how to get TACT to recognise the cocoa markup. (see also "I am having problems using Tact 2.1 without a manual. Can you help?")

A Before you can use the text in TACT, you need to create a TACT database from your text file. The MAKBAS function allows you to do this. Did you say that you have a copy of the manual? Information about creating MAKBAS is on page 114.

The first time that you use MAKBAS with your file, the program should automatically produce a setup file for the database (a .MKS file). This should take place automatically without any problems. It will then create a .TDB file, the file which TACT will use to create word-lists, etc. This .TDB file will automatically be given the same name as your original file (with the extension .TDB) unless you specify otherwise.

In order to tell TACT whether you are using markup, and what form that markup will take, you define options in the MAKBAS Definition Phase Panel, in the Structural Information Panel. This Panel is available when you are creating your textbase within MAKBAS.

In the Reference Brackets Symbols section, you specify (1) which symbols you are using to represent open and closing brackets (ie the symbols used in your COCOA markup), (2) whether you want the text reference (markup) to appear in the KWIC display or not, and (3) whether or not the appearance of a text reference is to be considered as a word separator or not.

To do this, change the Type switch from Empty to Reference, and then enter the information for your opening and closing brackets (e.g. < and >). Then select options for both Suppress Text and Word Separator (either Yes or No in each case).

TACT should then be aware of the COCOA markup present in your text and interpret it accordingly.

This is only a brief summary of the functions available within TACT; depending on the nature of your text, you may find that you need to look at more complex options. Also, you may not be aware that there is an on-line TACT information site, and TACT discussion list, which could also be useful (see http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/cch/tact.html where you can consult information on installation and join the discussion list).


Q & A

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HTML Author: Sarah Porter
Document created: 27 May 1997
Document last modified:

The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/enquiry/tat06.html