Computer-Assisted Theology: My Humbul Edition

Internet Resources for the Study and Teaching of Theology

About this page

This page provides an annotated list of Internet resources relating to theological studies. Many of these sites will, of course, contain further links to other notable places not included here. The intention is to give an indication of the range of resources available on the Internet.

Internet Resources for the Study and Teaching of Theology was first created as an online bookmark file in 1993. The page was then re-developed and incorporated within the CTI Centre for Textual Studies web site (1997). From that time the site has suffered from not being updated frequently enough with the result that a large number of the links no longer work. However, nearly 1,000 people still visit this site on a weekly basis. Therefore, rather than simply deleting the page (and causing yet another broken link to exist on the Web) I have decided to make use of the Humbul Humanities Hub's function to create portable subject gateways using selected descriptions of web pages from Humbul's own catalogue. For this, the first version of the My Humbul Include edition I have retained the original subject headings (however misguided they may be) and populated them with descriptions selected by me using My Humbul and which are automatically served from Humbul's database when you load this page. The downside is that you are required to have Javascript enabled in your browser in order to see any of this happen.

In the spirit of My Humbul I have also taken the opportunity of making available the Javascript code for anyone else to copy and paste into their own Web page. You can then construct a similar gateway on your own web page with little effort or, of course, you can do exactly what I did and go to Humbul, register for My Humbul (it's free), select resource descriptions of interest, build sets and then insert the resulting Javascript into your web pages. The further addition or deletion of sites form your portable gateway can be done via My Humbul without the need for any further editing of your web page.

The following sections are available:

I hope that you find something of use or interest here. Please submit academic sites for inclusion via the Humbul Humanities Hub.