This is the website for a past conference (2015). For information on the current conference, please visit here.


Please note that details of the programme might change on short notice.
All talks take place at Faculty of Philosophy. Radcliffe Humanities, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG.

Friday 13th November
Keynote lecture (jointly with the Jowett Society): The Philosophical Role of Illness
Havi Carel (Bristol)
Chair: Karamvir Chadha
Lecture Room
Frege's Unthinkable Thoughts
Lukas Skiba
Respondent: Paul Elborne
Chair: Amy Levine
Lecture Room
The Place of Ordinary Language in Heidegger's View of Language
Suraj Chaudhary
Respondent: Joseph Schear
Chair: Steven DeLay
Colin Matthew Room
Drinks Reception
Everyone welcome.
Ryle Room
Saturday 14th November
Believing Epistemic Contradictions
Bob Beddor and Simon Goldstein
Respondent: Salvador Mascarenhas
Chair: James Kirkpatrick
Lecture Room
Partiality and Preferring What is Best
Mike Deigan
Respondent: Ben Levinstein
Chair: Michael Prinzing
Colin Matthew Room
Coffee and Tea Break
Ryle Room
'Deliver us from Evil Geniuses': A New Defense of Epistemological Disjunctivism
Kegan Shaw
Respondent: Tim Williamson
Chair: Tanya Goodchild
Lecture Room
Enduring Through Gunk
Matt Leonard
Respondent:Oliver Pooley
Chair: Ben Brast-McKie
Colin Matthew Room
Why the Conceptualist Explanation of Transparency Fails
Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini
Respondent: Tim Williamson
Chair: James Openshaw
Lecture Room
Transmission of Warrant and External World Scepticism
Maeve MacPherson
Respondent: Martin Davies
Chair: Amy Levine
Colin Matthew Room
Coffee and Tea Break
Ryle Room
Keynote speech: Infinitives in Practical Thought
Jennifer Hornsby (Birkbeck)
Chair: Harry Alanen
Lecture Room
Conference Dinner
Sunday 15th November
On the Ethics of Dark Humour
Jess Farrell
Respondent: Yuuki Ohta
Chair: James Matharu
Lecture Room
On the Nature and Source of Blame's Communicative Element
David Beglin
Respondent: Jeff McMahan
Chair: Joe Bowen
Colin Matthew Room
Coffee and Tea Break
Ryle Room
Cooperation and Coordination: How Social Networks (Do Not) Allow for Cooperation in the Finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma
Goreti Faria
Respondent: Josh Parsons
Chair: Kacper Kowalczyk
Lecture Room
Hallucination and the New Problem of Empty Names
Justin D'Ambrosio
Respondent: Andy Yu
Chair: Malte Bischof
Colin Matthew Room