
2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995-87 |

Articles in Refereed Journals*, Refereed Proceedings#, and in Edited Books+


‘Being There Together and the Future of Connected Presence', forthcoming in Proceedings of Presence 2005, London UK , Sept. 21-23.
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‘The Effect of Behavioral Realism and Form Realism of Real-Time Avatar Faces on Verbal Disclosure, Nonverbal Disclosure, Emotion Recognition, and Copresence in Dyadic Interaction', with Jeremy Bailenson , Nick Yee and Dan Merget, forthcoming in Proceedings of Presence 2005, London UK, Sept. 21-23.


‘Michael Mann', in Rob Stones (ed), Key Sociological Thinkers, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.


‘The World Wide Web of Science: Reconfiguring Access to Information' with Alex Caldas , Gustavo Mesch and Bill Dutton, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester UK , 22-24 June.


Entries on ‘Rationality, Rationalization and Rationalism' and ‘Ernest Gellner' in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Austin Harrington , Barbara Marshall and Hans-Peter Muller (eds).


‘Personal Interaction between Users of Immersion Projection Technology Systems', with Anthony Steed , David Roberts and Ilona Heldal , in Proceedings of HCI 2005, Las Vegas .
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‘Evaluating Collaboration in Distributed Virtual Environments for a Puzzle-Solving Task', with Anthony Steed and Ilona Heldal , in Proceedings of HCI 2005, Las Vegas.
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‘Successes and Failures in Copresent situations', with Ilona Heldal , Anthony Steed , Maria Spante , Sophia Bengtsson and Marja Partanen, in Presence: Journal of Teleoperators and Virtual Environments.


‘Avatars at Work and Play: Overlapping Themes and Intersecting Research Agendas', with Ann-Sofie Axelsson , in Ralph Schroeder and Ann-Sofie Axelsson (eds), Avatars at Work and Play: Collaboration and Interaction in Shared Virtual Environments. London: Springer, pp ix-xv.


‘Interaction Fragments influencing Collaboration in Distributed Virtual Environments', with Ilonal Heldal, Lars Brathe and Anthony Steed , in Ralph Schroeder and Ann-Sofie Axelsson (eds), Avatars at Work and Play: Collaboration and Interaction in Shared Virtual Environments. London : Springer, pp.97-130.


‘The Good Inequality: Supporting Group Work in Shared Virtual Environments', with Maria Spante and Ann-Sofie Axelsson , in Ralph Schroeder and Ann-Sofie Axelsson (eds), Avatars at Work and Play: Collaboration and Interaction in Shared Virtual Environments. London : Springer, pp151-166.


‘The Usability of Collaborative Virtual Environments and Methods for the Analysis of Interaction', with Jolanda Tromp and Ilona Heldal , forthcoming in Presence: Journal of Teleoperators and Virtual Environments.


‘Introduction: The IEMP Model and its Critics' in Ralph Schroeder and John Hall (eds), An Anatomy of Power: Michael Mann's Social Theory. (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).


‘Immersiveness and Symmetry in Copresent Scenarios', with Ilona Heldal , Anthony Steed, Ann-Sofie Axelsson , Josef Widestrom and Maria Spante , Proceedings of IEEE VR 2005, Bonn, Germany.
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‘Ethical and Social Issues in Shared Virtual Environments: An Overview of the Issues', submitted to Virtual Reality.


‘How Putting Yourself into the Other Person's Virtual Shoes Enhances Collaboration', with Maria Spante , Ann-Sofie Axelsson and Michael Christie, in Proceedings of Presence 2004, Valencia , pp.190-196.


‘The Usability of Shared Virtual Environments: A Comparison of Three Studies and Outlook on the Future', with Ilona Heldal , in Proceedings of Designing and Evaluating Virtual Reality Systems Workshop, Jan.22-23, Nottingham .


Communication in Virtual Environments: Establishing Common Ground for a Collaborative Spatial Task?', with Ann-Sofie Axelsson and Asa Abelin, Proceedings of Presence 2003, Aalborg , Denmark .


‘Beyond Presence and Copresence: A Phenomenological Account of Experiences in Shared Virtual Environments', in Proceedings of Presence 2003, Aalborg, Denmark .
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‘Is there a Tradeoff between Presence and Copresence?', with Maria Spante , Ann-Sofie Axelsson and Ilona Heldal , in Proceedings of Presence 2003, Aalborg, Denmark.
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‘Anyone Speak Spanish? Language Encounters in Multi-User Virtual Environments and the Influence of Technology' with Åsa Abelin and Ann-Sofie Axelsson , New Media and Society, Vol.5 (4), pp. 475-498. Updated version forthcoming as ‘Anyone Speak Swedish' in Brenda Danet and Susan Herring (eds), The Multi-Lingual Internet ( New York : Oxford University Press).


‘Strangers and Friends in Networked Immersive Environments: Virtual Spaces for Future Living', Proceedings of Home Oriented Informatics and Telematics, Irvine CA , April 6-8, 16 pp.


‘Strangers and Friends in Caves: An Exploratory Study of Collaboration in Networked IPT Systems for Extended Periods of Time', with Anthony Steed, Maria Spante , Ilona Heldal and Ann-Sofie Axelsson , in ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (Monterey CA, April 27-30). ACM Press, New York , pp. 51-54.
+ View Paper [pdf]


`The Consumption of Technology in Everyday Life: Car, Telephone, Television in Sweden and America in a Comparative-Historical Perspective'. Sociological Research Online, vol.7, no 4. (20pp.)


‘Weberian Perspectives on Science, Technology and Economics', with Richard Swedberg , British Journal of Sociology,vol.53, no.3, pp. 383-401.


'Performance and collaboration in virtual environments for visualizing large complex models: comparing immersive and desktop systems', with Ilona Heldal , Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, VSMM2002: Gyeongju , Korea , pp.208-220.


‘Copresence and Interaction in Virtual environments: An overview of the Range of Issues.In Felize Ribeiro(ed.) Fifth International Workshop Presence 2002, Porto Portugal Oct.9-11,pp.274-295.
+ View Paper [pdf]


‘Preface' in Ralph Schroeder (ed), The Social Life of Avatars: Presence and Interaction in Shared Virtual Environments, ( London : Springer), pp.ix-xiv.


‘Social Interaction in Virtual Environments: Key Issues, Common Themes, and a Framework for Research' in Ralph Schroeder (ed), The Social Life of Avatars: Presence and Interaction in Shared Virtual Environments, ( London : Springer), pp.1-18.
+ View Paper [pdf]


‘The Long-term Uses of Shared Virtual Environments: An Exploratory Study',  with Alexander Nilsson , Ilona Heldal , and Ann-Sofie Axelsson , in Ralph Schroeder (ed), The Social Life of Avatars: Presence and Interaction in Shared Virtual Environments, (London: Springer), pp.112-126.


‘Weber, Pynchon and the American Prospect' in Max Weber Studies, vol.1, issue 2, pp.161-177.


‘Collaborating in networked immersive spaces: as good as being there together?', with Ann-Sofie Axelsson , Ilona Heldal , Åsa Abelin, Josef Wideström, Alexander Nilsson ,with Anthony Steed, and Mel Slater, in Computers & Graphics, vol.25, pp.781-788.
+ View Paper [pdf]


‘Activeworlds: geography and social interaction in virtual reality', with Andy Smith and Avon Huxor, in Futures, vol.33, pp.569-587.
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‘Cubes in the Cube: A Comparison of a Puzzle-Solving Task in a Virtual and a Real Environment', with Ann-Sofie Axelsson , Åsa Abelin, Ilona Heldal , Josef Wideström, in Cyberpsychology and Behaviour, vol.4, no.2., pp.279-286.


'The Collaborative Cube Puzzle: A Comparison of Virtual and Real Environments', with Josef Wideström, Ann-Sofie Axelsson , Alexander Nilsson and Åsa Abelin, in Elizabeth Churchill and Martin Reddy (eds) Proceedings of ACM Conference of the Third International Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments, New York: ACM, pp.165-172.


'Cubes in the Cube: A Comparison of Virtual and Real Environments', with Ann-Sofie Axelsson , Åsa Abelin, Alexander Nilsson , Ilona Heldal and Josef Wideström, in Proceedings of Presence 2000 - 3 rd International Workshop on Presence, in Delft, Holland.


'Trust in the Core: A Study of Long-term Users of Activeworlds', with Ann-Sofie Axelsson . Presented at  Digital Borderlands, a Cybercultural Symposium in Norrköping , Sweden 12-13 May. (submitted for journal publication).


 'Intercultural Communication in Virtual Environments' with Jens Allwood in Intercultural Communication, issue 3, April, available online at .(17pp.)


‘Small Group Behaviour in a Virtual and Real Environment: A Comparative Study' with Mel Slater, Amela Sagadic and Martin Usoh, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, vol.9, no.1, 37-51.


'Rethinking Nationalism in the Context of Globalization' in Kevin Brehony (ed) Nationalisms Old and New. ( Basingstoke : Macmillan), pp. 70-86.


'Social Life in Virtual Worlds: Structure and Interaction in Multi-User Virtual Reality Technology' in Communications & Strategies, no.33, 1 st quarter 1999, p.137-150. (Different version, 'Social Aspects of Virtual Reality Technology', in Hacer Ansal and Deniz Calisir (eds.), Science, Technology and Society International Symposium, Istanbul Technical University, ISBN 975-561-161-4, p.155-165. Different version available online in Creative Room for Art and Computing (CRAC) journal Crac in Context . (7pp.)


'Collaboration and Communication in Multi-User Virtual Environments: A Comparison of Desktop and Immersive Virtual Reality Systems for Molecular Visualization', with Ann-Sofie Axelsson , Åsa Abelin, Ilona Heldal , Alexander Nilsson and Josef Wideström, in Terence Fernando (ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth UKVRSIG Conference,14th September, Salford University, pp.107-117.


'Trust in Virtual Environments', with Ann-Sofie Axelsson in Proceedings of Presence 1999 - 2 nd International Workshop on Presence, in Essex , UK . Available on CD.


'Introduction' in Ralph Schroeder (ed.), Max Weber, Democracy and Modernization ( Basingstoke : Macmillan), pp.x-xii.


‘From Weber's Political Sociology to Contemporary Liberal Democracy' in Ralph Schroeder (ed.), Max Weber, Democracy and Modernization ( Basingstoke : Macmillan), pp.79-92.


'The Sacred and the Virtual: Religion in Multi-User Virtual Reality' with Noel Heather and Ray Lee, in Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, issue 2, vol 4, December available online at


'Multi-User Virtual Reality Technology as a Laboratory for Learning about Social Research: Issues and Prospects', with Ray Lee, in David Unwin and Peter Fischer (eds), Case Studies of Visualization in the Social Sciences, AGOCG, Technical Report Series ISSN 1356-9066, no.43, September, pp. 177-184.


'The Sociology of Science and Technology after Relativism' in David Owen (ed) Sociology after Postmodernism ( London : Sage), pp.124-137.


'Collaborative Learning and Social Interaction in Multi-User Virtual Environments', with Ruth Crawley, in Mike Bevan (ed.), Proceedings - Virtual Reality in Education and Training VRET'97, Loughborough June 24-6, pp.131-8.


'Networked Worlds: Social Aspects of Networked Multi-User Virtual Reality Technoloy' in Sociological Research Online, vol.2, no.4,


'Virtual Worlds and the Social Realities of Cyberspace' in Brian Loader (ed) The Governance of Cyberspace ( London : Routledge), pp.97-107.


'From the Great Divide to the Rubber Cage: Gellner's Conception of Science and Technology' in John Hall and Ian Jarvie (eds) The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner Amsterdam: Editions Rodolpi, pp.427-443.


'Virtual Environments and the Varieties of Interactive Experience in Information and Communication Technologies' in Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, vol 1., no.2, pp.45-55.


'Disenchantment and its Discontents: Weberian Perspectives on Science and Technology', Sociological Review, vol.43, no.2, pp.227-250.


‘Learning from Virtual Reality Applications in Education', Virtual Reality: Research, Development & Applications, vol.1, no.1, pp.33-40.


'Virtual Reality and the Future of Human-Computer Interfaces: The Electronic Frontier in Social Context' in Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol.5, no.2-4, pp.111-123.


'Cyberculture, Cyborg Postmodernism and the Sociology of Virtual Reality Technologies: Surfing the Soul in the Information Age' in Futures: a journal of forecasting, planning and policy, vol.26, no.5, pp. 519-528.


'Virtual Reality and the Future of Interactive Games', with Bryan Cleal and Warren Giles, in Virtual Reality '94: Anwendungen und Trends ( Berlin : Springer), February, pp.377-391.


'Inside the Worlds of Cyberspace: A Sociological Typology of Virtual Realities and their Social Contexts' in Huw Jones, John Vince and Rae Earnshaw (eds) Virtual Reality Applications Proceedings of the British Computer Society Displays Group Conference, June, pp.1-11.


'La Realité Virtuelle et L'Avenir des Jeux Interactives', with Warren Giles, in Interface to Real and Virtual Worlds ( Paris : EC2), February, pp.217-230.


'Virtual Reality im Sprachunterricht für Lernbehinderte', with Bryan Cleal and Warren Giles, in Virtual Reality '94: Anwendungen und Trends ( Berlin : Springer), February, pp.227-240.


'Virtual Reality in the Real World: History, Applications, Projections', Futures: A journal of forecasting, planning and policy, vol. 25, no.9, pp.963-973 [Reprinted in Nick Heap et al. (eds) Information Technology and Society (London: Sage, 1994)].


'Virtual Reality in Education: Some Preliminary Social Science Perspectives', with Bryan Cleal and Warren Giles, in Interface to Real and Virtual Worlds ( Paris : EC2), February, pp.147-158.


‘Virtual Reality: Social Impacts and Cultural Dimensions' in Virtual Reality '93 - Trends and Applications ( London : Meckler), January, pp.7-14.


‘Virtual Reality im Unterricht: Eine Sozialwissenschaftliche Erörterung', mit Bryan Cleal und Warren Giles, in Virtual Reality '93 - Anwendungen und Trends ( Berlin : Springer), February, pp.101-113.


'"Personality" and "Inner Distance": The conception of the Individual in Weber's sociology' in History of the Human Sciences, vol.4, no.1, pp.61-78.


'From Puritanism to Paranoia: Trajectories of History in the Works of Pynchon and Weber' in Pynchon Notes, no.26-27, pp.69-80.


'Nietzsche and Weber: Two Prophets of the Modern World' in Sam Whimster and Scott Lash (eds), Max Weber, Rationality and Modernity, pp.207-221.