

Our mission


`The worst part is not knowing...'

 - Bitten's story

 - Your stories

National conversation on lost and found pet registers

Microchips and the responsible cat owner

 - About microchips

 - Why microchip?






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`The worst part is not knowing...'

What people say about their missing pets:

`The worst part is not knowing. If I found out he'd been killed by a car, it would be awful, but at least I'd know.'

`Until you know what happened, you can't move on. You can't even grieve.'

`Sometimes I dream about him. I dream that I go downstairs to feed Bill, and Ben appears alongside him just like he always used to, purring and winding himself around my legs. Then I wake up...'

`I keep trying to think of other places to look, other places to advertise, other things to do to try to find him. I lie awake at night racking my brains about what else to do.'

`I keep imagining what might have happened to her. Was she stolen? Was she run over by a car? Eaten by a fox? Shot by a boy with a pellet gun? It breaks my heart to think of her in pain.'

`Not a day goes by when I don't think of him – whenever I shower, I remember the way he would dry my wet legs off with his rough tongue, purring madly all the while; whenever I look at his favourite chair I picture him curled up there fast asleep...'

`I read in the paper about cats been stolen for their fur, or thrown into a pack of dogs to get them into fighting mood, or used for lab experiments, and I imagine her. I'm going through hell.'

Read Bitten's story and contact us to send in your stories.