to January 2025
(Books with blue titles are linked to Oxford Scholarship Online where there is an abstract of each book and of each chapter of it..)
Space and Time, first edition, MacMillan and Co. London, 1968. Second edition,
MacMillan and Co., London, 1981.
2. The Concept of Miracle,
(New Studies in the Philosophy of Religion), MacMillan and Co., London, 1971.
(Chapters 3 and 4 are reprinted in (22) below; and some of chapters 1and 2 are
used in the introduction to (22)).Turkish edition, 2009.
3. An Introduction to Confirmation Theory, Methuen, London, 1973.
4. The Coherence of Theism (Clarendon Library of logic and Philosophy), Oxford University Press, 1977. (Polish edition, published by Znak, Cracow, 1996.) Revised Ed., 1993. (Macedonian edition, 2015)
4a. The Coherence of Theism, Second edition, largely rewritten, Oxford University Press, 2016. Spanish edition, San Esteban, 2018. German edition, forthcoming.(For a correction to this book, see here.)
5. The Existence of God, Oxford University Press, 1979,.(German edition ,Reclam, Ditzingen, 1987.) Revised edition, containing versions of (75) and (91) below as Appendices, 1991.
The Existence of God
Second edition, largely rewritten, Oxford University Press, 2004.
Spanish edition, San Esteban, Salamanca,2011; Russian edition,
Languages of Slavonic Culture, Moscow, 2014. (Brazilian) Portugese edition , 2015; French edition, Vrin, Paris (under the title La Probabilité du Théism), 2015. Persian edition, 2018.
(For important corrections to this book see here)
6. Faith and Reason, Oxford University Press, 1981.
6a.Faith and Reason,
Second edition, largely rewritten, Oxford University Press, 2005.
Romanian edition, Cartea Universitara, Bucharest, 2008; German edition,
Echter, Wurzburg,2009; Spanish edition, San Esteban, Salamanca, 2012;
Chinese edition, Logos nnd Pneuma Press, Hong Kong, 2012. Georgian edition, 2023. (For a correction to earlier prinitings of this book see here)
(4, 5, and 6 form a trilogy on the Philosophy
of Theism.)
7. (With Sydney Shoemaker), Personal Identity, Blackwells, Oxford, 1984. (Japanese edition, Sangyo Tosho, Tokyo, 1987.)
8. The Evolution of the Soul, Oxford University Press, 1986.
Revised edition 1997.
Responsibility and Atonement,
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989. (For a correction to this book, see here.)
Revelation, Oxford
University Press, 1991.
10a. Revelation, Second edition, largely rewritten and enlarged, Oxford University Press, 2007.
The Christian God,
Oxford University Press, 1994.
Providence and The Problem of Evil,
Oxford University Press, 1998. (Romanian edition, Ars Academica, Bucharest,
(9, 10, 11 and 12 form a tetralogy on the Philosophy
of Christian Doctrine)
Is There a God?
Oxford University Press,1996 (this is a shorter and simpler version
of (5).) Dutch, Finnish, and Hungarian editions, 1997; Polish edition, 1998. Portuguese
edition, 1998; Russian editions,2001 and 2006; Italian and Turkish
editions,2002; Persian edition,2003;Chinese and German editions, 2005; Amharic
edition, 2006; Romanian edition, 2007, Czech edition, 2011.
Revised edition, 2010. French edition, 2009; Spanish edition, 2012;
Italian editition, 2013; (Brazilian) Portugese edition (under title Deus Existe?) 2015, Korean edition, 2020, Greek, Indonesian, and Turkish editions forthcoming. (For important corrections to this book see here)
14 Epistemic Justification, Oxford University Press, 2001.
The Resurrection of God Incarnate,
Oxford University Press, 2003; Russian edition, 2007, Polish edition, 2021.
16.Was Jesus God?, Oxford University Press, 2008. (This is a shorter and simpler version of my views on the justification of Christian doctrine contained in (9), (10a), (11), (12), and (15).)
Hungarian edition, 2013. Polish edition, 2015.
17. Mind, Brain, and Free Will, Oxford University Press, 2013. (For a short list of important typographical corrections to this book please click here.)
Polish edition, 2023. German editions, forthcoming.
18. Are We Bodies or Souls?,
Oxford University Press, 2019. (This is a simpler but in
some ways more fully developed version of the part of Mind, Brain, and Free Will
which defends substance dualism.
Revised edition, 2023. Persian edition, 2023. Turkish edition, forthcoming.
BOOKS EDITED (with introductions)
19 The Justification of Induction (Oxford Readings in Philosophy), OUP, London, 1974. (Spanish edition, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1976).
20. Space, Time and Causality, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983.
21. Miracles, MacMillan, New York, 1989.
Bayes's Theorem, British Academy,2002.(** Introduction)
23. Free Will and Modern Science, British Academy, 2011
24. (co-edited with David Bradshaw) Natural theology in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, IOTA Publications, 2021.
25. (with James Sterba) Could A Good God Permit So Much Suffering? , Oxford University Press, 2024
(Versions (some of which contain very minor changes) of articles marked with one asterisk can be found on this website under 'pdf texts'.)
(Reformatted versions of articles marked with two asterisks can be found on the Oxford Depository of articles (ORA) at )
(Versions marked with three asterisks can be found at both sites.)
30. "Three Types of Thesis about Fact and Value",
Philosophical Quarterly, 1961, 11, 301-307.
31. "The Presence-and-Absence Theory", Annals of Science, 1962,
18, 131-145. (Reprinted in Notes from the Editors to facsimile edition of W. Bateson,
Mendel's Principles of Heredity, published by Gryphon editions, Birmingham,
Alabama, 1990)
32. "Privacy", Analysis (Supplement No.2), 1963-4, 24, 127-136.
33. Falsifiability of Scientific Theories", Mind, 1964, 73, 434-436.
34. "Times", Analysis, 1964-5, 25, 185-191.
35. "The Timelessness of God", Church Quarterly Review, 1965,
323-37 and 472-86.
36. "Conditions for Bitemporality", Analysis, 1965-6, 26, 47-50.
37. "Galton's Law-Formulation and Development", Annals of Science,
1965, 21, 15-31.
38. "The Beginning of The Universe", Proceedings of the Aristotelian
Society, Supplementary Volume, 1966, 40, 125-138.
39. "Affecting the Past", Philosophical Quarterly, 1966, 16,
40. Knowledge of Past and Future", Analysis, 1965-6, 26, 166-172.
41. "Horizons", Philosophy of Science, 1966, 33, 210-214.
42. "Grue", Analysis, 1967-8, 28, 123-128.
43. "Primary and Secondary Tests", Analysis, 1968-9, 29, 203-205.
44. "The Argument from Design", Philosophy, 1968, 43, 199-212.
45. "Miracles", Philosophical Quarterly, 1968, 18, 320-328.
46. "The Christian Wager", Religious Studies, 1969, 4, 217-228.
47 "Vagueness, Inexactness, and Imprecision", British Journal
for the Philosophy of Science, 1969, 19, 281-299.
48. "Whole and Part in Cosmological Arguments", Philosophy,
1969, 44, 339-340.
49. "Projectible Predicates", Analysis, 1969, 30, 1-11.
50. "Physical Determinism" in (ed.) G.N.A.Vesey, Knowledge
and Necessity, London, 1970.
51. "Choosing Between Confirmation Theories", Philosophy of
Science, 1970, 37, 602-613.
52. "Probability, Credibility, and Acceptability", American
Philosophical Quarterly, 1971, 8, 275-283.
53. "The Paradoxes of Confirmation - A Survey", American Philosophical
Quarterly, 1971, 8, 318-330.
54. "Popper's Account of Acceptability", Australasian Journal
of Philosophy, 1971, 49, 167-176.
55. "The Probability of Particular Events", Philosophy of Science,
1971, 38, 327-343.
56. "Cohen on Evidential Support", Mind 1972, 81, 244-248.
57. "The Argument from Design - A Defence", Religious Studies,
1972, 8, 193-205.
58. "Confirmability and Factual Meaningfulness", Analysis,
1972-3, 33, 71-76.
59. "Omnipotence", American Philosophical Quarterly, 1973,
10, 231-237.
60-. Sense and Nonsense in Physics and Theology, University of Keele,
Inaugural Lecture, 1973.
61. "Personal Identity", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,
1973-4, 74, 231-247.
62. Meaningfulness without Confirmability - A Reply" Analysis, 1974-5,
35, 22-27.
63. "Duty and the Will of God", Canadian Journal of Philosophy,
1974, 4, 213-227.
64. "Analyticity, Necessity and Apriority", Mind, 1975, 225-243.
65. "The Objectivity of Morality", Philosophy, 1976, 51, 5-20.
66. "Persons and Personal Identity" in (ed.) H.D.Lewis Contemporary
British Philosophy (Fourth series), London, 1976.
67. "Reply to Wallace's `On Making Actings Morally Wrong'",
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 1976, 3, 551-2.
68. "The Problem of Evil" in (ed.) S.C.Brown, Reason and Religion,
Ithaca, NY 1977.
69. "Natural Evil", American Philosophical Quarterly, 1978,
15, 295-301.
70. "God's Action in the World", Epworth Review, 1979, 6, 89-100.
71. "The Cosmological Argument", in German translation in (ed.)
N.Hoerster, Glaube und Vernunft. Texte zur Religions Philosophie, Deutscher
Taschenbuch Verlag, Munich, 1979.
72. "Conventionalism About Space and Time", British Journal
for the Philosophy of Science, 1980, 31, 255-272.
73. "Properties, Causation, and Projectibility. Reply to Shoemaker",
in (ed.) L.J. Cohen and M.Hesse, Applications of Inductive Logic, Oxford, 1980.
74. "The Evidential Value of Religious Experience" in (ed.)
A.R. Peacocke, The Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century, University
of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, 1981.
75. "Are Mental Events Identical with Brain Events?", American
Philosophical Quarterly, 1982, 19, 173-181.
76. "Science is Both Inductive and Realist" in (ed.) D.R.Gregory,
The Questions Behind the Answers, University Press of America, Washington D.C.
77. "Verificationism and Theories of Space-Time" in (20) above.
78. "A Theodicy of Heaven and Hell" in (ed.) A.J.Freddoso,
The Existence and Nature of God, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame,
79. Articles on "Causality" and "Theism" in (ed.)
John Bowden, Dictionaryof Christian Theology, SCM Press, London, 1983.
80. "Mackie, Induction, and God", Religious Studies, 1983,
19, 385-391.
81. "Analytic/Synthetic", American Philosophical Quarterly,
1984, 21, 31-42.
82. "Original Sinfulness", Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische
Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, 1985, 27, 235-250.
83."Thought", Philosophical Studies, 1985, 48, 153-171.
84."Desire", Philosophy, 1985, 60, 429-445.
85. "Indeterminism of Human Actions", Midwest Studies in Philosophy,
Volume 10, University of Minnesota Press, pp.431-449.
86. "Knowledge from Experience and the Problem of Evil" in
(ed.) W.J.Abraham and S.Holtzer The Rationality of Religious Belief, Clarendon
Press, 1987.
87. "Analogy and Metaphor" in (ed.) G.J.Hughes The Philosophical
Assessment of Theology, Search Press, 1987.
88. "The Structure of the Soul", in (ed.) A.Peacocke and G.Gillett,
Persons and Personality: A Contemporary Enquiry, Blackwell, 1987.
89. "The Origin of Consciousness", in (ed.) J.M.Robson Origin
and Evolution of the Universe, University of Toronto Press, 1987.
90. "Does Theism Need a Theodicy?" Canadian Journal of Philosophy,
1988, 18, 287-312.
91. "Could There be More Than One God?" Faith and Philosophy,
1988, 5 225-241.
92. "The Christian Scheme of Salvation", in (ed.) Thomas V.
Morris, Philosophy and the Christian Faith, Notre Dame Press University Press,
93."The Free Will Defence", Archivio di Filosofia 1988, 56,
94.."Meaning in The Bible", in (ed.) S.Sutherland and T.A.
Roberts, Religion, Reason and The Self, University of Wales Press, 1989.
95. "Faith and the Existence of God", in (ed.) A.P. Griffiths
Key Themes in Philosophy, Cambridge University Press,1990.
Many amended versions published (in English, Russian, and German) under various titles elsewhere.
96."The Argument from the Fine Tuning of the Universe", in (ed.) J. Leslie, Physical Cosmology and Philosophy, MacMillan, New York, 1990.
97. "Could God Become Man?" in (ed.) G.N.A. Vesey, The Philosophy
in Christianity, Cambridge University Press, 1990
98. "Tensed Facts", American Philosophical Quarterly, 1990,
27, 117-130. 97. "Could God Become Man?" in (ed.) G.N.A. Vesey, The Philosophy
in Christianity, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
99. "God's Necessary Being" in (ed.) M. M. Olivetti, L'Argumento
Ontologico, Cedam, Milan, 1990.
100. "The Limits of Explanation", in (ed.) D. Knowles Explanation
and its Limits, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
101. "Necessary A Posteriori Truth", American Philosophical
Quarterly, 1991, 28, 113-123.
102. 'Revelation', in (ed.) K.J. Clark, Our Knowledge of God, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1992.
103. "Interpreting the New Testament - Comments on the paper of Attridge",
in (ed.) T.P. Flint and E. Stump, Hermes and Athena. Philosophical Theology
and Biblical Exegesis, University of Notre Dame Press, 1993.
104. "God and Time" in (ed.) E. Stump, Reasoned Faith, Cornell
University Press, 1993.
105. "Body and Soul" in (ed.) T. Szubka and R. Warner The Mind-Body
Problem: The Present State of This Debate, Blackwell, 1994.
106. "Intellectual Autobiography" in (210) below. Another version published
as "The Vocation of a Natural Theologian" in (ed.) K.J. Clark, Philosophers
Who Believe, I.V.P. Press, 1993.
107. Articles on "Religion, Philosophy of, Problems of", "God",
"Evil, The Problem of ", "Eschatology", "Eternity",
"Immortality", "Hell", in (ed.) T. Honderich, Oxford Companion
to Philosophy. Oxford University Press, 1995.
108. "Some Major Strands of Theodicy", in (ed.) D. Howard-Snyder,
The Evidential Argument from Evil, Indiana University Press, 1996.
109. "The Content of Propositional Revelation", in (ed.) M.
M. Olivetti, Filosofia della Rivelazione, Cedam, Milan, 1994.
**110. "The Problem of Evil" in (ed.) P. Koslowski Jahrbuch fur
Philosophie des Forschungsinstituts fur Philosophie Hannover, 1995, Passagen
111. "Theodicy, our-well being, and God's Rights" International
Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, 1995, 38, 77-93.
112. "Thisness" Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1995 73,
389-400; and (in German) in (ed.) J. Brandl et. al. Metaphysik - Neue Zugange
zu altem Fragen, Academia Verlag, 1995.
113. "Dualism Intact", "Reply to Stump and Kretzmann"
and "The Modal Argument is not Circular", Faith and Philosophy 1996,
13, 68-77; 1996, 13, 413-4; and 1999, 15, 371-2.
114 "The Beginning of the Universe and of Time", in Canadian
Journal of Philosophy, 1996, 26, 169-89.
**115. "God and Morality" in (ed.) M.M. Olivetti, Philosophie
de la Religion Entre Ethique et Ontologie, Cedam, Milan, 1996.
116. "The Irreducibility of Causation" Dialectica, 1997, 51,
117. "Evidence for the Resurrection" in (ed.) S. Davis et al,
The Resurrection, Oxford University Press, 1997.
118. "Simplicity as Evidence of Truth", Marquette University
Press, Milwaukee, 1997.
119. "Predictivism" in Trames (Estonian journal) 1997, 2, 99-108.
120. Articles on "Revelation" and "Soul" in Routledge
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1998.
121. "Response to Derek Parfit" in (ed.) P. van Inwagen and
D.W. Zimmerman, Metaphysics: The Big Questions, Blackwells, 1998.
122. "Philosophical Theism" in (ed.) D.Z. Phillips and T.Tessin,
Philosophy of Religion in The 21st Century, Palgrave, 2001.
123. "Many Kinds of Rational Theistic Belief" in (ed.) G. Bruntrup
and R.K. Tacelli, The Rationality of Theism, Kluwer, 1999.
**124. "Morality and God" in Revue Internationale
de Philosophie ,3/2003-no225-pp315-328 ;and (in Spanish) in (ed.) A.L. Cuenca, Resistiendo al oleaje,
Cuaderno Gris, 1999. And "God and Morality", Think 20, 2008, 7-15.
125. "A New Programme of Natural Theology" (in
French) in (ed.)S.Bourgeois-Gironde et al ,Analyse et Theologie,J.Vrin,
2002; and (very similar in content) "La Teologia Naturale Oggi"
in (ed.) F. Mercadante and V. Lattanzi, Elogia della Filosofia (Proceedings
of conference in honour of Antonio Rosmini) Fondazione Nazionale Giuseppe Capograssi,
Roma 2000; and (very similar) "Natural Theology in the Light of Modern
Cosmology And Biology" in Science and the Future of Mankind, Proceedings
of Pontifical Academy of the Sciences 2000, 2001.
126. "Analogy, Metaphor, and Religious Language" in (ed.) L.
Boeve and K. Feyaerts, Metaphor and God-Talk, Peter Lang, 1999.
127. "The Bible as Inspired Text" and "The Bible as Historical
Evidence of the Resurrection" in Bible, Latvian Bible Society, 1999.
128. Replies to Critical notices in Religious Studies - "Reply:
Further Defence of Christian Revelation" 1993, 29, 395-400, and "Reply
to Richard Gale", 36, 221-5.
**129. "Reply to Grunbaum", British Journal for the Philosophy
of Science, 2000, 51, 481-5.
130."Sin" (in Russian) in (ed.) N.A. Pecherskaya, Atonement,
Higher School of Religion and Philosophy, St. Petersburg, 1999.
**131. Critical Notice , "Plantinga on Warrant", Religious Studies,
37, 2001, 203-14.
132. "Evidence for the Incarnation", in (ed.) M. Meyer and
C. Hughes, Jesus Then and Now, Trinity Press International, 2001.
133. "The Argument to God from Fine-Tuning Reassessed" in (ed.)
N. Manson, God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science, Routledge,
134. "The Argument from Laws of Nature Reassessed" in (ed.)
M. Stone, Reason, Faith and History: Essays in Honour of Paul Helm, Ashgate, 2008; and in (ed.) M.Ruse and W.Dembski, Debating Design: From
Darwin to DNA, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
135. "Christianity and the Discourse of the
World Religions - The Contribution of Philosophical Theology", in (ed.)
P. Koslowski, Philosophischer Dialog der Religionen statt
Zusammenstoss der Kulturen im Prozess der Globalisierung, Kluwer, 2002.
**136. "Contemporary Anglo-American Philosophy of Religion"(in
Russian) in(ed)A.Kyrlezhev, The Holy Trinity, Moscow Patriarchate, 2002 ;and
(in English) in (ed) M.Y.Stewart, The Holy Trinity, Kluwer, 2003..
**137. " Response to my Commentators", Religious Studies, 38,
2002, 301-15..
**138."What is so good about having a body?",in (ed.)T.W.Bartel,
Comparative Theology,SPCK,2003.
139. "The value and Christian roots of Analytical Philosophy of
Religion", in (ed.) H.A.Harris and C.Insole, Faith and Philosophical Analysis,
Ashgate, 2005.
140."Prior Probabilities in The Argument from
Fine-Tuning", Faith and Philosophy, 22, 2005, 641-53.
141 ."The
Probability of The Resurrection" in A.Dole and A.Chignell, God
and The Ethics of Belief, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
142."Natural Theology, its 'Dwindling Probabilities' and 'Lack of
Rapport' ", Faith and Philosophy,21,2004,533-46.
**143."Cosmic Simultaneity" in (ed) W.L.Craig and Q.Smith,
Einstein, Relativity, and Absolute
Simultaneity ,Routledge, 2007.
**144. "Second Reply to Grunbaum", British Journal for the Philosophy
of Science, 56, 2005, 919-25
***145. "Relations Between Universals, or Divine Laws?", Australasian Journal of Philosophy,84, 2006,179-89.
**146. "From Mental/Physical Identity to Substance Dualism", in (ed) D.W.Zimmerman, Persons:Human and Divine, Clarendon Press, 2007.
147. 'Wodurch ich ich bin - Eine Verteidigung des Substanzdualismus' in (ed.) B.Niederbacher and E.Runggaldier, Die Menschliche Seele, Ontos Verlag, 2006.
148."Philosophy of Religion" (in Chinese) in (ed.) Ouyang Kang, The Map of Contemporary British and American Philosophy, Peking People's Press, 2006. A revised version (in Russian) in Philosophy of Religion Almanac 2006-2007, published for the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of the Sciences by Nauka, Moscow, 2007.
149. "Authority of Scripture,
Tradition, and the Church" in
(ed.) T.F.Flint and M.Rea, Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology,
Oxford University Press, 2009.
150. "Sobel on Arguments from Design", Philosophia Christi, 8, 2006, 227-34.
**151."A Simple Theism for a Mixed World - Response to Bradley", Religious Studies, 43, 2007, 271-77.
152. "The Revival of Natural Theology", Archivio di Filosofia, 75, 2007, 303-22.
153. " The Requirements for a satisfactory theodicy " ( in Russian ) in (ed.) V.Shokhin, The Problem of Evil and Theodicy, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of the Sciences, 2007; and very similar papers (with titles like''The Problem of Evil") in (232) below., and many other collections including (ed.) S.P.Rosenberg Finding Ourselves After Darwin, Baker Academic, 2018.
154. "Evidentialism" in (ed.) C.Taliaferro and others, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion, 2ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
155. "Reply to Critics" in (262) below.
156. "Christ's Atoning Sacrifice",
Archivio di Filosofia, 76, 2008, 81-7. And "Responsibilty, Atonement,and Forgiveness" in (ed.) J.P.Moreland and others, Debating Christian Theism, Oxford University Press, 2013.
***157. "What difference does God make to morality", in (ed.) R.K.Garcia and N.L.King, Is Goodness without God good enough?, Rowman and Littlefield, 2008.
158. "Che cosa mi rende me? Una difesa del dualismo delle sostanze" in (ed.) A.Lavazza, L'Uomo a due dimensione, Bruno Mondadori, 2008.; and in (ed.) A.Lavazza, Contemporary Dualism: A Defence, Routledge, forthcoming.
***159. "Substance dualism", Faith and Philosophy, 26, 2009, 501-13.
160. "What makes a scientific theory probably true", **"The argument to God from laws of nature", and "The Argument to God from fine-tuning" in (ed.) M.Y.Stewart, Science and Religion in Dialogue, vol 2, (in Chinese) Fudan University Press, 2008; and Blackwell Publishing (in English), Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
***161. "God as the Simplest Explanation of the Universe" in European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 2, 2010, 1-24; and in (ed.) A.O'Hear, Philosophy and Religion, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 68, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
162 "How the divine properties fit together: Reply to Gwiazda", Religious Studies, 45, 2009,495-8.
**163. "In Defence of Logical Nominalism", Religious Studies, 46,2010,311-30.
***164. "What does the Old Testament mean?" in (ed) M.Bergmann, M.Murray, and M.Rae, Divine Evil?, The Moral Character of the God of Abraham, Oxford University Press, 2010.
***165. "The Coherence of the Chalcedonian Definition of the Incarnation" in (ed) A.Marmodoro and J.Hill, The Metaphysics of the Incarnation, Oxford University Press, 2011.
***166. "Could anyone justifiably believe epiphenomenalism?", Journal of Consciousness Studies, 18, no. 3-4 (2011), 196-216.
**167. "Gwiazda on the Bayesian argument for God", Philosophia, 39 no.2 (2011), 393-6.
***168. "Evidence" in (ed.) T.Dougherty, Evidentialism and its Discontents, Oxford University Press, 2011.
***169. "Bayes, God, and the Multiverse" in (ed.) J.Chandler and V.Harrison, Probability in the Philosophy of Religion, Oxford University Press, 2012.
***170. "Dualism and the Determination of Action" in (24) above. Largely the same as "The impossibility of proving that human behaviour is determined" in (ed.) T.Crisp and others Neuroscience and the Soul, Eerdmans, 2016, which includes a **"Reply to Speak".
***171. "How to determine which is the true theory of Personal Identity" in (ed.) G.Gasser and M.Stefan, Personal Identity - Complex or Simple?, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
**172. "The Vocation of a Natural Theologian" in (ed.) R.Vitz, Turning East: Contemporary Christian Philosophy and the Ancient Christian Faith, St Vladimir's Press, 2012; and (in Polish) under the title "My Spiritual Autobiography: The Vocation of a Natural Theologian", Poznanskie Studia Teologiczne, 2012.
***173 . "Why Hume and Kant were mistaken in rejecting natural theology" in (ed.) T.Bucheim and others, Gottesbeweise als Herausforderung fur die Moderne Vernunft, Mohr Siebeck, 2012.
*174. "What kind of necessary being could God be?" in European Journal for Philosophy of Religion,4 no.2 (2012), 1-18; and in (ed.)M.Szatkowski, Ontological Proofs Today, Ontos Verlag, 2012.
***175. "Gregory Palamas and our Knowledge of God" in (ed.) A.Schumann, Logic in Orthodox Christian Thilnking, Ontos Verlag, 2013; and in Studia Humana, 3 (2014).
176."A posteriori Arguments for the Trinity", Studia Neoscholastica, 10 (2013) 13-27.
***177. "The Probability of the Resurrection of Jesus", Philosophia Christi, 15 (2013) 239-52.
178. "Does God permit massive deception?",Philosophia Christi, 15 (2013) 265-70; and **''Second Response to Cavin and Columbetti', Philosophia Christi, 16 (2014) 419-422.
***179. "Responsibility, Atonements, and Forgiveness" in (ed.) J.P.Moreland, C.V.Meister, and K.A.Sweiss, Debating Christtian Theism, Oxford University Press, 2013
180."Häggström om Swinburne och sannolikheten för Guds existens" , FilosofiskTidskrift, 2013/4.
181. "Time and Causality", American Philosophical Quarterly, 51 (2014) 233-245..
182 Precis and Response to Reviewers in a symposium on Mind, Brain, and Free Will, European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 6 (2014) 1-3 and 51-63.
**183."Could God be a Necessary Being?",Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, no.6, 2015.
184 "Reply to Vladimir Shokhin" (in Russsian), synopsis of and reply to a critical notice of the Russian edition of The Existence of God, Voprosi Filosophii 2015 no.2,63 and 77-82.
185. 'The Argument from souls to God', Religious Studies, 51 (2015) 293-305.
**186. 'The Inevitable implausibility of physical determiniism' , Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 nos.11-12 (2015) 43-59.
**187. 'Necessary Moral Principles', Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 1 (2015) 617-34.
188. "The Implausibility of Physical Determinism" in (ed.) R.N.Williams and D.N.Robinson, Scientism: The New Orthodoxy, Bloomsbury, 2015.
**189.'How God makes life a lot more meaningful"' in (ed.) S.Goetz and J.Seachris The Meaning of Life, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
190.The impossibility of proving that human behaviour is determined' and 'A Rejoinder to Speak' in (ed.) Thomas M.Crisp et al. Neuroscience and the Soul, Eerdmans, 2016.
**191.'Why the Life of Heaven is supremely worth living' in (ed.) T.Ryan Byerley and Eric J.Silverman, Paradise Understood: New Philosophical Essays about Heaven, Oxford University Press, 2017.
192. 'Response to my Commentators'. Religious Studies, 53 (2017) 403-418. This is a response to seven commentators on my work, contained in (264) below.
193.'Causation, Time, and God's Omniscience', Topoi, 36,675-684.
191"God's Omnipotence" in (ed.) Benedikt P.Goecke and Christian Tapp, The Infinity of God, University of Notre Dame Press, 2019.
194 'Phenomenal Conservatism and Religious Belief', in (eds.)Matthew A. Benton, John Hawthorne, and Dani Rabinowitz Knowledge, Belief, and God: New Insights in Religious Epistemology, Oxford University Press, 2018.
196. 'Cartesian Substance Dualism' in (eds.) Jonathan J. Loose, Angus J.L. Menuge, and J.P. Moreland, The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism, Wiley Blackwell, 2018.
197 'Forgiving as a performative utterance' in (eds.) M.McKenna, D.Nelkin, and B.Warmke, Forgiving, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
198. 'In Defence of Open Theism' in Science, Religion, and Culture, as part of a symposiutm on John Martin Fischer's Our Fate, 2018.
199 'The Argument from Consciousness' in (ed.) T.Dougherty and J.Walls, Two Dozen (or so) Theistic Arguments, Oxford University Press, 2018.
200.. 'Mental Causation is really mental causation' in (ed.) Mihretu P.Guta, Consciousness and the Ontology of Properties, Routledge,2018.
201. 'The Argument to the Soul from partial brain transplants', Philosophia Christi, 2018.
**202. 'The Social Theory of the Trinity', Religious Studies, 54 (2018),419-437
203.'The implausibility of the causal closure of the physical', Organon F, 26 (2019) 25-39.
204. 'Stump on Forgiveness', Faith and Philosophy, 36 (2019) 81-101.
205. 'The criterion of simplicity in metaphysics and ethics'in (ed.)J.Hermann and others Philosophy in the Age of Science, Rowman and Littlefield,2020.
206,'How to define Moral Realism', Journal of Philosohical Theological Research (Iranian journal) 22, no. 85 (2020); and in New Blackfriars, 105, no.2 (2024).
207.'You are your soul', Think, 57 (2021) 53-67.
208. 'The Structure of Probabilistic Arguments for the Existence of God' in (ed.) R.Silvestre Beyond Faith and Rationality: Essays on Logic, Religion, and Philosophy, Springer, 2020.
209. Summary of Are we bodies or souls? (18 above) and response to commentators on it in (215) below.
210. 'God and Revelation' in (ed.)B.M.Mezei and others, The Oxford Handbook of Divine Revelation, Oxford Univesrsity Press, 2021
211. 'Natural theology for today." in (24) above.
212.'What we cannot know about God' in (ed.) G.Gasser and S.Kittle, Personal and A-Personal Aspects of the Divine, Routledge, 2022.
213. Entries on "natural theology", "philosophy of religion", "teleological argument", and "theism" in ed.) A.Louth The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 4th edition,Oxford University Press, 2002
214.Biographical memoir of John Lucas, in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy, 2022.
215. "God's moral goodness" in Philosophia Religii (Russian journal) 2022; and "Response to papers critiqung 'God's moral goodness'" in Philosophia Religii, 2023.
216."A Cartesian argument for substance dualism" in Belgrade Philosophical Annual 36(1) (2023) 33-48.
217."A Christian Theodicy", Forum Philosophicum, 27 (2022) no.1, 9-25
218. Response to a symposium on "How to define moral realism" (206 above) in Date Palm Compote (a Russian philosophicl journal), forthcoming..
219."Rational Faith", in a volume to be published by St. John Paul II Institute of Culture, Angelicum University, Rome
240. "An interview with Richard Swinburne", interviewed by Max Baker-Hatch, Religious Studies, forthcoming.
241."Proofs for the Existence of God: A Discussion with Richard Swinburne, inteviewed by Vasileios Meichanetsidis, Conatus 9, no2 (2024) , forthcoming
260. (ed.) A.G. Padgett, Reason and the Christian Religion, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994. A Festschrift for me, containing my "Intellectual Autobiography" (106) above, and papers by others relating to my work.
261. (ed.) G.Lazaroiu, Minte, timp si dovezi, Cartea Universitara, Bucharest, 2007. A collection of Romanian translations of my articles on metaphysics and epistemology (numbers 146,114, 98, 143, 112, 145, 118 and 101 above).
262. (ed) C.Weidemann et al, The Philosophy of Richard Swinburne, Ontos-Verlag, Frankfurt, 2008. This consists of a lecture by me ((150) above), papers by members of the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Munster critical of various aspects of my philosophy, and my answers to these criticisms, (155) above.
263. (ed.) M.Bergmann and J.E.Brower, Reason and Faith:: Themes from Richard Swinburne, Oxford University Press, 2016. A Festschrift for me, containing papers by others relating to my work.
264. Special issue of Religious Studies, 53 (2017), containing seven articles by different commentators on my work and a response (192 above) by me.
265. Special issue of Roczniki Filozoficze, 69 no.1,( 2021) containing seven articles by different commentators on my book Are we Bodies or Souls? (18 above)with a summary of the book and response to commentators by me (206) above
This list does not include book reviews, nor normally does it list which
articles and individual chapters of books have been republished in anthologies
or translated into foreign languages (except where the original publication
was in the foreign language.).).