OUSFG Trinity Termcard 2003

Every Sunday: Library Meetings from 8pm in Alx and Archie's house, 48 Cranham Street (or you might prefer this old map to direct you to where the library was in the olden days, but Cranham St is also shown).

Wednesday discussion meetings (see below for topics) are held at 8pm in Jesus College in Seminar Room B.

Wednesday video meetings (see below for programme) start at 8pm in New College, Lecture Room 6 on Staircase 6 (note new room). This is the second staircase from the New College entrance. It has a door with a code. You can see into Lecture Room 6 through the big window to the right of the staircase entrance. If you're late you should be able to see the video playing through the window, so just knock on the window if you want to be let in.

30 Apr  Wednesday 1st Week Discussion OUSFG Top Ten
7 May  Wednesday 2nd Week Videos The Flipside of Dominick Hide and Another Flip for Dominick
14 May  Wednesday 3rd Week Discussion Quiz Night
17 May  Saturday 3rd Week Banquet OUSFG Banquet
21 May  Wednesday 4th Week Videos Brazil and episode(s) from Spaced
28 May  Wednesday 5th Week Discussion William Burroughs cut and paste novel creation
4 Jun  Wednesday 6th Week Videos The Animatrix and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
11 Jun  Wednesday 7th Week Discussion Sonia on French SF
14 Jun  Saturday 7th Week Punt Party
18 Jun  Wednesday 8th Week Silly Games in St. John's, Graves Room

The black tie banquet will be in Balliol College on Saturday of 3rd Week (17th May). The punt party (complete with the traditional panto) will be on Saturday of 7th Week (14th June). More details of both events will be posted later.

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Tim Adye, <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>