Publications Text

PUBLICATIONS to February 2025

For further details of my publications, see my complete publication list.


•1990 The Infinite (London: Routledge)
    A paperback edition, with corrections, was published in 1991.
    A Japanese translation was published in 1996.
    A revised second edition, with a new preface, was published in 2001, and a correspondingly revised Japanese translation was published in 2012.
    A reprint, with corrections, was published in 2005.
    An Estonian translation was published in 2015.
    A revised third edition, with a new preface, two new chapters, and a new appendix, was published in 2019.
    To see a transcript of a Q&A about the third edition of my book, click on Q&A.
    Chinese, Spanish, and German translations are projected.
    To hear an interview on infinity, drawing ideas from the book, click on Philosophy Bites.
    To see a lecture on infinity, drawing ideas from the book, click on Lecture to St Hugh’s ASM.
    To see a lecture on immortality and infinity, drawing ideas from the book, click on Lecture to St Hugh's ASM.
    To hear programmes from a ten-part BBC Radio 4 series on the history of the infinite, drawing ideas from the book, click on A History of the Infinite.
    To hear an interview on infinity, drawing ideas from the book, click on Interview for the Website Cosmoetica.
    To see an interview on William Lane Craig on the Kalam Cosmological Argument, drawing ideas from the book, click on Interview for the Analytic Christian.
    To see three interviews on infinity, drawing on ideas from the book, click on Interview for Phil-Sci-Theo.
    To hear an interview on infinity, drawing ideas from the book, click on Interview for On Human Podcasts.

•1997 Points of View (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
    A paperback edition, with corrections, was published in 2000.
    To see abstracts of the book and of each chapter in it, click on Oxford Scholarship Online.

•2003 Noble in Reason, Infinite in Faculty: Themes and Variations in Kant's Moral and Religious Philosophy (London: Routledge)
    A paperback edition, with corrections, was published in 2005.
    To hear the first in a series of lectures on Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, drawing ideas from the book, click on Lecture on Kant.
    To hear three interviews on Kant's moral and religious philosophy, drawing ideas from the book, click on EXP-Editions.

•2012 The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense of Things (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
    A paperback edition, with corrections, was published in 2013.
    A Persian translation, with a new specially written preface, was published in 2022.
    For references to the book on the ‘Campaign for the American Reader’ blog, click on The Page 99 Test.
    To hear an interview on metaphysics, drawing ideas from the book, click on Interviews With Oxonians.
    To hear an interview on Kant’s metaphysics, drawing ideas from a chapter in the book on Kant, click on Philosophy Bites.
    To hear an interview on the nature of the history of philosophy, drawing ideas from the conclusion of the book, click on Philosophy Bites.
    To hear an interview on Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, drawing ideas from a chapter in the book on the early Wittgenstein, click on this interview with Sean Clements.

•2019 Language, World, and Limits: Essays in the Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
    To see abstracts of the book and of each essay in it, click on Oxford Scholarship Online.

•2022 Gödels Theorem: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
    A French translation is projected.
    To see abstracts of the book and of each chapter in it, click on Oxford Scholarship Online.
    To hear an interview on
Gödel’s theorem, drawing on ideas in the book, click on this interview with Roi Yozevitch.
    To hear
an interview on Gödel’s theorem, drawing on ideas in the book, and on other ideas of mine, click on this interview with Saied Abdollahi, the first part and the second part.

•2023 The Human A Priori: Essays on How We Make Sense in Philosophy, Ethics, and Mathematics (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
    To see abstracts of the book and of each essay in it, click on Oxford Scholarship Online.


•1993 (ed.) Meaning and Reference (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
    A reprint, with corrections, was published in 2001.

•1993 (ed.) Infinity (Aldershot: Dartmouth)

•2006 (ed.) Bernard Williams, Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
    A paperback edition, with corrections, was published in 2008.
    A Spanish translation was published in 2011.
    An Italian translation was published in 2013.

•2012 (ed. jointly with Roxana Baiasu and Graham Bird) Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics: New Essays on Space and Time (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)


•1982 Logic Exercises, for use in conjunction with Hodges’ ‘Logic’ (published by the Oxford University Sub-Faculty of Philosophy), written jointly with Stephen Blamey and Julie Jack
    A revised second edition was published in 1984.


•1984 ‘Possible Worlds and Diagonalization’, in Analysis
•1985 ‘Set Theory, Skolem’s Paradox and the Tractatus’, in Analysis
•1985 ‘Transcendental Idealism in Wittgenstein, and Theories of Meaning’, in Phil. Quarterly
A Bulgarian translation was published in 1996.
    This essay was reprinted, with corrections and a postscript, in The Later Wittgenstein on Language, ed. Daniel Whiting, in 2010.
    It was also reprinted, with further corrections and the same postscript, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•1986 ‘How Significant is the Use/Mention Distinction?’, in Analysis
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•1987 ‘Points of View’, in Phil. Quarterly
•1987 ‘Frege’s Permutation Argument’, written jointly with Andrew Rein, in Notre Dame J. Formal Logic
•1987 ‘Beauty in the Transcendental Idealism of Kant and Wittgenstein’, in British J. Aesthetics
•1987 ‘On Saying and Showing’, in Philosophy
This was reprinted in The Early Wittgenstein: From the Notebooks to the Grammar, eds Stuart G. Shanker and David Kilfoyle, in 2001
It was also reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•1988 ‘Aspects of the Infinite in Kant’, in Mind
•1988 ‘What Does Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem Show?’, in Noűs
•1989 - 90 ‘A Problem for Intuitionism: The Apparent Possibility of Performing Infinitely Many Tasks in a Finite Time’, in PAS
This was reprinted in Infinity, ed. A.W. Moore, in 1993.
    It was also reprinted in Philosophy of Mathematics, ed. Dale Jacquette, in 2001.
    It was also reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•1990 ‘A Kantian View of Moral Luck’, in Philosophy
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•1991 ‘Can Reflection Destroy Knowledge?’, in Ratio
•1992 ‘A Note on Kant’s First Antinomy’, in Phil. Quarterly
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•1992 ‘Human Finitude, Ineffability, Idealism, Contingency’, in Noűs
•1993 ‘Ineffability and Reflection: An Outline of the Concept of Knowledge’, in European J. Phil.
•1996 ‘Solipsism and Subjectivity’, in European J. Phil.
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•1997 ‘The Underdetermination/Indeterminacy Distinction and the Analytic/Synthetic Distinction’, in Erkenntnis
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•2003 ‘Ineffability and Nonsense’, in PAS Supp. Vol.
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•2003 ‘Ineffability and Religion’, in European J. Phil.
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•2003 ‘Williams on Ethics, Knowledge, and Reflection’, in Philosophy
•2006 ‘Williams, Nietzsche, and the Meaninglessness of Immortality’, in Mind
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2006 ‘Maxims and Thick Ethical Concepts’, in Ratio
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2006 ‘The Bounds of Sense’, in Phil. Topics
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
It was also reprinted, with the same corrections, in Limits of Intelligibility, ed. Jens Pier, in 2023.
•2007 ‘Is the Feeling of Unity that Kant Identifies in his Third Critique a Type of Inexpressible Knowledge?’, in Philosophy
•2013 ‘Varieties of Sense-Making’, in Midwest Studies in Phil.
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2015 ‘Being, Univocity, and Logical Syntax’, in PAS
A Croation translation was published in 2018.
A Chinese translation is forthcoming.
This essay was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
To hear a reading of an abridged version of this click here.
•2016 ‘One World’, in European J. Phil.
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•2022 A transcript of four lectures given at Peking University, under the title ‘A History of the Infinite’, translated into Chinese, in Chinese Journal of Foreign Philosophy
    The English originals will be published in Journal of Human Cognition, in 2025. Follow these links to see Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
•2022 ‘On the Necessity of the Categories’, in The Philosophical Review, written jointly with Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson
This was reprinted in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2024 ‘More on Williams on Ethical Knowledge and Reflection’, in Topoi

•‘The Resurrection of God?’, in Phil. Topics
•‘Hacker and Humanity’, in
•‘Where are You in the Conduct of Your Life as a Rational Agent?’, in European J. Phil.
•‘Does Philosophy Need to Know its Own History?’, in Society


•1986 ‘Grundgesetze, Section 10’, written jointly with Andrew Rein, in Frege Synthesized, eds Leila Haaparanta and Jaakko Hintikka
•1993 ‘The Method of Exhaustion as a Model for the Calculus’, in Hegel and Newtonianism, ed. Michael John Petry
•1996 ‘On There Being Nothing Else to Think, or Want, or Do’, in Essays for David Wiggins, eds Sabina Lovibond and S.G. Williams
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•1998 ‘More on “The Philosophical Significance of Gödel’s Theorem”’, in New Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Dummett, eds Johannes L. Brandl and Peter M. Sullivan
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•1999 ‘Conative Transcendental Arguments and the Question Whether There Can Be External Reasons’, in Transcendental Arguments, ed. Robert Stern
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2000 ‘Arguing With Derrida’, in Arguing With Derrida, ed. Simon Glendinning
•2001 ‘Apperception and the Unreality of Tense’, in Time and Memory, eds Christoph Hoerl and Teresa McCormack
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•2002 ‘What Are These Familiar Words Doing Here?’, in Logic, Thought and Language, ed. Anthony O’Hear
    A Russian translation was published in 2007.
    This essay was reprinted in Language, Thought and Reality, ed. Nirmalya Narayan Chakraborty, in 2010.
    It was also reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•2007 ‘Realism and the Absolute Conception’, in Bernard Williams, ed. Alan Thomas
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•2007 ‘Wittgenstein and Transcendental Idealism’, in Wittgenstein and His Interpreters, eds Guy Kahane, Edward Kanterian, and Oskari Kuusela
•2011 ‘Vats, Sets, and Tits’, in Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism, eds Joel Smith and Peter Sullivan
•2011 ‘A Response to Sullivan’, in Beyond the Tractatus Wars, eds Rupert Read and Matthew A. Lavery
•2011 ‘Wittgenstein and Infinity’, in The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein, eds Oskari Kuusela and Marie McGinn
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2013 ‘Freedom, Temporality, and Belief: A Reply to Hare’, in Kant on Practical Justification, eds Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu
•2013 ‘Was the Author of the Tractatus a Transcendental Idealist?’, in Wittgenstein's Tractatus, eds Peter Sullivan and Michael Potter
•2015 ‘Dummett on the Logical Basis of Metaphysics’, in Dummett on Analytical Philosophy, ed. Bernhard Weiss
•2017 ‘Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy of Mathematics’, in A Companion to Wittgenstein, eds Hans-Johann Glock and John Hyman
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2017 ‘Sense-Making From a Human Point of View’, in The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology, eds Giuseppina d’Oro and Sřren Overgaard
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2019 ‘The Bounds of Nonsense’, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
    This was reprinted in Wittgenstein and the Limits of Language, ed. Hanne Appelqvist, in 2020.
•2020 ‘What Descartes Ought to Have Thought About Modality’, in The Logical Alien, ed. Sofia Miguens
    This was reprinted, with corrections and a postscript, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2021 ‘The Concern With Truth, Sense, et al-Androcentric or Anthropocentric?’, in Love and Vulnerability, ed. Pelagia Goulimari
    This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2022 ‘Bergsonian Metaphysics: Virtuality, Possibility, and Creativity’, in The Bergsonian Mind, eds Mark Sinclair and Yaron Wolf
•2023 ‘Armchair Knowledge: Some Kantian Reflections’, in my The Human A Priori, cited above
•2024 ‘The Possibility of Absolute Representations’, in Reading Rödl, eds James Conant and Jesse M. Mulder

•‘Foreword: Williams on Philosophy, History, and History of Philosophy’, in Bernard Williams on Philosophy and History, eds Marcel van Ackeren and Matthieu Queloz
•‘A.W. Moore’s Wittgenstein’, in Wittgenstein and Other Philosophers, eds Ali Hossein Khani and Gary Kemp


•1999 ‘One or Two Dogmas of Objectivism’, a critical notice of Thomas Nagel, The Last Word, in Mind
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•1999 ‘Misplaced Celebrations? Reply to Mark Sacks’s Critical Notice’, a reply to Mark Sacks’s critical notice of my Points of View, in International J. Phil. Studies
•2002 ‘Quasi-Realism and Relativism’, a contribution to a symposium on Simon Blackburn, Ruling Passions, in Phil. and Phen. Research
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2003 ‘On the Right Track’, a critical notice of Crispin Wright, Rails to Infinity, in Mind
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2003 ‘How to Catch a Tortoise’, a review of Brian Clegg, A Brief History of Infinity, Robert Kaplan and Ellen Kaplan, The Art of the Infinite, and David Foster Wallace, Everything and More, in LRB
•2004 ‘The Metaphysics of Perspective: Tense and Colour’, a contribution to a symposium on Barry Stroud, The Quest for Reality, in Phil. and Phen. Research
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•2004 ‘The Seven Million Dollar Question’, a review of Keith Devlin, The Millennium Problems, in LRB
•2007 ‘Reason, Freedom, and Kant: An Exchange’, an exchange with Robert Hanna on my Noble in Reason, Infinite in Faculty, in Kantian Review
•2009 ‘Not to be Taken at Face Value’, a contribution to a symposium on Timothy Williamson, The Philosophy of Philosophy, in Analysis Reviews
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2011 ‘Bird on Kant’s Mathematical Antinomies’, a contribution to a symposium on Graham Bird, The Revolutionary Kant, in Kantian Review
A slightly revised version of this appeared in Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics, eds Roxana Baiasu, Graham Bird, and A.W. Moore.
    This version was reprinted, with corrections, in my Language, World, and Limits, cited above.
•2012 ‘From a Point of View’, a critical notice of Derek Parfit, On What Matters, in Phil. Quarterly
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2012 ‘Carving at the Joints’, a review of Theodore Sider, Writing the Book of the World, in LRB
This was reprinted, with corrections, in my The Human A Priori, cited above.
•2015 ‘Replies’, replies to twenty-two essays on my The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics, in Phil. Topics
•2016 ‘Reply to Sorin Baiasu and Edward Kanterian’, a reply to two essays on Ch. 5 of my The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics, in Kantian Review
•2021-22 ‘Replies’, replies to six essays on my work, in Public Reason
•2024 ‘A Tove on the Table’, a review of translations of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, by Michael Beaney, by Alexander Booth, and by Damion Searls, in LRB
To hear an interview about this review, click on
‘On Wittgensteins “Tractatus”’.

•‘Back Down’, a contribution to a symposium on Michael Della Rocca, The Parmenidean Ascent, in European J. Phil.
•‘Casati's Dialetheist Interpretation of Heidegger: A Critique’, a contribution to a symposium on Filippo Casati, Heidegger and the Contradiction of Being, in International J. Phil. Studies


•1996 ‘Philosophy of Logic’, in The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy
A revised version of this appeared in a second edition of the book in 2002.
•1996 ‘Williams, Bernard’, in Dictionnaire d’Ethique et de Philosophie Morale
A revised version of this appeared in a fourth edition of the book in 2004.
•1998 ‘Antirealism in the Philosophy of Mathematics’, in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
•1998 ‘Infinity’, in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
•2005 ‘Infinity’, a revised version of the preceding, in Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
•2006 ‘Bernard Williams: Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy’, in Central Works of Philosophy, ed. John Shand
    This was reprinted in Ethics Beyond the Limits, eds Sophie Grace Chappell and Marcel van Ackeren, in 2019.
•2007 ‘Sir Bernard Arthur Owen Williams (1929-2003)’, in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
•2009 ‘Quine’, in Twelve Modern Philosophers, eds Christopher Belshaw and Gary Kemp
•2010 ‘The Transcendental Doctrine of Method’, in The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, ed. Paul Guyer
•2013 ‘Williams, Bernard’, in International Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed. Hugh La Follette
    A revised version of this appeared in a second edition of the book in 2021.
    To hear an interview on Bernard Williams’ ethics, drawing on this entry, click on Philosophy Bites.
•2020 ‘The Transcendental Doctrine of Method’, in The Cambridge Kant Lexicon, ed. Julian Wuerth


•1989 ‘Early Greek Philosophers on the Infinite’, in Cogito
•1995 ‘A Brief History of Infinity’, in Scientific American
•1997 ‘Taming the Infinite’, in Foundations of Science
•1999 ‘I want five more minutes.  Does that mean I want to live for ever?’, in The Independent on Sunday
•1999 ‘The English Language and Philosophy’, in Rue Descartes
•2002 ‘Trying to Subjugate the Infinite’, in Richmond J. Phil.
•2005 ‘Paradoxes of the Infinite’, in UEA Papers in Philosophy
•2010 ‘Infinity’, in Philosophy Bites, eds David Edmonds and Nigel Warburton, a transcript of the interview cited above
•2010 ‘On Neither Wanting to Die Nor Wanting to be Immortal’, in Oxford Philosophy
•2011 ‘The Expanding Universe Hits Breaking Point’, in The Globe and Mail
•2012 ‘Kant’, in Philosophy Bites Back, eds David Edmonds and Nigel Warburton, a transcript of the interview cited above
•2014 ‘An Untimely Review of Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics’, in Topoi
•2014 ‘Some Recent Developments in Philosophy’, in The Harvard Review of Philosophy
•2016 ‘Five Books on Kant’, a transcript of an interview in the series Five Books
•2017 ‘Infinity and Beyond’, in Aeon
•2017 A transcript of an interview in the series The Reading Lists
•2017 ‘Modern Metaphysics-the Analytic/Continental Mix’, a transcript of an interview for 3am: magazine
•2017 A contribution to ‘The Most Important Philosophy Books Ever Written, in the series The Reading Lists
•2017 ‘Finitude’, a transcript of an interview, in The Kantian Catastrophe?, ed. Anthony Morgan
•2017 A contribution to ‘The Best Philosophy Books for Beginners’, in the series The Reading Lists
An updated version was placed online in 2021.
•2017 A transcript of an interview on my philosophical development for The Freethink Tank
•2018 ‘The Essence and Nature of Metaphysics: An Interview with Professor Adrian Moore’, a transcript of an interview, translated into Chinese, in Philosophical Trends
•2018 A transcript of an interview about my philosophical ideas, in Ad Absurdum
•2019 ‘Is the Quest for Immortality Worse Than Death?’, in The New Statesman
•2019 ‘A Promising Meta-Metaphysics: An Interview With Adrian Moore’, a transcript of an interview on my work, in Studies in Logic
•2020 (edited with Sabina Lovibond) ‘Love and Vulnerability: Towards a New Philosophical Imaginary’, by Pamela Sue Anderson, in Angelaki
•2020 A transcript of an interview in the series What is it Like to be a Philosopher?
•2021 ‘The Age of Reason?’, ‘Kant and the Transcendent?’, and ‘Kant and Reason?’, transcripts of three interviews for EXP-Editions
•2021 ‘What the New Atheists Miss About the Meaning of God’, in The New Statesman
•2022 ‘Is This the Best of All Possible Worlds?’, in The New Statesman
•2022 ‘Wittgenstein was a Metaphysician’, in Institute of Art and Ideas News
•2022 We Are Rational Animals: Kant and Becker, a transcript of an interview in the Ernest Becker Foundation newsletter
•2023 ‘My Veiled Immortality’, in Dr Gindi’s blog Infinity Essays


•2003 ‘Bernard Williams: 1929 - 2003’, an obituary, in Philosophy Now
•2006 A contribution to the Preface of Bernard Williams, The Sense of the Past
•2006 ‘Commentary on the Text’, in Bernard Williams, Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy
    This was reprinted in the series Routledge Classics in 2011.
•2008 ‘The Recent Development of Philosophy in the West’, in The 20th Anniversary of the Philosophy Summer School in China: A Memorial Volume
•2011 ‘Sir Michael Dummett’, an obituary, in The Guardian
This was reprinted in Oxford Philosophy in 2012.
•2016 ‘Editorial’, written jointly with Lucy O'Brien, in Mind
•2017 ‘Pamela Sue Anderson’, an obituary, in The Guardian
This was reprinted in Sophia in 2017.
•2017 ‘Vulnerability and a Livable Life: Remembering Professor Pamela Sue Anderson (1955 - 2017)’, in Regent’s Now
•2021 A contribution to ‘Wittgenstein's Tractatus at 100’, in Institute of Art and Ideas News
•2022 A tribute to Michael Inwood in Council of University Classics Departments
A slightly amended version of this appeared in Oxford Philosophy in 2022.

•‘Preface’,  in The Early History of MIND, ed. Lukas M. Verburgt, written jointly with Lucy O’Brien
•‘Foreword’, in Doing Metaphysics in a Diverse World, ed. Stephen Green


•1986 J.R. Lucas, Space, Time and Causality, in TLS
•1987 Thomas Nagel, The View From Nowhere, in Phil. Quarterly
•1987 Philip Pettit and John McDowell (eds), Subject, Thought and Context, in TLS
•1988 W.D. Hart, The Engines of the Soul, in TLS
•1988 R.M. Sainsbury, Paradoxes and Roy A. Sorensen, Blindspots, in TLS
•1989 José A. Bernadete, Metaphysics, in TLS
•1989 Jonathan Bennett, Events and Their Names, in TLS
•1990 Edo Pivcevic, Change and Selves, in TLS
•1990 Peter Carruthers, Tractarian Semantics, in Mind
•1991 Geoffrey Hellman, Mathematics Without Numbers, in Phil. Books
•1991 Peter Carruthers, The Metaphysics of the Tractatus, in Philosophy
•1991 David Lewis, Parts of Classes, in TLS
•1991 Michael Dummett, Frege and Other Philosophers, in TLS
•1992 Mary Tiles, Mathematics and the Image of Reason, in Phil. Books
•1992 Lewis E. Hahn and Paul A. Schilpp (eds), The Philosophy of W.V. Quine, in Idealistic Studies
•1993 Hilary Putnam, Renewing Philosophy, in TLS
•1993 Janet Folina, Poincaré and the Philosophy of Mathematics, in Phil. Books
•1993 Paul Ricoeur, Oneself as Another, in European J. Phil.
•1993 Immanuel Kant, Opus Postumum (eds Eckart Förster and trans. Eckart Förster and Michael Rosen), in The Bulletin of the Hegel Soc. of Great Britain
•1994 Brian Rotman, Ad Infinitum... The Ghost in Turing’s Machine, in TLS
•1995 Shaughan Lavine, Understanding the Infinite, in Phil. Math.
•1995 Graham Priest, Beyond the Limits of Thought, in TLS
•1996 Mary Warnock (ed.), Women Philosophers, in TLS
•1996 N.Ya. Vilenkin, In Search of Infinity, in Phil. Math.
•1996 Jody Azzouni, Metaphysical Myths, Mathematical Practice, in British J. Phil. Science
•1997 Robert L. Arrington and Hans-Johann Glock (eds), Wittgenstein and Quine, in Mind
•1997 P.M.S. Hacker, Wittgenstein’s Place in Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy, in Phil. Books
•1998 Richard Gregory, Mirrors in Mind, in TLS
•1998 David Cockburn, Other Times, in TLS
•1998 Jerrold J. Katz, Realistic Rationalism, in TLS
•1999 Paolo Mancosu (ed.), From Brouwer to Hilbert, in Phil. Math.
•1999 Keith Ansell Pearson, Germinal Life, in TLS
•1999 Richard Holloway, Godless Morality, in Ministry
•2000 Marian Hobson, Jacques Derrida, in European J. Phil.
•2000 Gordon E. Michalson, Jr, Kant and the Problem of God, in Kantian Review
•2000 Mathieu Marion, Wittgenstein, Finitism, and the Foundations of Mathematics, in Stud. Logica
•2001 Rae Langton, Kantian Humility, in Phil. Review
•2001 Michael Potter, Reason’s Nearest Kin, in TLS
•2002 John Leslie, Infinite Minds, in TLS
•2003 P.M.S. Hacker, Wittgenstein: Connections and Controversies, in Phil. Books
•2005 John D. Barrow, The Infinite Book, in TLS
•2005 David E. Cooper, The Measure of Things, in Phil. and Phen. Research
•2006 Gordon Baker, Wittgenstein's Method, in Phil. Books
•2007 Graham Oppy, Philosophical Perspectives on Infinity, in TLS
•2008 Karl Ameriks, Kant and the Historical Turn, in Phil. Books
•2009 Daniel Callcut (ed.), Reading Bernard Williams, in Ethics
•2011 Barry Stroud, Engagement and Metaphysical Dissatisfaction, in Mind
•2013 James Williams, Gilles Deleuze's Philosophy of Time, in European J. Phil.
•2023 Thomas Nagel, Analytic Philosophy and Human Life, in NDPR