Dragons in the SkyDragons in the SkyDragons in the SkyDragons in the SkyDragons in the Sky

Dragons in the SkyCurve

"In this year terrible portents appeared in Northumbria, and miserably afflicted the inhabitants: these were exceptional flashes of lightning and fiery dragons were seen flying in the air."

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Year 793)


Introduction | Editorial | Contents | Contributors



A. Introduction

'Whither Old English?' (Stuart Lee)

B. Apocalypse Now!

'The Worship of Technology' (James I. McNelis III)

'Religious Icons' (Elaine Treharne)

C. Private Lives

'Wisdom and Proverbs' (Paul Cavill)

'Compensation Culture' (Catherine Clarke) NEW

'Reverie: Dress Style in the Two Millennia' (Gale R. Owen-Crocker)

'Marriage and the Family' (Julie Coleman)

D. The Birth of Nations

'Ideas of Nationality and National Identities' (Ivan Herbison) IN-DRAFT

E. The Warrior Society

'Attitudes to War' (Stuart Lee)

'Verbal Dueling' (Irina A. Dumitrescu)

If you are interested in submitting an article see Details for Contributors.


Introduction | Editorial | Contents | Contributors