SulKiDo - A Korean Martial art related to HapKiDo, KukSoolWon and TaeKwonDo
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Bong - Strikes and Blocks

These are a series of 12 strikes and blocks. They are composed of 6 pairs of attack/defence moves which are repeated on both sides - i.e. each right-arm strike has a mirror movement where the strike is made with the left-arm. (To avoid repetition each description is given for the right-sided attack only).

All techniques start with attacker and defender facing each other squarely, both holding the bong in a symmetrical over-grip.

1,2 : Descending head strike

3, 4 : Side head strike

5, 6 : Chest spear strike

7, 8 : Horizontal rib strike

9, 10 : Rising groin strike

11, 12 : Descending leg strike
