SulKiDo - A Korean Martial art related to HapKiDo, KukSoolWon and TaeKwonDo
SulKiDo - FAQ - Syllabus - Technique - History - Contact

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are brief answers to some of the common questions we recieve about the Oxford SulKiDo club. Follow any of the More links for additional information on a topic.

What happens in a typical session ?

All sessions begin with a thorough warm-up and stretching section. What happens next depends on the specific aspects of the syllabus being taught that day - come along and have a look (or better yet, take part). More...

How good is the instruction ?

We have several resident instructors who, in addition to expertise in SulKiDo, have a wide variety of other qualifications - including such things as weight training, fitness coaching and aerobics. We have a committment to providing high quality tuition. More...

Who can join?

The club is open to any adult (over 16), subject to restrictions on health and behaviour. There's no requirement to have a connection with the university. More...

Is the club established ?

The Oxford SulKiDo club has been operating continuously since 1974, and the current instructors have been teaching at it since 1989 and 1997.

Do you take complete beginners ?

Yes, in fact most of our current members began SulKiDo with no prior experience of martial arts. More...

What is the clubs `philosophy' ?

The club does not attempt to impose any philosophy or beliefs upon its members, however we do insist that they treat each other with courtesy and respect and hope that this attitude carries over into normal life. More...

How effective is it for self-defence ?

We teach a very wide variety of techniques - kicking, striking, grappling, locks, escapes, throws etc. You should find something in our syllabus for most eventualities - however it's up to you to develop the competence to apply them. More...

How effective is it for fitness ?

The range of movements involved in regular training exercises the whole body in pretty much every way. We believe that a reasonable degree of fitness is essential to anyone wishing to employ techniques effectively - our training schedule works progressively to raise fitness levels and since it happens as part of normal instruction it should never get boring. More...

How does it compare with other martial arts ?

The question of which style is "best" is too vague and ambiguous to be useful - it all depends on what you personally are hoping to get out of training. All we can say is that if you're looking for something that will get you fit and teach you a wide variety of useful techniques then SulKiDo should be high on your list. We don't do any competition training however, so if your main goal is fighting for prizes then you ought to consider something like Karate, TaeKwonDo or JuDo. More...

How can I develop mystic energies ?

We don't know. More...

Does training involve weapons ?

Only once a reasonable level of un-armed proficiency is achieved. More...

What about health problems ?

If you have any medical problems that could affect the ability of yourself or others to exercise safely then these must be declared to the instructor at the outset of training. There are very few conditions that will completely prevent training (for instance, asthma shouldn't be a problem provided you bring appropriate medication) but we do need to know about things. Newcomers are asked to complete a brief questionnaire covering relevant health issues. More...

Can I practise outside of the sessions ?

Some of the techniques can be practised at home after you've been properly taught, however none of the throwing sections of the syllabus should be done away from proper padded mats. More...

What are the black outfits people wear ?

These are called `doboks'. Newcomers recieve one free with their first membership subscription.

What sort of atmosphere does the club have ?

We aim to be relatively informal subject to the requirements of running a safe and constructive session. Members are encouraged to ask questions rather than stay silent if they're unsure. We also have a wide program of social events. More...

How does one make progress ?

SulKiDo has a highly structured syllabus that introduces techniques gradually. There are regular grading exams to assess competency and ensure that members have sufficient skills to progress through the system. More...

How hard is it to learn ?

This depends on your previous experience - however it's fair to say that while nobody finds it trivial, no able-bodied person should find it impossible either. Enthusiasm and persistence are much more important than natural ability. More...

Are people with other-style experience welcome ?

Yes. More...

Is it best to come alone or with a group ?

It really makes no difference - about 2/3 of people come along by themselves. More...

What is the age range in the club ?

The club is strictly adult-only. Unlike many clubs we don't run any childrens classes or have under-16s present in sessions.

How often do people train ?

There's no compulsion to attend sessions any more often than you want to, however if you get serious about taking the exams then you'll want to train at least a couple of times each week. More...

What do I need to begin ?

A positive attitude is the only essential. Come along in loose clothing (e.g. T-shirt/leotard + jogging bottoms/shorts) for a free trial session. More...

When is the best time to join ?

One of the most common comments we get is "I wish I'd started sooner". More...
