``SulKiDo is mainly concerned with practical self-defence. It is possible to achieve both an early benefit through practise of striking techniques and a long-term benefit through knowledge of the locks, holds and throws.''
Different people find various techniques more appropriate to their own
use, either because of mental attitude or inherent physical constraints,
(many martial arts claim that strength and size are irrelevant and that one
sort of training suits everyone - so why are
all tournaments divided into sex and weight categories ?)
and only by exploring a wide variety of options is it possible to decide
what suits you best as an individual (we also think our large repertoire
is one of the main factors making SulKiDo enjoyable to learn).
We don't do full-contact (ie. knockout) sparring, but plenty of time
is spent on bagwork and partner practise.
Our local instructors have taught self-defence seminars for colleges, womens' groups and departments (assisted by other club members). They have been resident in Oxford for over 20 years, and are both familiar and experienced with the concerns and requirements of students and residents in Oxford.