[SulKiDo] [Korean] [Syllabus] [Grading]

Eui Bok Soo

These are a set of 13 techniques against grabs to clothing. These techniques form part of the green belt grading.

Each technique starts from an initial position of defender and opponent facing each other squarely, with the opponent initially using their left arm to grab part of the attackers clothing on the left side
1 opponent grabs garment at your cuff
2 opponent grabs garment just above your cuff
3 opponent grabs garment at your elbow
4 opponent grabs garment at your upper-arm
5 opponent grabs your shoulder
6 opponent grabs your collar
7 opponent grabs both your lapels
8 opponent grabs material on left side of your chest
9 opponent grabs material at juncture between chest and shoulder
10 opponent grabs your belt (over grip) and pushes.
11 opponent grabs your belt (over grip) and pulls.
12 opponent grabs your belt (under grip) and pushes.
13 opponent grabs your belt (under grip) and pulls.