SulKiDo - A Korean Martial art related to HapKiDo, KukSoolWon and TaeKwonDo
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Handbook Knowledge

On joining the UKSF (United Kingdom SulKiDo Federation) members will recieve a copy of the SulKiDo handbook, which was written by the original (deceased) founder of SulKiDo. In order to grade, members must know the following pieces of information from it: Also commonly asked, though not explicitly written are It isn't necessary to be able to recite everything verbatim, but graded members need to be familiar with the material - and questions about it may be asked during grading exams.

The name of the Club

If asked for the name of the club, reply Oxford SulKiDo Club

The name/title of the Instructor

If asked for the name of your instructor, reply Sa Buem Nim James Courakis, 1st Dan

The members Declaration

The members declaration in the handbook is:

I am a person who wants something,
who believes in himself and others,
and who endures everything.

The members Oath

The members Oath in the handbook is:
  1. Physically, I practise SulKiDo for self-defence, in order to develop integrity and achieve self respect.
  2. Mentally, I practise SulKiDo for self-discipline, in order to improve the ability to communicate and achieve self-awareness.
  3. Spiritually, I practise SulKiDo for self-fulfilment, in order to gain humility by self-control and finally achieve harmony with others.

The Meaning of SulKiDo

The term Sul Ki Do comes from the Korean words

SulKiDo could therefore be summarised as The United Traditional Korean Martial Arts of Power Co-ordination

The Three Principles of SulKiDo

The three principles upon which SulKiDo is based are

  1. The Water Principle
  2. The Circle Principle
  3. The Harmony Principle

The Water Principle: When deflecting the attacker's punch, we are like water which has been penetrated by a stone: no sooner has the stone divided the water than it flows together again to surround and envelop the stone.

The Circle Principle: Instead of blocking the attacker's punch with a direct counterblock, in other words meeting force with force, we would utilise the circular principle and deflect or re-direct the force of the punch.

The Harmony Principle: Even though the force of the punch is directed straight at us, we do not oppose that force but instead go with it. In this way we harmonise with the force, becoming one with it.

The Three Bs of SulKiDo

The three Bs upon which expertise in SulKiDo is founded are:
