[SulKiDo] [Korean] [Syllabus] [Grading]

Jap Ki

These are a set of 20 techniques. These techniques form part of the deputy red belt grading.

Each technique starts from an initial position of attacker and defender standing facing each other.
1 grab their left shoulder with your right hand and their left hand with your left hand, push thumbs into pressure points to break grip then procede as in 1-KiBonSoo
2 grab their left shoulder with your right hand and their left hand with your left hand, push thumbs into pressure points to break grip then procede as in 2-KiBonSoo
3 grab their left shoulder with your right hand and their left elbow with your left hand, push thumbs into pressure points to break grip then procede as in 3-KiBonSoo
4 grab their left shoulder with your right hand and their left hand with your left hand, push thumbs into pressure points to break grip. Holding onto left hand, step forwards with left foot then under their arm by stepping through with right. Bring their hand above their elbow (palm up) then apply pressure to it with right knife-hand.
5 groin throw
6 full-nelson
7 low sweep opponent forwards
8 high scissor throw opponent backward
9 arm tangle
10 arm under left armpit, hand across shoulders, hip throw
11 arm under right armpit, release, reach down and grab their right foot with both hands
12 arm under right armpit, hip throw
13 arm under left armpit, hand vertical, hip throw
14 hook right hand around left side of opponents neck
15 strike under both elbows, push backwards, step forward with left foot and sweep their right leg with your right
16 left hand grabs under opponents right elbow, drop to left knee, pull down and backwards with left hand while pushing up and forwards on their right shin with your right hand.
17 underneath cuff
18 underneath elbow
19 arm-pit
20 shoulder