Each technique starts from an initial position of attacker and defender standing facing each other. The attacker (these techniques are described from the perspective of the attacker) has left side forward, and the defender is in a symmetric stance with right side forward. Hands are held out parallel towards the opponent.
1 | Step to inside (ie. right foot steps forward to move attacker towards front of defender) grasping defenders near wrist with both hands. Take a second step then pivot clockwise and sink to one knee pulling defender round into a one-arm rear breakfall. | |
2 | Skip to outside (ie. left foot moves towards defenders rear side). Left wrist grabs defenders near wrist while doing one-knuckle punch to defender's seratus muscles, step behind defender with right foot and swing left hand anti-clockwise to strike defender's face during step. Take small adjustment step with left foot to get behind defender and lock the grabbed hand behind their back. Use left hand to apply nerve pinch to left side of defenders neck while kicking (gently!) behind their right knee so as to buckle it and force them into a right twisting breakfall. | |
3 | Step to inside. Grasp near wrist with right hand and grasp same-side elbow with left (using a nerve hold). Fold opponents elbow towards them and step through with left foot pushing elbow backwards and up. Pivot clockwise bringing their elbow above shoulder and then use it as a lever to roll opponent backwards. Defender performs a one-handed back breakfall. | |
4 | Skip to outside. Grasp opponent's near wrist with both hands. Step 270 degrees anti-clockwise with right foot and then drop backwards (putting right knee down) to pull opponent down and to their right. Opponent performs a one-handed twisting breakfall. | |
5 | Step to inside. Grasp back of opponents near hand with both both hands, oriented so that all 15 fingers are pointed along the same axis. Twist hand anti-clockwise about wrist and lock arms. Pivot body anti-clockwise on right foot to force opponent to ground using the wrist lock. Opponent performs a one-handed back braekfall. | |
6 | Step to inside. Circle right hand clockwise to catch opponents near hand which is then moved along the same arc. Step through with right leg and use left hand on opponent's elbow (of the arm already being grasped) to force if forwards and down. Opponent performs a front breakfall. | |
7 | Skip to outside. Catch opponents near hand with your left and move it in large clock wise circle ending on your left shoulder. Bring rear right foot forwards towards left foot and use right hand to pull opponents right shoulder forwards and down. Slide both hands towards opponents elbow and pull in till their arm is held vertically against your body. No breakfall. | ![]() |
8 | Step to inside. Swing right hand anti-clockwise to catch opponents near hand and bring it in a circular motion to the same shoulder. Take their same hand with your left hand and simultaneously pull hand away from body along axis of their shoulders while rotating it about that axes and applying force to push it backwards. Opponent performs a one handed back breakfall. | ![]() |
9 | Skip to outside. Grab near hand with your left. Simultaneously sweep opponents near leg with your right, push near shoulder with your right hand and pull the grasped hand with your left. Opponent performs a side breakfall. Finish with kick to arm-pit. | ![]() |
10 | Step to inside, striking opponents near hand away with left knife hand strike. Use right knife hand to strike to left (from your orientation) of opponents neck, slide right hand to crown of head and grasp under chin with left. Pull with right and lever with heel of left hand to rotate head clockwise (gently!) and bring opponent to the floor on your right. Finish by kneeling on jaw pressure point. | |
11 | Step to inside, striking opponents near hand away with left knife hand strike. Use right knife hand to strike to right (from your orientation) of opponents neck, slide right hand to chin and grasp crown of head with left. Pull with left and lever with heel of right hand to rotate head anti-clockwise (gently!) and bring opponent to the floor on your left. Finish by kneeling on jaw pressure point. | |
12 | Step to inside, striking opponents near hand away with left knife hand strike. Place left hand behind opponents back and right on upper centre of chest. Bring left foot up to right then push with right hand while exerting pressure with left to topple opponent backwards into a back breakfall. | |
13 | Skip to outside, grab near hand with left and drop down so right knee touches floor and left knee is behind defender's near knee. Pull grabbed hand while simultaneously striking opponent in stomach or far shoulder to tip them over your knee. Defender does side breakfall. | |
14 | Step to inside turning foot to right and knocking opponents near hand away with left knife hand strike. Step inside with left foot to a position parallel to opponent and grab round their waist with your left arm. Take hold of their left arm with your right hand and execute a hip throw dropping opponent to your left side. | |
15 | Step to inside turning foot to right and knocking opponents near hand away with left knife hand strike. Step inside with left foot to a position parallel to opponent and grab round their waist with your left arm. Hook right hand round their neck and execute a hip throw dropping opponent to your left side. |